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The Twins

The Cousins

━━ ✦ ( @survivics ) said :
“I’ve got your back. Remember that?” (Sakura for Mayaken)

❝ A little reminder doesn't hurt. ❞ He said as he held her close to his side, arm around her waist. ❝ How about a kiss with that? That would really give me strength. ❞ Was he nervous, sure, but would that keep him from kissing his girlfriend, never.
Listening to him, Mayaken kept busy by wiping the counter. Trying to not make it so obvious that he was really just there to keep talking to Michael. He found the singer so appealing both in personality and physically. ❝ I have, my sister goes there with her friends. I heard it's nice.❞ That made him feel awkward and lame to say. Most of what he knew about town was from second-hand stories from his twin. Alejandra was always the one willing to do anything once while Mayaken rather played things safe.
❝Oh, no. It's okay. Please. ❞ Mayaken was stumbling over words unsure of how to answer. He wished that his cousin Adan or even his twin would be there to help lead the conversation as they usually did. The thought of a packed club wanting to eat something did also sound like a good prospect. He'd have to think it over, it did help that he had Michael's number now.
The small blush on his cheeks turned redder and spread at the thought of hanging out with Michael without work. When was the last time he had gone out at all? ❝ Maybe. I'm not a very good dancer though. ❞ Why was he bringing up dancing? Michael had not mentioned dancing, he was most likely inviting him to see his band perform again. Uggg, why was he life this?
"This is the first time we've played this gig, but I'm betting it wont be the last. We regularly play shows at Jacks', the club downtown? Don't know if you've heard of it. The owner is a super good friend, so we always have a place to play." He purses his lips, though it quickly turns into a giddy grin. He found the other's flustered red cheeks cute, the fact that he stumbled over his words made it all that more endearing.
"Hey, you want me to talk to Jackson for you? Maybe you could pull p there sometime. Get a chance for new customers. Everyone's always looking for good food around the area anyway. I can promise you all the staff would eat this up. The place is usually packed."
"Even if you don't want to bring the truck, you should come out on a night off~ It's a pretty fun time, I promise...." he paused on briefly. "I'll even make sure the bouncers let you in~!" Of course he was joking on the last part. While Jackson had security, they hardly turned anyone away unless they were underage or already too plastered to function.
The blush that came to his cheeks was so red, it could rival the tomatoes he had chopped. He had to turn and look away for a moment, not used to being the one people flirted with. Michael was flirting, right? Before he could second guess himself, he turned back to Michael and smiled as he watched him dance around to the music being played. ❝ I might be hard to teach, I have two left feet. ❞
Nodding, he agreed. ❝ Okay, I'll consider it. ❞
Asking his sister if he could tag along was not something he usually did. But knowing that she was heading to the club that Michael's band would be playing at, he wanted to go. He was too inverted to go on his own, so having Ale by his side to help seemed like a great thing. It was something he was grateful for the moment they entered.
There was people everywhere and while it didn't make him uncomfortable, he also wasn't relaxed. But soon he began to follow a familiar voice to see Michael and his band performing on the stage.
"You're in luck then, I also teach dance classes." He gave the other a wink. "I could teach you. I wont even charge. Besides, dancing is more about having fun than being good anyway."
Michael couldn't help but dance a little in place to the other band that had begun to play, albeit in a bit of a silly manner. "I bet you do better than you give yourself credit for."
"You think about it, okay? You know how to reach me if you want to take me up on that offer, alright, Hun? No pressure, but I promise it will be fun."

Mayaken had felt so out of place. So many people. So many sounds. While it felt nice to be out and about, it just served to remind him just how much more isolated he was over his sister. Looking over at her she was already talking with some other people making quick friends. He had on many occasions tried to be as social as his twin but his self conciousness of being judged over his accent always kept him from being as easy going as her.
Knowing that he wouldn't fit in with his sister and her new friends, he made his way through the crowd towards where the stage was to find the only reason he had come here. Michael. And the moment he did he couldn't help but smile as he watched him up there. God, he was so confident and effortlessly cool. As the next song came up and Michael began to point to him, his cheeks began to redden and he felt his skin began to heat up, when he got over the initial shock, he smiled and waved. Chalking up the actions as just him letting him know that he saw him in the audience and being flirty like his sister usually was with people. Before he knew it he was swaying along to the music with everyone else having a genuine good time and glad he had come along.

