Tokyo Ghoul Because If They Think Shipping 'bad' Ships Is Going To Dampen Your Morals Then No Gorey Ghoul Anime For You - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

Hey Proshitter nation let’s make a huge list of media that antis should not like

Because I need to blow off some steam and I’m petty (and because half of this shit goes against their crappy rules of conduct /s) πŸ‘

Let me start with-

The Coffin of Andy and Leyley


Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Creepypasta/Pokepasta of any kind

Demon Slayer/Kimetsu No Yaiba

Boyfriend to Death/The Price of Flesh

John Doe


Stranger Things

Team Fortress 2

Horror films of any kind, especially slasher films (they loooove the killers after all /j)

South Park

The Twilight franchise

Like a good portion of vocaloid music ESPECIALLY the producers who primarily make music with darker and heavier themes

Feel free to add anything else you want on this list!! πŸ‘Œ

πŸ’’ Antis piss off and stop looking at violent/sexual media because it directly contradicts your views on dark media

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