The Spindle Trees; Duo Spiritus Iter - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago
text id: I'm no longer looking for you,
because I know where you are,
I'm not losing you anymore,
for I have lost you long ago.
Like an old book, I’m turning your pages—
text id: the cover has faded, has grown old,
how easy it is,
in such an evening hour,
to suffer old miseries,
relive past sorrows,
text id: the bitterness and pain of parting! –

like an aged bird,
I'm tenderly caressing the bars of my cage
with admiration.

"I'm no longer looking for you...", Hovhannes Grigoryan (translated by tathev simonyan)

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8 months ago

I don’t miss my name and I haven’t bothered to replace it. I miss your name. I’m sorry, but I have forgotten it, too. I don’t look for it on the walls. The thought that I might read it and pass it by, just go on to the next name, is terrible. Like meeting you in another life and failing to recognise you.

Anne de Marcken, from It Lasts Forever and Then It's Over

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8 months ago
Edward Munch: Variation On Blossom Of Pain, 1898

Edward Munch: Variation on Blossom of Pain, 1898

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8 months ago
Exquisite 19th-century Seashell Herbarium From The Sold Archive Of My Antique Shop,GHOST ERA ANTIQUES
Exquisite 19th-century Seashell Herbarium From The Sold Archive Of My Antique Shop,GHOST ERA ANTIQUES
Exquisite 19th-century Seashell Herbarium From The Sold Archive Of My Antique Shop,GHOST ERA ANTIQUES

Exquisite 19th-century seashell herbarium from the sold archive of my antique shop, GHOST ERA ANTIQUES

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7 months ago
July Evening In The Garden. Vrmland, Sweden (July 3, 2021).
July Evening In The Garden. Vrmland, Sweden (July 3, 2021).
July Evening In The Garden. Vrmland, Sweden (July 3, 2021).

July evening in the garden. Värmland, Sweden (July 3, 2021).

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7 months ago
The Center Of Every Poem Is This. For @diwalis.
The Center Of Every Poem Is This. For @diwalis.
The Center Of Every Poem Is This. For @diwalis.
The Center Of Every Poem Is This. For @diwalis.
The Center Of Every Poem Is This. For @diwalis.
The Center Of Every Poem Is This. For @diwalis.
The Center Of Every Poem Is This. For @diwalis.
The Center Of Every Poem Is This. For @diwalis.
The Center Of Every Poem Is This. For @diwalis.
The Center Of Every Poem Is This. For @diwalis.

the center of every poem is this. for @diwalis.

marie howe, walking home / amal el-mohtar & max gladstone, this is how we lose the time war / rabindranath tagore, unending love / preserved couple from pompeii / robert james waller, the bridges of madison county / audrey niffenegger, the time traveller’s wife / photograph from the 1940s / vladimir nabokov, letters to véra / lemony snicket, the beatrice letters / lyndsay faye, the king of infinite space / marina tsvetaeva, no one has taken anything away

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7 months ago

“If you remember me, then I don’t care if everyone else forgets.”

— Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore

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7 months ago
- .

- 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚣𝚊𝚋𝚎𝚝𝚑 𝚜.

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7 months ago
text id: Does it hurt? -  the doctor asked,
examining in bewilderment
the flower that’d sprouted
directly in my heart—
a delicate flower with white petals,
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which I noticed suddenly
one morning,
while shaving before the mirror,
bare to the waist, cautiously drawing 
the razor along my cheek.
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The flower's pale petals stood out
amidst the black hair on my chest,
so fragile
I feared touching them—
lest they fall off…
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"At this age and in such winter's chill?"
pondered another doctor,
who had been called from a distant country,
where it's said to be a common occurrence
to see people on the streets
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completely covered in flowers...
"True, but in that country, it's eternal spring,
the weather is always rainy and warm,"
remarked the botanist, and,
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inspecting the flower
under a magnifying glass, went on,
"This is your last flower.
You must not let it wither,
otherwise, you yourself will wither with it.
text id: 
keep it safe from evil eye and evil thorn,
and water it three times a day..."
...And when they all left, and I, once again,
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stood before the mirror
to finish shaving, I distinctly heard
the flower say,
"I will wither if love dries up in your heart,
and I will die, you hear me?"
text id: 
the flower's voice grew louder,
"and if another flower blooms in your heart,
I am warning you, you will die with me,
text id: 
and we will be buried
under the same grave mound—
lost amidst the flowers."

"Does it hurt?", Hovhannes Grigoryan (translated by Tathev Simonyan)

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7 months ago

from cineseizure ig: hon dansade en sommar - she danced for a summer (arne mattsson, 1951)

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7 months ago
Will You Meet Me In The Ancient Trees,, ?
Will You Meet Me In The Ancient Trees,, ?

will you meet me in the ancient trees,, ?

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