Michael was singing his heart out as he always did, dancing about stage. He just so happened to spot a Mayaken in the crowd just as he was about to start his next song. He decided he'd have a little fun with it. He had a feeling he'd get a fun reaction out of the man.
"Yeah yeah yeah yeah, Yeah yeah yeah yeah, I'd like to say for the record that I like how you walk, And how the other girls all shut their mouths and when you talk And your body's so black and your mind is too, I wanna make a good connection when I plug into you...~"
He gave a wicked sort of playful grin, pointing at him during the last line of the first few verses. He gave a wink and continued on with the song. He'd periodically look over every now and again, seeing if Mayaken was still there.

Hearing the other's accent made Mayaken relax instantly. He smiled over at his cousin's friend and said a small hello as he politely greeted the newcomer. While he was not one for making new friends, he wouldn't be rude either. Any friend of his cousins, was welcomed. As he listened to the two he busied himself by making sure the station before them was clean and ready to go for whatever they were making that class.

"That's what I was telling, Mayaken! Vegan can be delicious and maybe incorporating something like that can bring new customers to the truck."
Before Adan could continue on his plans for change, the instructor came in. Clapping her hands she let them know that if anyone had a nut allergy for it to be known now as they would be making a vegan mushroom walnut bolognese for that evenings class.
Mayaken stood at attention, ready to follow instructions to a t, while Adan just smiled at his friend standing between the two of them. "Sounds interesting."

Having shuffled off his coat, Rodrigo was looking to a grab an apron to pull over his head when he was called. He turned with a smile, instantly recognised the voice of his cooking buddy Adan. He made a real life friend! Someone should be proud! He forewent the apron and hurried over to join Adan at the countertop. "Oh, cool, nice to meet you! Adan's mentioned you a couple times." Even though Rodrigo had been in the states for a number of years, he hadn't quite adopted the full American accent, some of his words still had interesting pronounciations where he emphasised the wrong syllable or said things the wrong way.
"Really? You know, I dreamt about that lasanga afterwards and I wish I was kidding." He at least got a chuckle out of it all. "Even got my mãe to acknowledge it was good. I'll never hear it again but it was worth it!"

There was no other way to describe how he felt but electrifying. Mayaken let the infectious reverie be something he caught willingly. bouncing along with the rest of them to the music, cheering and clapping loudly as they finished their set. Watching Michael perform again, albeit a bigger venue with a crowd, was a thrill. It was better than sitting at home, he began to see why his sister loved going out.
Assuming that Michael would have better things to do, friends to hang out with, or perhaps something else to do now that his set was over, Mayaken began to look for his twin to see if she was still around. Only to find Michael in front of him, yet again, a smile came to Mayaken's face. "I know, sorry. You were fantastic up there!"
The thought of spending some time with Michael sounded promising. Michael was after all the only reason he had come out here tonight. "Yeah, sure." Grabbing his phone from his pocket, he sent a message to his sister making sure that she knew where he was. Alejandra would call the National Guard if she began to look for him and couldn't find him. "Coming," he smiled following after Michael, staying as close as he could to not lose him in the crowds. "Are you sure no one will miss you down here? Don't want to take you away from anyone."

When the set was finished, Michael practically leapt off the stage and made his way through the audience. He made B line, as best he could, to get to where Mayaken was, or where he last saw him anyway. He hoped he hadn't run off.
"Hey! You finally decided to come to one of my shows!! What took you so long, huh?" He teased rather playfully, giving him a pat on the shoulder, just for point of contact in the crowd. At least it would be less difficult for them to get separated in the shuffle of people, especially since another band was about to play.
"You wanna go get some air?" He asked, pointing up towards the roof of the club, mostly because he could use some fresh air himself after moving around on stage all night. He needed to cool off. "C'mon...!" He gave the other a little nidge suggesting he should follow him.

