This So Cuteee - Tumblr Posts
after a long day is over, i’ll be next to you

pairing: non-idol!the8 x fem!reader
genre: fluff
word count: 1.1k~
warnings: implications of reader not having good relationships in the past (although whether familial/romantic is left vague). food mentions, vaguely. reader being a lil bit of a sappy crybaby bc me <3
daisy’s notes: im an acts of service bitch through n through… its a curse sometimes tbh i just need to feel needed

Minghao considered himself to be someone who could hide things from you pretty well when it came to your birthday. Although he never hid big things–no big surprise parties with friends and family, no huge presents to knock you off your feet–he liked being more laid-back when it came to things. Last year, he’d been pushed by his friends to do something more than the casual dinner he had planned (stargazing with a little scavenger hunt to lead you to him via multiple balloons), and this year… Well. This year felt harder to define. Should he do more? Less? You weren’t big on celebrating, sure, but last year had been a delightful surprise for you. Were you expecting the same of him this year?
That was the hard thing about surprises: Do you continue to try and top them, or do you accept each memory as something individually special on its own? If nothing else, his friends would always have conflicting answers that’d leave him mildly frustrated enough to decide he’ll handle it on his own.
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