This Genre Is Undeniably My Fav Lol - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago

Husband One looks to me for confirmation, no doubt skeptical of the party line. These days, only fools speak freely among strangers. I nod yes, but do not elaborate. What do I care about the dilution of our blood and the increasing complexity of our society when my most basic need for a wife and child is not met?

An Excess Male by Maggie Shen King. Harper Voyager. 2017. 

A dystopian novel depicting the consequences of China’s infamous One Child Policy and traditional preference for male heirs, An Excess Male is the poignant, deceptively matter-of-fact debut novel of Taiwan-born author and current San Francisco Bay Area resident Maggie Shen King. 

Over 40 million eligible bachelors find themselves without wives and abilities to pass down family names to children, one of the most crucial parts of patriarchal marriage customs, leading to the creation of Advanced Families with a hierarchy of multiple husbands for one woman. Wei-guo meets May-ling, aspiring to be her Husband Three after establishing a mutual rapport and comfort he had never felt with anyone else. The complex intersections between politics and love, state and family, and patriotism and belief climax as Wei-guo faces challenges, rebellion, and the quaking boldness of personal resolve. 

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