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The Delinquent Next Door - Part 2: Returning The Favor
Genre: Fluff?
Synopsis: Hoping to see your neighbor once again, you make your way home. What you don’t expect is to wind up getting chased by a gang!
Pairing: Hanma Shuji X Neighbor! Reader
Warnings/Mentions: Cursing, mentions of blood/injury, blood/injury, fear, suggestive mentions of SA.
A/N: heyyy luvs! Thank you so much for the support, it means a lot! Here’s a part 2 for the fic I had posted recently. I decided I’d continue with it, since I didn’t like how I just ended it off. I’ll be making more parts to this so stay tuned! (btw this one was a bit rushed, so I apologize in advance, but enjoy!)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
It’s been a week since the strange encounter with your rude neighbor. Ever since that night, the thought of your neighbor never left your mind, and it bothered you. As much as you hated to admit it, he struck your curiosity. You had pondered many questions that had yet to be answered from that night, which was part of the reason why you were so eager to see him again. After all, the smudges of blood he had on his clothes that night didn’t go unnoticed by you. He didn’t even bother to tell you his name. Then again, he didn’t have to if he didn't intend to see you again. After all, seeing him that night was just by pure coincidence. If you had gotten home by 10, which was the usual time you’d be back from work, you probably wouldn’t have even realized he was home.
Letting out a frustrated groan, you hold your head in your hands, hunched over behind the counter of the diner where you worked.
“Hey, y/n!” Peeking from your hunched-over position, you see your friend walking over to you with her usual confident smile plastered on her face.
“Hey f/n.” I replied tiredly. She raises a brow at you. “You're messing with your posture, sit up straight!” She scolds. You can’t help but giggle at her mother-like nature. Straightening your back you smile. “My bad,” you giggled.
Your eyes wandered to her work bag that was slung over her shoulder. You tilt your head to the side, eyebrows knit together in confusion. "You're leaving early? I thought you had a shift tonight."
Her expression falters as she reaches for the back of her neck, avoiding your gaze. "Well...that's actually what I wanted to talk to you about."
"What do you mean?"
“Well, I know you hate to get home late and all since your apartment is pretty far, but I was hoping you could cover my shift for tonight?” She lowers her voice to a squeak at the end of her sentence, wincing as she waits for your response.
“No.” You deadpanned.
Pouting she whines, “Oh, come onnnn! It’s just for tonight!”
“I don’t care. You already know why I don’t work night-shifts in the first place, especially since I don't have a ride to take me home!” You scold, crossing your arms.
Anyone who lived in the Kabukicho District knew that it was dangerous for people to walk the streets at night. As soon as dark would loom over, thieves, gangsters, yakuza, and all other sorts of trouble would linger on the streets. The last thing you wanted was to end up in a dangerous situation where you were bound to get caught up in and regret later. To make things worse, you didn’t even know basic self-defense, so it was a given that it wouldn’t be worth the risk. Which is why you always stuck to your usual 10 AM-5 PM schedule.
“But y/n, there’s no one else to cover my shift tonight, and I really need to be somewhere later,” she pleads, clasping her hands together.
You raised a questioning brow, “What’s so important that you’d ask me to cover for you?”
“W-well--I happen to have classes later tonight..” She trails off, gnawing on her lip as she fidgets with the hem of her apron.
Rolling her eyes, she sighs dejectedly, “Okay! Okay! I just… I have a really important date tonight, and well... you’re the only person left to cover.” She shoots me a sad puppy look. “I promise I’ll owe you big time if you cover for me, he’s really nice and I don’t wanna stand him up!”
Now as much as you were completely against the idea of going home in the middle of the night, you began to consider the fact that your friend was basically begging you just to take over for one night. Not only that, but you knew that she was struggling with relationships and finding “the one” and now she has the chance to possibly go out with a guy that will treat her well.
You glanced at the desperate look she had once more and immediately turned your head to the side, trying to keep your stern facade up. However, your conscience certainly wasn't having it. Saying 'no' to her could mean that she could lose the chance to finally find true love. On the other hand, saying 'no' would mean you'd be saving yourself from a bunch of trouble that is bound to come along your way.
It is just for one night…
After mulling it over for what seems like centuries, you breathe out a defeated sigh, turning your attention back to your friend. You leaned towards her, putting up one finger. “One night. Just this once.”
