The Research Trio Have Been Adopted By A Over Six Foot Tall Poisonous Dragon/lizard- - Tumblr Posts
Primal au headcanons part 1:
Melli or Violet wears a mask and suit designed to look like the land dragon Pokémon Drazzle an extinct Male evolution of Salandit said to be the harbinger of destruction as they only appear when a volcano is about to erupt. Violet does not actually know what species they take the appearance of nor the name of said species but will respond instinctively like a Drazzle to different events.
Violet is large enough and strong enough to carry Fate/mc around with their fangs(mask or normal mouth) the tip of their tail is like a twisted rainbow a feature that while rare in Drazzle signifies a dominant nature.
Violet does not respect Adaman. At all being anywhere remotely near Adaman triggers a severe agressive response that they have acknowledged that Adaman is the only trigger for…. They don’t understand why… | w^rn€d you b¥t ¥ou ¥u*h€d me +s*d£ a^# n*w h€r£ w_ are
Violet does not enjoy being crowded nor random touch or loud noises they will follow those they know around like Fate, Rei, or Akari. Drazzles are a social species and will adopt smaller poison types or other species if given a good enough reason this has held true for Violet as they surprise adopted the research trio on a survey scouting.
Small size + Pokémon masks + small bits of fur/shivering= Small orphaned furless Zoruas that require a warm nest and food
Violet is highly intelligent and adapts quickly in battle to suit their or their hatchlings needs as the parental guardian of three trouble seeking Zoruas, a feral ball of fur of a sylveon, caring for the needs of hundreds of electrodes, and a large out of control lord. Adaptability like theirs is a blessing.
The mask Violet wears acts like an actual Pokémon mouth and face and has basic wood mechanics that allows a fully expressive facial display like anger, fear, surprise, excitement, etc. along with being unable to be destroyed because Diagla puts it back together like how they heal Violet it’s much harder to seperate them enough to reach out and they don’t even know how to reach them.
Diagla favors Violet more than the others because of their size, abilities, and strength and uses them in the duels with their sibling Palkia. Violet can communicate freely with Diagla if they do choose to but most of the time they forget they can do that and it’s just awkward. As the self appointed mother of the furless two legged Zoruas Violet can and will follow their hatchlings everywhere different parts of the region? Definitely. The jubilife village? Oh yeah their there. The ruins??!! Who do you think walked them up there.
Violet is a very good parent and pays attention to their limits they will know when their hatchlings are ready to face the large bowling ball they hid in a tree. But for now they wait and watch. After the memory search request):
Melli can never truly be completely human in the end the instincts and the mental thought process of the land dragon Pokémon has effected them so much deeper than anyone thought… they wear their ear pieces at all times and started styling their hair to match what they had back then it’ll take time for them to feel complete but they’ve waited this long to be woken up from the long nap what’s a few more months