They Are Human Too - Tumblr Posts
You defend them a lot, will you ever admit when they do something wrong? V going live like that was reckless, Jungkook not talking about V is not right. If we don't call them out for that things might go very wrong for them.
Excuse me anon! I will absolutely defend them from these takes I've seen go around the last week and even from before. They have done nothing wrong! A huge problem in this fandom is that members have so little room to exhibit just normal human behavior. Everything they do is being magnified to this huge problem, when in reality they are just living their lives. They commit no crimes, they are not hatefull, they are considerate, they are oftentimes way too kind to annoying fans, they are respectfull, they give army so much of themselves and it is somehow not ever enough. They have to put up with people telling them they do something wrong when they don't. What is the actual wrong they do? Like seriously, put it in words, translate it to normal behavior... and what is it that is so wrong that it is deserving of your judgement? Tae and Jk are grown men. They do not need fandom to tell them what they can and cannot do, or how they should behave.
Do they have some sort of responsibility to behave 'better' because they are famous rolemodels? I do think so to some extent. It's why I don't like the referrals to dieting much for instance. But they uphold that role very well in general. They are always telling army to take care of themselves, both mentally and physically. That responsibility does not however take away from their right to live their lives. To judge for themselves what they feel they can do. They are already so cautious in everything they do, please allow them their freedom when they feel fit.
No one is beyond critisism, but I think fandom should absolutely check themselves in deciding what is actually worthy of critisism.