This Totally Wasn't An Excuse For Me To Combine My Two Favorite Animals Into One - Tumblr Posts
I am thinking about making a collection of various creatures (which will be called "Cryptids") I come up with. I made this one a while back and I like it very much :)

Number: # 0001
Species Name: Dracotty
Diet: Omnivore (mainly meat)
Height: 1'4" (43 cm)
Found In: Villages, towns and farms
Entry: "Those who aren't familiar with Dracotties (or with any other Cryptid for that matter) may mistake them for an overgrown lizard. Playful and mischievious, a Dracotty is the equivalent to a house cat. They possess scales that can vary in color from deep emerald to vibrant sapphire. These reptilian creatures have a behavior similar to a feline. They are very agile, they love jumping from tall objects such as cat trees, climb stuff and rub their bodies against their owner's legs. Like a cat, Dracotties can also 'loaf'.
Dracotties are known to steal food and hide it, as well as knowing how to get and even open kitchen drawers, cupboards and cabinets. Farmers often use these creatures to scare away crop-eating Cryptids and pests. These creatures are great companions for cat and reptile lovers."