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Headcanon for Lunar and Taurus
Lunar introduces Taurus to/shows him the Doom games, specifically Doom Eternal. Taurus reluctantly plays it at first bc he thinks it'll help understand Lunar via his interests.
Taurus ends up obsessed with the game 10 minutes into playing.
I would like to see Lunar and Taurus to play videos games together
it would be cool
Silly hc canon for the Astrals I have:
They eat a scented non-edible the first time they go to Earth
Taurus did it because they learned what an almond was and then went to the gift shop and saw a dish soap with "almond" on it and thought "This says almond. I wonder if it's edible? LET'S FIND OUT" then proceeded to chug it. Lunar had to deal with the aftermath of them coughing up bubbles every time they spoke
Gemini did the same thing. Pollux with an apple scented spray deodorant, Castor did it with lavender candle (he was feeling adventurous, never again) and they did it AGAIN together with a can of febreze
This will happen over and over again every time a new Astral comes to Earth
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk
That sounds funny
Castor and pollux would like lemon demon I don’t why but I just think they would also Taurus secretly likes princess movies but he doesn’t think it’s “manly” so he doesn’t tell anyone
Headcanon: Taurus finds the way Lunar's body works utterly terrifying. Like- in an uncanny valley type of way.
The constant low humming and whirring of Lunar's systems, the constant smile with only eyes that move, the fact that he can just open his chest all scares and unsettles Taurus in a way nothing has before.
Taurus eats planets and stardust for protein
he benchpresses mountains for lightweight work
Stupid headcanon
Taurus has had his first kiss but says he didn't because his response after the kiss was saying "gee willikers" while blushing like a madman
He is so embarrassed he refuses to acknowledge ever being in any past relationships, let alone being kissed
Taurus is so silly
Spoilers below:

I can't help but have a change of mind with Lunars and Taurus possible relationship. Instead of shipping them, I now see them as a possible nephew and uncle dynamic. I had this idea when Taurus called lunar "little puck" or something along the lines of that. Just imagine a little robot with a giant intergalactic star bull being behind him who he sees him as a nephew.
Now, that's out of the way. Imagine Taurus being the biggest Lumini supporter. Him just wanting to support Lunars interest in Gemini even though he doesn't know what Lunar sees in them.

Lunar: hey Taurus
Taurus: what is it now puck
Lunar: *opens his chest plate to reveal his mechanical insides*
Taurus: 😨
Headcanon: Taurus finds the way Lunar's body works utterly terrifying. Like- in an uncanny valley type of way.
The constant low humming and whirring of Lunar's systems, the constant smile with only eyes that move, the fact that he can just open his chest all scares and unsettles Taurus in a way nothing has before.
Poll time