The Saga Of Doot Doot - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Did you receive the doot doot?, I have mine in the ask box since 2014 but I think this doesn’t work now:(

Since 2014? Wow! 

Oof, unless this ask counts as a doot doot, then no, I haven’t gotten one yet, but I did just reblog the post a couple of hours ago so it could still arrive I guess? *is optimistic in vain even though this probably doesn’t work anymore :)*

(also does this count as a doot doot? I mean ~technically~ there’s a doot doot in the ask... dsalkvnlvvvvd i’m just overthinking this aren’t I)

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4 years ago

the doot doot WORKED! i didn’t get one, but TWO doot doots! My faith in humanity has been restored. 

thanks @headphone-cat​ and anon! doot doot to you too.

here’s the doot doot post if any of you want a doot doot in your inbox too. 

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