Tianyou Zhao - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago
YIPPEE!!! HAPPY @ichizhaoweek!! ()Day 1- Alternative Outfit / Crossdressing! #IchiZhaoWeek2024
YIPPEE!!! HAPPY @ichizhaoweek!! ()Day 1- Alternative Outfit / Crossdressing! #IchiZhaoWeek2024

YIPPEE!!! HAPPY @ichizhaoweek!! (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) Day 1- Alternative Outfit / Crossdressing! ♡ #IchiZhaoWeek2024

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8 months ago

IchiZhao Week Day 2: Homecooking / You Tian

In this universe, You Tian gets paired up with Crazy Eats so Zhao can deliver food from his resturant to various households around town. A few of these nights have Zhao and Ichiban doing deliveries together. Though, poor Ichiban has to carry the boxes that are slipping...

IchiZhao Week Day 2: Homecooking / You Tian


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8 months ago

IchiZhao Week Day 3: Late Night Talk

This is a simpler one featuring Zhao and Ichiban discussing a few things before hitting the hay for the night at an AirBnB. What exactly they are discussing is left for interpretation.

IchiZhao Week Day 3: Late Night Talk


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8 months ago


Day 3: Late-night talk confession!! 🍘🦋💙


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8 months ago

IchiZhao Week Day 4: (Angst) Betrayal

Warning: Mild blood... though not in the way you would normally think. I thought I would put that warning out there anyway. Plus, this contains spoilers for Zhao's Drink Link in Yakuza: Like a Dragon. So, all of this is kept under the "Keep reading" cut.

IchiZhao Week Day 4: (Angst) Betrayal

Akira Mabuchi (a former friend turned into an enemy of Zhao's) gets caught on the act of vandalization using a glow-in-the-dark version of his Crescent Blade. Now, there's a good reason why Zhao isn't in this shot...

...And that's because this is taking place inside his heart (literally), similar to the movie Fantastic Voyage. Basically, Zhao's chest was feeling a consistant sharp pain, so Ichiban has shrunken himself down to find the source of that pain.

IchiZhao Week Day 4: (Angst) Betrayal

This is one of those picture sequences where I wish I could use Blender, SFM, or the like for both pictures. But, I don't have the skills or the patience to do so (interior design and Photoshopping are pretty much the best I can do for 3D art right now).


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8 months ago

IchiZhao Week Day 5: Sightseeing / Vacation

Zhao and Ichiban are in one of those rooftop swimming pools as the sun begins to set in the city. Zhao rides on a giant unicorn-shaped pool float, while Ichiban wears a smaller one in the shape of a donut.

IchiZhao Week Day 5: Sightseeing / Vacation

And another pairing with the Homestyler website: Zhao and Ichiban are having a fast food dinner at a cabin they're staying at while on vacation.

IchiZhao Week Day 5: Sightseeing / Vacation


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8 months ago


Day 5: Sightseeing/ Vacation!! 🍘🦋🌊

A little trip to the hot springs 💙


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8 months ago

IchiZhao Week Day 6: Karaoke Night / Date Night

First stop Ichiban and Zhao make on a night with just them together: an arcade. Ichiban is trying his hand at a giant crane game that picks up actual furniture as prizes. Ichiban manages to grab a couch with the machine.

IchiZhao Week Day 6: Karaoke Night / Date Night

Now, a little arcade late night talk...

IchiZhao Week Day 6: Karaoke Night / Date Night

Next stop: not just karaoke night, but an entire concert night. Ichiban and Zhao become one of the acts performing at the concert.

IchiZhao Week Day 6: Karaoke Night / Date Night

Finally, the two have dessert at a soda fountain.

IchiZhao Week Day 6: Karaoke Night / Date Night


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8 months ago

IchiZhao Week Finale: Free Day

May 5th, 2021- The very first dream I remember having of the IchiZhao pairing, featuring the two going skydiving and Ichiban breaking a wooden board in mid-air.

IchiZhao Week Finale: Free Day

Extra note: Ichiban's hand is not swollen. It's a superpower glow.


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8 months ago

IchiZhao Week Day 4: (Angst) Betrayal

Warning: Mild blood... though not in the way you would normally think. I thought I would put that warning out there anyway. Plus, this contains spoilers for Zhao's Drink Link in Yakuza: Like a Dragon. So, all of this is kept under the "Keep reading" cut.

