They Are The Ones Who Need More Money - Tumblr Posts
So someone stole the mounting pole that we use to dispense poop bags for dogs at one of the parks and I'm off-season so its none of my business. Except that someone posted about it on the community facebook group and said: "There's a lot of shady stuff that's going on there. I always thank the police when they drive through."
You thank the police? You thank the police why?
The police aren't the ones that replace the pole and the police aren't the ones that replace the tiny free library that someone set fire to, that's US. That's the parks people. Parks and Rec are the people you should be thanking. Only thing the police do are sit on their asses and watch people speeding down the street and not catch them.
"There should be plenty of money for security cameras with the police budget" YES! There is! But the police don't pay for the security cameras at the parks.
You know who pays for parks security cameras?
Parks and Rec pays for security cameras at the parks.
If you give money to the police for security cameras at the parks they'll grind it up into a fine powder and snort it with a hundred dollar bill that you also gave them just for being cops.
And I also don't want security cameras at the parks. People should allowed to just exist. Like I don't give a fuck if someone is sleeping on the bench up by the playground- he's literally 50 feet away from any kids and goddamn just let the man sleep.
"Always thank the cops?" For why? They didn't stop them from stealing the pole, either.