She pipes up, immediately crushing you in a death-grip hug. “Thank you, thank you, thank you! Y/n you won’t regret it I promise!” She squeals.
"Don't mention it, just make sure you tell me about how it went later, alright?" You groan.
Releasing me, she dashes out the door while waving off.
Four hours later...
It was safe to say that you, indeed, regretted everything you said. If there was a time machine available for you to go back and slap you four hours ago, you would use it. Here you were faced with a shadowy alleyway, which was the only shortcut that would get you back home without having to call a cab.
Tensing up, you whip your head around until you're met with a pair of big green eyes and black fur. Sighing in relief, the tightness in your muscles slightly melts away as you knelt down beside the small creature.
"Hey scared me." You coo softly, petting the bundle of fur. You take notice of the small, pink collar around its neck with a round golden tag with the name Midnight engraved in it.
"Where's your owner?"
"Would you like to come home with me?" Purring, it nuzzles against the palm of your hand. Your heart swells at the affectionate fur ball. "Heh, I'll take that as a 'yes', then."
Gently, you scooped up the kitten and carefully placed her inside your work bag. Looking back into the dark abyss of the alleyway, you swallowed harshly as you slowly made your way through. At least you had company. As you're walking down the narrow space, you hear muffled chatter at the other end of the way. Getting closer, you could make out a group of burly, gruff-looking men in matching uniforms with a weird logo decorating the backs of each of their jackets.
If that alone didn't scream 'gang members' I don't know what else would.
You swiftly sought refuge behind a dumpster with piles of trash above it, as you peered out from the side to get a better look at them.
There were at least four of them. They all wore black gang uniforms with the symbol of a snake and dagger on the back of their clothes. Among the four, there was a taller man with pompadour-styled hair and tattoos littering his neck and hands.
"Hey boss, did you hear about the Grim Reaper of Kabukicho? He took out another gang!" A scrawny guy with a scar on his lip, pipes up.
Grim Reaper? What kind of comic book type of name is that?? But...the way he's talking about this guy, it sounds as if he's the devil himself.
"Pfft, you really believe in that shit?" Another chimed, shoving the scrawny man on the shoulder.
"It's true! My guy over in Shibuya told me so m'self!"
"Last time I checked you shouldn't believe n' a scammer, those types of people lie through their teeth for a living." Their boss grunts, lighting a cigarette as he leans against one of the motorbikes they had parked along the sidewalk.
Fudge me. Your hands shoot to your bag as you try to muffle Midnight's cries, but alas, it was already too late.
Your heart began to pound furiously. You pressed yourself up against the smelly dumpster, careful not to add so much weight against it as you silently prayed to whatever miracle worker above that the men on the other side wouldn't come over.
"T-the hell was that?"
Snickering, one of them slap's the other upside the head,"Ow!"
"What're ya pissing ya self for? It's just a cat numb nuts!"
Dragging the cigarette from his mouth, the leader of the gang hogs out a glob of spit before turning towards his men. "Let's go."
Releasing a breath you hadn't realized you'd been holding, you looked down into your bag as midnight pops her head out, innocent orbs staring at your frightened ones. "You are so lucky you're cute." you muttered, scratching your fingertip against her head. She purrs in response. Sighing, you slowly stand up into a crouched position from your hiding spot, faltering a bit. An odd tingling feeling is present in your legs as it spreads to your knees. It was as if your legs had become noodles after sitting down for so long. It isn't long before your knees completely give out as you try to balance yourself on your feet. Falling backwards, your back clashes against the dumpster, causing it to shift forward. Like dominos, the pile of trash above it topples over one by one.
Safe to say that you were royally screwed at that point.
Soon you were face-to-face with the four men now towering above you, each one with a wicked smirk present on their face. Gulping thickly, you watch as the leader crouches down in front of you, reaching a hand out to grip your chin harshly. "Boys...I found the kitten." He sneers, while the rest laugh. You grip onto his arm, trying to pry his hand away, but the attempt was nothing but futile. He's strong and it's safe to say that the rest of his posse were just as overpowering as he was.
"She looks like a stray, boss!" one of them jeers from behind.
"Please just let me go a-and I promise I'll pretend I never saw you guys." You plead, trying your best to wriggle out of his painful hold.
