This Is One Of My Favorites - Tumblr Posts

Joy to the World, the Lord is come!

Let earth receive her King;

Let every heart prepare Him room,

And Heaven and nature sing,

And Heaven and nature sing,

And Heaven, and Heaven, and nature sing.

Joy to the World, the Savior reigns!

Let men their songs employ;

While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains

Repeat the sounding joy,

Repeat the sounding joy,

Repeat, repeat, the sounding joy.

He rules the world with truth and grace,

And makes the nations prove

The glories of His righteousness,

And wonders of His love,

And wonders of His love,

And wonders, wonders, of His love.

Joy to the World, the Lord is come!

Since Christmas songs have yet been forbidden may I just take this time to say instead that the winter dies with a blast of icy wind and with a mournful cry it’s giving up the ghost again. Another sheet of snow melts away to gold and green. Look at Peter go, he’s racing to the tomb to see.

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1 year ago
Crested Serpent Eagle (Spilornis Cheela), Family Accipitridae, Sundrbon, West Bengal, India

Crested Serpent Eagle (Spilornis cheela), family Accipitridae, Sundàrbon, West Bengal, India

photograph by DrAbhijit Bagui

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1 year ago
Art By Efferwescent

Art by efferwescent

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7 months ago

Can you put Eddie in his own lunchbox, please?

Can You Put Eddie In His Own Lunchbox, Please?

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