The Walten Files Jophie - Tumblr Posts
So i watched walten files
And Sophie is the only motherfuker i can trust in these tiring times.... because so far she's the only one who's face and or voice i am not terrified of u__u
*cough cough* she said as she was drawing Sophie with her dad's smile *cough*
Shut up me!!! So far it wasn't in the show so she didn't freak me out!! >:((
Yes I'm scared of Jenny her smile is weird and she's looking right into my soul
Mmm she snoozing
Sophie keeps falling asleep during the day because of her night terrors
hello and welcome to hallo-binge
you might be asking “what the hell is a Hallobinge?” well it’s simple
you draw fanarts of stuff you like to watch during halloween
you post doodles of one movie/show/game/book/podcast/whatever every day during the last week of october so 7 different drawings of stuff you like tp watch during halloween.
am i compensating the fact i miserably failed inktober this year? ….maybe a little wot are u a cop
but i also bet big rush of “must watch all my favorite stuff!!! N O W!!” every october so yeah.
if anyone is reading this feel free to join me
anyways for first day i chose The walten files
Sophie and Jenny contenty beloved
I am months late with redrawing this part of the hidden messages
Yes i am a basic bicch that found out about through matpat sue me ú_ù;;
Felix did an oopsie
Click for better quality
Sophie using her intimidating stare to stand up for her girlfriend
I like to imagine Sophie is not at all confrontational. Normally she's very socially awkward and quiet. But when someone has any comments targeted towards Jenny all hell breaks. Not that Jenny needs protector but she's getting one anyway.
I saw the meme months ago and immediately thought of this but I’ve only now gotten around to actually drawing it…..please b nice about the multicoloured lines I’ve never never tried it idk what I’m doing yet