IchiZhao Week Day 4: (Angst) Betrayal

Akira Mabuchi (a former friend turned into an enemy of Zhao's) gets caught on the act of vandalization using a glow-in-the-dark version of his Crescent Blade. Now, there's a good reason why Zhao isn't in this shot...

...And that's because this is taking place inside his heart (literally), similar to the movie Fantastic Voyage. Basically, Zhao's chest was feeling a consistant sharp pain, so Ichiban has shrunken himself down to find the source of that pain.

IchiZhao Week Day 4: (Angst) Betrayal

This is one of those picture sequences where I wish I could use Blender, SFM, or the like for both pictures. But, I don't have the skills or the patience to do so (interior design and Photoshopping are pretty much the best I can do for 3D art right now).


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7 months ago
Still Losing My Mind For The Past 48 Hours Because Midnightkiryus MODDED MY BABY GIRL IN IW....IM CRYING...
Still Losing My Mind For The Past 48 Hours Because Midnightkiryus MODDED MY BABY GIRL IN IW....IM CRYING...
Still Losing My Mind For The Past 48 Hours Because Midnightkiryus MODDED MY BABY GIRL IN IW....IM CRYING...
Still Losing My Mind For The Past 48 Hours Because Midnightkiryus MODDED MY BABY GIRL IN IW....IM CRYING...
Still Losing My Mind For The Past 48 Hours Because Midnightkiryus MODDED MY BABY GIRL IN IW....IM CRYING...
Still Losing My Mind For The Past 48 Hours Because Midnightkiryus MODDED MY BABY GIRL IN IW....IM CRYING...
Still Losing My Mind For The Past 48 Hours Because Midnightkiryus MODDED MY BABY GIRL IN IW....IM CRYING...
Still Losing My Mind For The Past 48 Hours Because Midnightkiryus MODDED MY BABY GIRL IN IW....IM CRYING...
Still Losing My Mind For The Past 48 Hours Because Midnightkiryus MODDED MY BABY GIRL IN IW....IM CRYING...
Still Losing My Mind For The Past 48 Hours Because Midnightkiryus MODDED MY BABY GIRL IN IW....IM CRYING...
Still Losing My Mind For The Past 48 Hours Because Midnightkiryus MODDED MY BABY GIRL IN IW....IM CRYING...
Still Losing My Mind For The Past 48 Hours Because Midnightkiryus MODDED MY BABY GIRL IN IW....IM CRYING...

Still losing my mind for the past 48 hours because Midnightkiryus MODDED MY BABY GIRL IN IW....IM CRYING... I CANT BELIEVE IT😭😭💛 Bonus:

Still Losing My Mind For The Past 48 Hours Because Midnightkiryus MODDED MY BABY GIRL IN IW....IM CRYING...

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7 months ago
He's Shyyou Can C0mmission And/or Support Me On My Ko-fi

He's shy🥺💙 ✨you can c0mmission and/or support me on my ko-fi✨

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5 months ago

Selfshiptober Day 1: Confession / Night

Goldy shows Zhao a fall vacation pastime of hers- visiting a dairy farm on an evening after the sun has set. The two also visit a nearby gift shop and resturant, and Goldy gets herself a picture of colorful fish and iridescent bubbles to hang up somewhere on a wall.

Selfshiptober Day 1: Confession / Night


Bonus closeup of the fish picture under the cut:

Selfshiptober Day 1: Confession / Night

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5 months ago

Selfshiptober Day 2: Blanket / Flame (both prompts at once)

Just a simple drawing of Zhao and Goldy camping by a riverside while wrapped in blankets.

Selfshiptober Day 2: Blanket / Flame (both Prompts At Once)


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5 months ago

Selfshiptober Days 3 and 4: Embrace / Blood and Apple Picking / Fog (both prompts at once on the latter day)

Starting with day 4's prompt, this one's self-explanatory.

Selfshiptober Days 3 And 4: Embrace / Blood And Apple Picking / Fog (both Prompts At Once On The Latter

Day 3's is under the cut, since there is blood (obviously), but in a Fantastic Voyage sort of way. Plus; it contains a combination with another nightmarish element for most, and maybe along with stuff that shouldn't be possible in normal human biology.

Selfshiptober Days 3 And 4: Embrace / Blood And Apple Picking / Fog (both Prompts At Once On The Latter

I have no idea what I was thinking here; other than the fact my dreaming mind keeps wanting to combine Fantastic Voyage with, of all things, Playstation 2's Red Screen of Death.

Zhao is not in the picture because this is taking place inside him- which is another reoccuring dream I've been having; both of the good and the bad varieties.


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