Mayaken felt giddy to be quite honest, as he moved through the throngs of people behind Michael. Being led away like Eurydice behind Orpheus. He needed to stop this, he was getting to wrapped up in this, in Michael. He always fell hard for anyone who made an effort to get to know him, to make him feel included, and this was no different. Michael was handsome and exciting and he would let Michael wrap him up into his whirlwind until he decided he was done with Mayaken. It's how it always went.
Stepping out onto the roof top something seemed sweeter about the air. Maybe it was because he was sharing this space with Michael, maybe it was because he felt so dizzy after pushing through the crowds of people, whatever the case was, the air made him feel a bit more awake. Alive almost.
"It is," Mayaken agreed as he looked out to the city. " Beautiful, I mean." Sitting near Michael but not quite towards the edge like the other had. He was brave but not that brave. "I never thought of the lights like that before." But then smiled over at Michael. "But I do like stars a lot more, just a preference."
Liking how Michael looked with the city in the background like this he couldn't help but ask. "Is it okay if I take your picture? It's just nice." His words began to escape him again trying to figure out what to say. Nervous again. "It's okay, if not."

"Nah, no one's gonna miss me, don't worry about that." He said over his shoulder, leading the other through the staff doors and up a staircase until they reached the roof. Truth be told he usually had a bad habit of running off with a guy after a show anyway. It was something the band and the club owner had come to expect.
Once out in the open air, he took a deep breath in through his nose and released it with a sigh, letting all of the tension out of his body, almost twirling in a half circle as he turned to face Mayaken.
"It's a pretty nice night." He grinned. "Not too hot up here... A little peace and quiet." He walked backwards for a moment or two, only turning around once he came close to the edge of the roof, sitting on the raised ledge. "And a pretty damn good view of the city. People can complain all they want about not seeing the stars, but... I think the building lights have their own twinkle to em'."

Mayaken let a small amused huff out at his comment. There was something to be said for the time he had spent together with Michael. He knew he had changed, he no longer wanted to spend his nights at home alone. He wanted to spend them in a crowds, cheering along to the words that Michael sang. "I guess they have." He teased back.
Closing the space between them, he couldn't help but look at his lips, then back to his eyes. "Maybe a kiss might be an apt reward."

@4fter-hours: ❛ for some reason, i’m attracted to you. ❜ alejandro x michael
"You don't say?" Michael teases. "Maybe it's all the relentless flirting I've thrown at you starting to work." He winks in the other's direction.

Even as it happened, as Michael closed the space between them, Mayaken still was in disbelief that it was happening. This was not a dream he was having or some elaborate fantasy in his head. He had dared asked for a kiss from the person of his affections, his desires, and they had said yes.
Mayakens free hand came up and cupped Michael’s cheek, holding him close. Wanting this moment to last for as long as it possibly could. Knowing that his confidence, his bravado, would wane soon, still unsure where the courage came from, but glad it had.

As their lips parted, he didn’t move from where he stood. Not wanting this to end. His forehead leaned against the others as his tongue licked his lips, savoring the taste, the feel of their kiss. “I’ve been wanting to do that for so long.” He chuckled. “I would love to do it again. And not as a reward.”

"I think so~" Michael followed suit, leaning in close, lips just barely touching as he spoke. While Mayaken couldn't see it, he's certainly hear the grin in his voice. He was absolutely giddy.
He didn't have even a second of hesitation at the invitation. He pressed their lips together, taking his hand and giving it a gentle squeeze.
Michael was honestly a little surprised he was willing to come out of his shell this much. It had taken a while to get to this point and he thought it might have honestly taken longer. He was glad it didn't all the same.

"Oh no," Mayaken laughed as he threw away the frozen food Michael had. "I am not letting you eat this trash. Not while I am here." With that Mayaken began to rummage through his boyfriends' kitchen for what he could gather to make a substantial meal for him. "Tell me about this new song you're working on." He called out as he began to whipping things up.
. @amused-bouche