They Mean Something Different To Everyone - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

There’s a popular post going around that’s like “well tone indicators are helpful for people for anxiety because some people need stuff like “ /nm (not mad)” or “ /nbh (nobody here)” and I absolutely get it because I have an anxiety disorder but like. You can very much add that on the text of a message itself and it will be way more clear and accessible than expecting them to memorize this whole new fabricated code. 

Which one do you think will be clearer, faster to understand, and more direct to the point:

“oh my god someone is pissing me off /nbh”

“oh my god someone (not from this server, don’t worry) is pissing me off”


“have you done the dishes? /nm

“have you done the dishes? don’t worry, im not mad, just wondering”

You can be mindful of someone else’s needs and talk to them in a way that is respectful and understanding of those needs. The key is communication. Expecting people to memorize a lot of abbreviations is like the contrary of accessible.

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