8 months ago

@babydxhl sorry not sorry šŸ¤·

Even in a city full of psychopaths, Anne somehow manages to stand out. At least right now thereā€™s a fair reason for it: no one sits or idles at her booth, despite the place being jam-packed. And itā€™s not because of the blood or the broken glass, but because of the way Anne had calmly reached up and smashed a manā€™s face into the table, causing the blood and the broken glass. His weak moans have long since faded, having been dragged out halfway to unconsciousness by the security Anneā€™s surprised to learn is actually here.

The problem with standing out is that she isnā€™t supposed to do that yet. Her job was to work her way inside of the Iceberg Lounge, scope the place out, and find a new friend for Jack. Someone suitable to their causeā€”tough, unfucked with, and looking to raise a little hell. Jackā€™s exact words had been to find ā€œthe craziest, best-known psycho in townā€ and arrange a meeting for him. Anneā€¦was reconsidering things now. Quite a lot of things. Including Jack.

Sheā€™s knows the feeling of eyes on her because they so seldom are. Even when sheā€™d been dolling out the what-for for the fuck-nut whoā€™d copped a feel, people hadnā€™t looked; acts of violence were common here, even if the woman engaging in them was not. (Truthfully, she had been mistaken for another femme fatale altogether from the back, and so most people looked pointedly anywhere else to avoid the ire of the woman she wasnā€™t.)

Anne looks up and meets those eyes head-on, her expression dispassionate and uninterested, though her look becomes somewhat pinched at the brow as she takes a lookā€”a real lookā€”at the person staring back her.

Christ Almighty, but Gotham takes ā€˜em young! She takes another swig directly from the whisky bottle before thumping it back down on the table.

ā€œIā€™d offer ye a glass, but half of itā€™s stuck in some arseholeā€™s face. Arenā€™t ye a bit young tā€™be fuckin about in a place like this?ā€

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