Tinkerbellandtheringofbelief - Tumblr Posts
Early TinkerBell Title by Thomas Cain.

For anyone curious on the plot of TinkerBell and the ring of belief movie. This is basically it ✨.

This was the deleted scene we got: https://youtu.be/Sm7bZsjAHAE?si=LsVT1y9NjoVTlwmi
And this is the animatic that goes at the end: https://youtu.be/ff9S2zLNhuM?si=wImrVsmdCOirWQuq
This should be the end or close to the end.

My theory on what the Ring of belief is: Basically a relationship between a human child and a Neverland fairy. Where the fairy uses pixie dust to bring the child imagination and they in return believe in fairies to keep them alive. (Like the books in a way)

And To be a Wing maiden is basically getting pixie dust to do the ring of belief.
SO! To summarize the movie if you didn’t read the crazy board I made 😭
Tinker bell is a really bad student.

She rather be out having adventures with Peter Pan then doing fairy things.
She almost forgets about her graduation to become a wing Maiden because she’s hanging with Peter. Her friends drag her back home and they graduates into a wing maidens.

When the fairies take a trip the mainland, Tinker bell neglects to bring imagination to Victoria (she sparked some sort of connection with her which started “the ring of belief” but failed to follow through with it). This breaks the ring of belief because now Victoria is loosing belief and imagination which will have drastic consequences on Neverland (for some reason). Instead of following through with Victoria, Tink goes back to neverland because she’d rather be fighting pirates with Peter Pan. First Pixie dust begins to disappear. Meanwhile Tinkerbell goes to Peter’s hide out (which I assume is her first time going). She then gets bullied and kicked out by the lost boys. She’s pretty sad about this so she goes back home. (It seems like she goes to read a book which I assume is a class book on children and imagination and stuff like that). Tink then goes to her friends who are all panicking because pixie dust is disappearing. They have to figure out who and why the ring of belief broke before their world begins to disappear. Silvermist sees something is up with Tink but doesn’t seem to bring it up. All the fairies in pixie hollow fly out into the mainland to try and fix the ring of belief. Tink however does not and instead goes back to Peter’s hide out and uses her pixie dust on the lost boys and Peter which makes them absolutely adore her. They build her a little leaf thrown and she gets crowned with what looks like a wedding ring.

Eventually Tink herself feels guilty so she flys back to the mainland to check on Victoria. Tink notices she’s starting to disappear because Victoria is losing all sense of imagination and belief. The mainland and neverland seem to be merging into one. Tink returns back to neverland and we go back to tinks friends who have spent all day searching for a way to fix this mess. Silvermist suggest they have to find Tink so she can help fix this. Tinks friends go get help while Silvermist goes to find Tink who is hanging out with Peter. Silvermist finds Tink hanging out with Peter and tells her that they need her help. Before the fairies can do anything the part of neverland they’re on begins to merge to with the main land. Peter loses his ability to fly.
Hook captures Peter , the lost boys, Tink and Sil. They’re all thrown in a boiler room in hooks ship (child labor) as neverland looses more imagination and merges to just sad mainland. Tink watches in horror as all her past actions come back to bite her in the butt. She watches as Peter looses all sense of imagination and turns into a drab sad schoolboy (or you could say he lost all his rizz and tinker bell got the ick).

Tinks friends find sil and tink and free them. Tink admits she was the one who broke the ring of belief and her friends sacrifice themselves to give her their pixie dust(Remember she had already used her pixie dust on Peter and the lost boys and then it all disappeared so she didn’t have any.). All of Tinks friends die and Tink hurry’s to set things right with Victoria.

She does and brings back imagination to neverland and pixie hollow too.

Tinks friends come back and we don’t really know much after that the ending of the ending is still kind of missing. But that’s basically it.
Please keep in mind that this is just one version of the many scripts this movie underwent so there may be inconsistencies with previous versions. This seems to be one of the later scripts though.
Anyone know who bought these? They were under Peter Pan return to never land on worth point and were sold in 2017. They are NOT from Peter Pan return to never land. They are from a scrapped TinkerBell movie. Looking to buy a clear scan of them from whoever bought them or the original if possible. Thanks.