This Became A Rant Sorry Lol - Tumblr Posts
dude, i love neige, (not as much as i love some of the main boys *cough rook*) but i think most of the hate stems from the fact that he doesn't have all that much to him other than he's nice and was hinted at to have a rough home life.
maybe if we get more lore and character on him, the hate will lessen, idk
I saw a lot of people that say that Vil is more pretty than Neige, and I have the impression to be the only one that prefer Neige/find Neige more pretty than Vil.
Like, yeah, Vil is pretty, it's a fact. But I find Neige more pretty, and i'm scare to tell it to people cause a lot of people hate Neige.
And why people hate Neige ?? Like, man have done nothing except be here, be pretty and cute, dance with friends, so why ?
Look at that cute man, how people can hate him ???