"Oh, sweetheart...why so quick to leave? Come hang with us, we'll show you a good time~" he coos, using his thumb to caress your cheek. You felt sick to your stomach. Your body trembling, as you feared the worst by what he meant.
"Meowww! Meowwwww!" glancing over, the man turns to Midnight, who had long abandoned the refuge of your bag. She hisses. "Aww if it isn't her feline friend! Here kitty kitty!" One of the men from behind taunts, while the rest chuckles at the lame quip.
With all of their attention focused on Midnight, you make use of the opening you had. Balling your fist as tight as you could, you swing on the boss, knuckles connecting straight to his nose. Surprisingly, the attack worked, despite the fact you had zero skills in fighting, catching the well-built male off guard. He falls back on his heels, back hitting the concrete. The rest of the men behind him turn and stare in shock, too stunned to move as they try to process what was going in the split second they had been distracted.
Struggling to get up, you fumble past the men and bolt past their bikes as you dash down the street while clutching your bag. Your hand felt numb, as you squeezed it around the strap of your bag, your knuckles stinging against the cold air. Your legs were sore, but you did your best to ignore the pain and ache as you kept running.
Vrrooom. Vrrooom.
The sound of engines and exhausts rang in your ears. Looking back, you see the familiar group of men tailing behind you, along with their boss, as they sped up on their motorbikes.
"You've got to be kidding me!"
One thing leads to another, you crash against what feels like a brick wall, which halts your actions of escape. The impact forces you to fall flat on your back.
Groaning you still before slowly sitting up, reaching a hand behind your back to help support you. You look up and your eyes widen.
The said "brick wall" was none other than your neighbor towering above you. He had on worn-out jeans with a white Henley shirt and sandals. A cigarette was nestled between his middle and index finger. The back of his hand adorning a kanji you couldn't quite read, since your vision was a bit hazy after literally falling on your ass. He flicks his golden orbs down at you, scanning over your distraught figure. Leaning over, he takes a drag of his cigarette as he stares at you. "What the hell are you doing?"
Seriously??? Is the bloody knuckles and sweat not enough?
"What do you mean 'what the hell am I doing'? Can't you see I'm running for my life?!" You scowl. It's bad enough you were being chased by a bloodthirsty gang, the last thing you needed was to deal with your neighbor's unsavory attitude. He raises a questioning brow as he keeps a calm expression on his face, as if he isn't about to witness his past savior about to be ripped apart like a rag doll. "Hm? Really? From what?"
His question is soon answered when the gang of men finally catches up with you. The leader with a bloody, crooked nose, parks his bike as he makes his way over to the two of you, while the rest of his men follow suit.
"Well you certainly know how to attract a crowd y/n." He chuckles as he saunters towards the men, placing himself in front of you and out of their sight.
"Hey pal, you know this bitch?" The leader spits, eyeing your shaking form that was slightly hidden from your neighbor's tall figure.
"Hmmm maybe I do? What's it to you," the lanky male remarks, staring down the leader with a sanguine look.
"Hand her over, she's gotta pay for my nose," he stated, eyes throwing daggers in your direction. "This is between me and the girl."
Furrowing his brows, he turns halfway to your direction, before glancing back at the leader. "She broke your nose?" he asks, bewilderment evident in his tone. "That's what the fuck I said, ain't it?"
A moment of silence fills the atmosphere, that is, until your neighbor stifles a laugh.
Is he...laughing?!
It seems the leader and the three men that accompanied him that was just about to tear you apart were thinking the same thing, since they were just as shocked and confused as you were.
Your neighbor's small laughter turns into a full blown cackle as he holds his stomach, his voice ringing out as he bellows in fits of laughter. "The fuck's so funny?!" the leader yells, getting agitated by the minute as he watches your neighbor continue to drown in his own laughter, despite the seriousness of the whole situation.
Wiping a tear from his eye, he composes himself, catching his breath before grinning at the man. "Isn't it obvious?" The leader furrows his brows, still confused as to what he had meant. "You got sucker-punched by a girl, that's what!" he exclaims, slightly turning to wink at you. "I didn't know you had it in' ya doll~" he teases cheekily. Heat rises to your cheeks as you quickly stand up and shove his shoulder. "W-what the hell? You shouldn't be teasing me at a time like this! Are you insane?!"
