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titty kitty milk - hybrid!myg x reader
This is a collab with @kittymyg :) you can read her version here.
cw// lactation kink
Soft, warm, squishy.
Laying in your shared bed while resting against your triple d's was heaven in itself for Yoongi.
You had been married to Yoongi, a Japanese Bobtail cat hybrid, for five years, and you both cherished every second of it.
He loved rubbing his head against your lactating chest, and sometimes if he was really good you would allow him a few mouthfuls of your milk as a special treat.
You were still asleep, and he had just woken up, and seeing how you were both naked from the previous nights activities, he saw it as an open invitation for some milk.
He moved himself so that while you were asleep on your back, he was laying on top of you facing you, at eye level with your left tit.
He latched onto you, and had swallowed only a few mouthfuls of your sweet milk, when you grabbed him by the nape of his neck, effectively making his whole body go slack, including his mouth. The milk that was in his mouth was spilled out, running out of his mouth and down his face onto you.
You let go of his nape and he begins to cough up what little milk he managed to choke on.
He sits up and manages to wheeze out a, "What was that for?".
"Thats for drinking my milk before your own children get their breakfast. That's why.", You say while climbing out of bed and tugging a pair of shorts on while Yoongi still sputters on the remains of milk in his throat.
You don't even bother putting a shirt on as you walk to the next room, the nursery that held your eight month old triplets, Suan, Soyeon, and Suji, one of them still asleep, and two of which at the sight of you began mewling out of hunger.
You take the two crying hybrid children out of the shared crib, and carry them over to the rocking chair with the intent of nursing them.
You sit yourself down, and they imediately begin suckling your milk as if it was their last meal.
You knew Yoongi liked your milk, but to drink your milk before your children did was a big no-no. If you were to let him, he would keep drinking your milk even if he was already full, and leave none for your children. He kept insisting that you should feed them a formula instead of your milk so he could have you all to himself, and you had tried that, only to be met with resistance when the triplets absolutely refused to drink it.
Yoongi walked in the nursery, and sat down on the couch by the rocking chair. After a few minutes, he looked over at you, down to your feeding children, then back up to you and had the audacity to whisper-ask, "Are they almost done?".
To which you lovingly elbow him in the ribs and chuckled quietly to yourself.
"I think so, they're beginning to nod off, and Suan's still asleep."
He nods.
A minute later, they've both been burped, and are now asleep.
You both walk back to the bedroom, Yoongi hot on your heels. You sit up in bed and he immediately jumps to your side latching himself on your right tit this time, happily purring while getting some milk.
A minute or so later, you hear mewling from the nursery, and he grumbles out a, "You gotta be kidding me.", while you get up again to feed the crying child, and at this point, he feels like he wants to start crying.