The Road SEEMS Like It's In A Different World But It's Not - Tumblr Posts
[Image description: A photograph of a page from Cormac McCarthy's The Road. A person's thumb is in the corner of the image, holding the book open. The text is in McCarthy's unique style. Although it is entirely dialogue between two characters, there are no quotation marks or dialogue tags, and certain words are deliberately misspelled. It reads:
"lucky again. You'll see. Just go. It's all right.
I cant.
It's all right. This has been a long time coming. Now it's here. Keep going south. Do everything the way we did it.
You're going to be okay, Papa. You have to.
No I'm not. Keep the gun with you at all times. You need to find the good guys but you cant take any chances. No chances. Do you hear?
I want to be with you.
You cant.
You cant. You have to carry the fire.
I dont know how to.
Yes you do.
Is it real? The fire?
Yes it is."
End description.]

The Road by Cormac McCarthy fandom please revive it makes me want to vomit and scream while crying