"A little. I thought that was obvious." He smirks.
"Your fuckin' dead!" Turning to face the now red-faced male, he uses one hand to push me back as he gets ready to block the charging male's fist. Stumbling backwards your eyes are wide as you witness the scene unfold. Your neighbor's right hand is wrapped around the gang leader's fist and he swings his left, aiming dead-center in his face, causing his broken nose to gush out more blood. The impact of his punch causes the leader to stumble backwards as he grips his face in agony. "F-FUCK!"
"Dammit, my cig," the pale-skinned male mutters, completely ignoring his opponent's cries of pain. "Why you-"
"B-boss!" the scrawny man from before chimes, all of them bug-eyed as they stare at your calm neighbor. The leader halts his actions, turning to face his cowering men. Pointing a trembling finger he states, "Those kanji, I recognize em'!" At the mention of the tattooed kanji on your neighbor's hands, you gaze at them once more. On the back of his left hand, the kanji "sin" was tattooed, and on the back of his right hand, the kanji "punishment" was also tattooed as well.
"What the fuck are you on about dammit?!" The leader glares at the now cowering men behind him. "H-he's the one! The one I was telling you about from my friend in Shibuya!"
Everyone, including you, had their eyes on your neighbor. Wait, what?
"He's the Grim Reaper of Kabukicho! Hanma Shuji!" The scrawny man blurts out. "It's nice to be noticed," Hanma chuckles. "Now, you wanna keep going? I must warn you, I won't go easy just cuz' a girl's standin' behind me." Holding his right hand over his eye, he lets out a howl of laughter. "What are you standing around for?! Get him," the leader barks.
Despite the mention of your neighbor's infamy, the gang were still prepared to fight. Surprisingly, it didn’t last long. The moment they had stepped within range they were all beaten to a pulp after a few swings to the face. All that was left was their leader, who still kept hostile to Hanma. They exchanged a few blows, neither one backing down. The leader aims for a punch at Hanma's stomach, causing him to double over and get a clean kick to the face. He stilled for a moment, body laying slightly still as he tries to get back up. You gasped, fearing only the worse for your neighbor.
I can't just stand here and watch him get beat senseless! Think l/n, think! He could die!
Looking around, you search your surroundings for a weapon, hoping to help Hanma fight off the towering man above him.
"So, any last words, you little shit?" The burly man taunts, looming his foot over Hanma's head. Hand tilts his head upwards, a crazed smile on his face as blood trickles from his mouth. "Fuck you." He spits. Frowning, he brings his foot down, only to be stopped mid-way as he sways to the side, groaning and holding his now bleeding head as he slowly slumps against the wall.
Hanma looks to the side, only to see your small, shaken figure holding a metal pipe in your hands. Letting it clatter on the cement, you bend down, holding his face in your hands. "Are you alright? Where does it hurt?" He hums, "Oh no, I'm just fine, I'm totally not bleeding right now." He mocks, slowly getting up as he pries your hands from his beaten face. Your concern immediately washing away as you glare at him.
"Y'know, now I wish I had let him stomp you, maybe you'd have some manners squished into that brain of yours."
"Oh really? I doubt that." He scoffs. Sighing, you walk up to him and grab his hand, which he tries to pull away from your grasp. "The hell are you-"
"Shut up." You blatantly state, a serious look plastered on your face. Dragging him by the hand, you lead Hanma back to the alleyway, where you had found that Midnight still resided near the dumpster. With all three of you together, you make your way back to your apartment.
To be continued...
Thanks for reading! Comments, reblogs and likes are appreciated!
Mikey’s Girl - Chapter Fourteen
Summary: More fluff :) Mostly because I feel like if I don’t pile on the fluff now, you guys are gonna hate me for what happens in chapter 16 onwards. This chapter is just a lazy morning spent hanging out with Chifuyu. You guys do a fun little wake n bake leading to a deep conversations with Chifuyu about how he really feels about Baji. At the end of the chapter, Emma and Draken come over, which leads into chapter 15 (14 and 15 were originally one chapter but it was way too long so I split it)
Warnings: Lotsa Drug Use - You Can’t Tell Me Stoner!Mitsuya Isn’t Cannon Because How Else Is He So Chill??
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