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there will be a moment when you realize you are more grown up than your parents are. this is the loss of childhood, my love. it is when you’re standing in the kitchen and one of your parents is screaming about something and you recognize: you will let them win the fight not because you are wrong, but simply because you know that they will keep shouting unless you drop the subject. you expect them to have childish understandings of things. they will hold onto their concept of the world as if it was not a changing thing. they must be right, and they must be somehow more right than you, always, in everything. their idea of control is so necessary to who they are that you just let it go.
this is the moment. you are 11 or 17 or 21. and you realize that you’re more mature than they ever were.
and in some odd, sad way, this frees you. where they have stagnated, you continue.
Heyy can you do venus in shatabhisha as well?
Btw we're gonna miss you sooo much when you're gone but at least it's for a good reason, I hope you have a good one💕
Thank you sweetums, I will miss you too, much love and hugsss
Shatabhisha Venus

To catch a Shatabhisha's venus attention to be considered a suitor, you must have some quirks. Something about you that makes them interested.
Shatbhisha has a habit of being interested in many things, they thrive on mental stimulation so someone with a story or a character or just the extreme opposite of them is someone that can attract their attention. Someone opposite gives them the right kind of mystery they need to be with someone, seeing this as opportunity to gain something new.
Conversations are really important for them, discussions on anything is where they would want to be with you. Can be someone Calling you late at night to discuss a movie theory.
It's not difficult to keep them interested but rather how to keep them, they are laid back people, don't put too much expectations on people per se or as they will claim but they certainly ask for it.
Things is with rahu as lord and that too in aquarius, they are fearlessly independent, which makes them not wanting to settle, they don't mind being single because relationship is not the end all of human life.
Rahu can often cause them insecurities as well in relationship, because they can put too much expectations on their potential lovers, they also assume they may lack in certain areas and would somehow also try to make themselves more attractive option to romantic interests, because the rejection is something they wouldn't be able to handle well if underdeveloped.
They can often get detached from the partner, or they are the one of the most Unconventional romantic partner you can ask for, their lovers can often be disappointed in the romance department due to their lack of interest/knowledge of what would be considered romantic, that being said this doesn't mean they are inconsiderate of their partner and are emotionless, they are persistent and if communicated they will make sure to not you let down.
Rahu nakshtara in venus is no doubt someone that will give their all in love and desires, and if they are with you they will make sure to actually put efforts in things that may even seem out of the ordinary for them.
This is someone who enjoys consuming media with their partner and talking about it and actually make couples that watch shows together. They are someone who will sit with you even through a bad movie just because you want to watch it.
They can be a little too direct at times, saying even the things their partner may not appreciate, because they want honest communication always.
They are not the most emotionally open especially intially, so it's may get hard to open them. They would be more attracted to people that are emotionally mature, have a sense of responsibility, independence and has their own life than be the couple that's always together.
A good date for them can involve helping others and doing volunteer work and they really appreciate people that are into humanitarian work, they can be attracted to them as well
Quality time is a significant love language. Not the length of time you spend together but how you spend it.
Their partner often take on some of their habits and eventually they can be someone that's at same wavelength with their partners, like the things you can't say out loud because it's insensitive or too weird to say then they'll go home one of them blurts it and other be like "right?!"
They can keep some things secretive from Partners or hide part of themselves, again they can be emotionally unavailable at times.
Spending time doing nerve supressing substances can be a thing, spending your time under the sky also.
Guillermo del Toro’s last five films have been:
1. A dark fairy tale as a metaphor for the effects of war on children, set in the midst of the Spanish Civil War 2. A superhero movie that features a war between mankind and magical creatures 3. An action movie where the heroes have to share their minds and bond emotionally so they can punch aliens from the sea better. Also Charlie Day is a scientist. 4. Basically what would happen if all three Bronte sisters got hammered and wrote a book with Lord Byron. and 5. An adorable woman falls in love with a fish man. Not a merman. A FISH MAN.
No one in Hollywood is having more fun.