TMNT Base - Tumblr Posts

The GOODEST Boi to exist in the history of EVER. I have been working with his concept for 2 years now and this is my first attempt to actually capture him, so many thanks to the ever incredible @kittpunk144 for helping me get out of my comfort zone and inspiring me to get the boi out there🧡🙌🏼
More Fun Facts About the Boy Below ⬇️ 💙 ✨
Name: Vincent
(After the one and only Vincent Van Gogh)
Nickname: Go-Go (Only Mikey and Me)
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Species: Morrocy Tortoise
Height: 6’ 3”
Occupation: Todd’s Blacksmith Apprentice and Co-Todd-Scott Captain
✨ Fun Facts ✨
~ This man can not walk through airport security because he is packing SO many hidden weapons like it’s not even funny. When I say he’s armed, I mean he is ArMeD. He is CoNsTaNtLy working on some new blade as he’s learning to perfect his technique. Baby Boy is a Mary Poppins when it comes to weapons because there is no telling what he’s gonna pull out next.
~ He’s got a nervous tick! Most Morrocoy Tortises use head movements as a form of communication and Vincent is no exception. You can tell what his mood is depending on how he bops his head. ⚠️ WARNING: Man will headbutt you and ram into you to show affection ⚠️ (but don’t worry, he is a shy respectful boi and won’t do so unless express permission is given because he understands he big)
~Baby boy is so incredibly tender and shy like the ultimate gentle giant #strong silent type and unfortunately is incredibly socially awkward. Very innocent and somewhat gullible this man desperately needs social interaction (in very small doses or else he gets overwhelmed and goes nonverbal #he knows sign language to help cope) and enrichment so please come say hi!
How Vincent Interacts with the Boys 🧡💜♥️💙
🧡: First person to meet after Todd. Best buds like ever. Vincent sees the similarities between Mikey and Todd so he naturally gravitates to him as he sees him as a safe person. They get along swimmingly as Vincent thinks the world of Mikey, seeing him as incredibly socially apt and emotionally mature and lowkey the brother he never had. As such he’s like MEGA protective of Mikey in a very ninja kind of way because he KNOWS Mikey can take care of himself. Basically sees Mikey as the man and not the baby brother for once and I think Mikey finds that refreshing.
💜: Somewhat of a glorified Teacher/ Student relationship. Vincent loves to learn and Donnie knows a lot and is more than happy to have a captive audience to listen to his infodumps. They are both introvert buddies and love to weld together, unfortunately feeding into each others drives to build something crazy and dangerous
♥️: Vincent is a BIG BOY (he works in a forge and helps herd Todd’s puppies so you know he’s got those good hugs) and the only person he’s ever really hung around with is Todd (smol) so first interaction with Raph is ultimate intimidation. He’s not used to someone being bigger than he is, he’s never had a big brother, and Mikey adores Raph so he has NO idea how to interact. So poor baby resorts into the most painfully polite little gentleman you will ever meet. He’s so respectful and cautious it actually hurts.
💙: Ok. So sure, Leo wore blue first but Vincent wears it better. And by that I mean, once Vincent gets out of his shell (literally) he’s actually really naturally suave and sweet. So when it comes to Leo, Vincent thinks he has incredible potential and skill but gets frustrated when Leo tries to hide behind an air of flippancy. All Bincent knows is how to be genuine and doesn’t understand why Leo can’t be straightforward sometimes. It’s a small lowkey rivalry kind of thing between the two, so it makes interactions interesting.
Also shout out to @saspas-corner for being the first person to here the whole schpeel and help me really flush out his character 🙏🏼🧡
Was bored and decided to make a ROTTMNT base for people!

Please credit if you use it!!! Don’t be too scared to tag me I’d love to see what you guys come up with!