Tl:dr - The Knights Are Dicks And We Hate Them - Tumblr Posts
So. I think I’ve connected some dots about Arthur and his band of morons. And it’s not good news. (cw: misgendering)
My evidence is as follows:
At the end of Perry and Kay’s talk on the radio, Kay calls Perry ‘brother’ (ep. 3). Now this in itself is a dick move, as Perry says themself, ‘I am not your brother.’
Now this gives us two options - either Kay is misgendering Perry deliberately, or Perry didn’t start using they/them until after they left the Knights. I’m inclined to think it’s the former, since Perry has ‘thought a lot about who [they are]’, and ‘that hasn’t stopped or changed because of the Cataclysm’ (Perry, ep. 2). To me that suggests that Perry started using they/them before the Cataclysm, so Kay would know, since our trio spent some time with the Knights before we meet them (I think - we don’t have an exact timeline yet). Already I hate this guy. But wait! There’s more!
We’ve seen the Knight’s attitude to Names. They view Nameless as ‘lambs to the slaughter’ (Kay, ep. 3), and seem to believe that there is no separation between Name and person. We see this in Kay referring to Morgan as ‘the witch le Fay’ (ep. 3). Morgan a) is being referred to by her Name, showing that Kay believes them to be one and the same, and b) hasn’t actually done anything wrong (that we know of), but is being blamed for her Name’s crimes. There is no freedom to create your own story, you are stuck to what your Name decides.
In Perry and Dai’s fight, Perry says ‘You know what it was like back there. For me, for you. For Morgan.’ This tells me that our trio had a shitty time of it back there, so much so that hiking through the Welsh wilderness, being attacked by Phenomena every other day, was preferable. Makes sense for Dai and Morgan, right? Dai’s Nameless, Morgan’s Name is a villain Name, and with the Knights’ attitude to Names I can’t imagine either of them would have a great time there. But Perry? Perry’s a Knight, the great Sir Peredur. What reason would they have to leave? What was so bad for them there that they left their nice cushy job being hero-worshipped by 900 people as someone with a Name (Named?) in favour of wilderness camping in Wales? Well, I think I’ve figured it out, and I don’t like it one bit.
I think that, since the Peredur of myth used he/him (edit: my evidence for this is google, I claim no proper knowledge of arthuriana), that the Knights insisted on misgendering Perry because the Knights’ belief in no separation between Name and person would mean that Perry would “have” to use he/him (heavy air quotes, the Knights are dicks and wrong) because Peredur of myth used he/him.
Aaagghh I hate it so much but it makes more sense the more I think about it! Seriously when I find those Knights they better be ready to catch these fuckin hands.
Anyway if you’re reading this that means you got to the end of my mini essay. Well done! Thank you!
Keep the home fires burning