They Belong Together - Tumblr Posts
I LoVe them!!! 💚💛💚💛🥹

from this week
I interpret the coffee shop scene in S2 Ep 1 a bit differently than what I’ve read.
I don’t see jealousy at all.

This seems like a surprised reaction from Crowley. (Astonishment maybe?) Aziraphale got called out by Nina, and is clearly uncomfortable. Crowley could tell.
So later in their conversation, he teases Aziraphale, questioning why they aren’t in the bookshop.

But Crowley only wants to help Aziraphale. He knows the “something’s wrong” voice, is concerned and wants to find out what has upset Aziraphale.
When they go back to the bookshop, they’re in “us” mode, and Crowley casually holds the plate of eccles cakes while Aziraphale unlocks the shop. No signs of jealousy.

Once they enter the shop, Crowley tells Aziraphale that something a bit weird is going on with his old lot. No mention of a naked man. Our favorite demon is confused when Aziraphale says he might have an idea of what’s going in and calls for Jim.

Side note: How adorable is this? ❤️
I don’t think jealousy is even on the agenda. Aziraphale and Crowley know each other. They trust each other. It doesn’t even seem like it would cross either of their minds that anyone could interfere with the bond they have. Everyone else is in the periphery. It’s always just them. The group of the two of them.
I agree 100% with this! They literally raised children together when they were younger <33
top 5 reasons i ship tillchard and why you should, too!
note: I've been shipping them for about 10 years now, therefore I'm a professional in this field. Tillchard expert, you could say.
Number 1 and the most important one: they have the wildest history together. All the shit they've done side by side. I'm sure it's safe to say out of all the rammstein members these two have the strongest bond and i live for it.
Second reason is more personal but...: aesthetically wise they look like they're made for each other. okay this one is a reach but hear me out... they look like married old dads. like the couple that's been together longer than you're on earth. Plus they're really sweet. The fluff trope personalized. Literally. People saying that they would be abusive need to stfu and actually read their history together, going back to reason 1.
Reason three and my favorite tbh but don't call me out: the songs. i sent the text to my friend and she thought i was confessing my feelings. it's gay. and there's nothing wrong about it, I'm gay too so that's the perfect match. (Gay as in lesbian, but that wouldn't be funny enough)
Reason four! Ta da.: they wanted to create a duo band, which is what emigrate was supposed to be, and in my humble opinion we've been robbed. It would have been so cool but eh whatever. There is just something sweet about wanting to create a ban together. Just the two of you.
Reason five which kinda ties into the reason one but elaborates on it.: they lived together. Basically raised a kid together. Kira has Till's surname literally (for another reason but ignore that for the sake of my point). Till gave Richard names and also Zven wanted him to be in the band assuring him for like 3 days or something don't quote me on that.
and the next one is a bonus reason. why? cause I'm not sure how truthful it is. I read somewhere that "Stirb nicht vor mir" was also meant to be sang by them. Don't take my word for it though.
Anyway that's not all the reasons, but the main ones for sure. At least for me. Thanks for coming to my rammstein history lesson, which is just as surface level as school ones are. Don't hold me accountable for what i said, but if you have questions, ask away, i guess. No that's not an invitation to debate my words. Why? Cause I'm always right. And that's all i gotta say, wise words from Fel.

a kinda more than ok dad

I fucking adore him so much omg
We need more heavy appreciation in the world
(More freedraw help me dear god)
(Medic is thinking “never leave my mind” if it’s unclear to read)