They Love You Fr Fr - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Hey everyone! Know I don’t post that much, but I just wanted to share something real quick

The gods love you! And ofc you hear that everywhere, but it really is true. I’m gonna share my experience for all the people who struggle with their thoughts and mental health

So, I haven’t been doing the best for the past month or so, and me not doing well added onto to what I’m about tell you. So a couple days ago, I got into a stupid argument, and during the argument a lot of hurtful stuff was thrown at me. Now, I knew I wasn’t in the wrong in the argument and that the hurtful things weren’t true, but they still really got to me. I then fell down the hole of self hatred and it got to the point where I was trying to convince myself that even the gods hated me. Obviously this isn’t true and I knew that, but a part of me was like “what if?” For a couple days, I stayed like that and didn’t reach out to anyone, not even my deities I worship (dw they get on me for that all the time lol). A couple days later, I started feeling better, and I thought that it would never be brought up. But today actually, I decided to (finally) get a message from Lord Ares (just a regular devotee monthly message) and even though I never even mentioned how I was feeling, Lord Ares went out his way to comfort me and tell me that he doesn’t hate me and comfort me on some other things I was worried about. Again, I never told him that I was feeling that way.

All that to say, your gods truly love and care about you. This isn’t the first time this has happened either. When I’ve been down in the past, all my deities have gone out their way to reach out to me and let me know that they are there.

Your deities watch over you, even when you don’t know! I personally don’t believe that the gods are omnipotent, but I believe that they generally know what is going on with you, especially ones you are closer with/ have more Kharis with.

Your deities love you, care about you, and watch out for you! And don’t let anyone (including your thoughts) tell you different!

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1 year ago

I am still baffled that deities love me.

Low self-worth is not news for most of us, but it is easy to justify when a human friend likes or loves you, or shows kindness; they have blind spots, they're flawed, they just don't see how bad you really are, they're just too nice, on and on. Anything to argue that you are not actually worth something.

And then there's a god. This entity that is supposed to possess the wisdom of ages to an extent we can't comprehend, that has all the ability to swat you away and not want to touch you with a ten foot pole. They are good judges and in positions of power. But they like you.

How do you argue? How do you find a flaw in their logic? Where is their blind spot? They see you fully and they like what they see. You're lovable even in the eyes of divinity.

Maybe you are worth more than you think.

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