Too Much Reference To The Field Of Vision - Tumblr Posts
to counter blindness (Wizard style)
Ominis uses his wand to orient himself but what if he has a spell that allows him to see through the eyes of someone else ?
It would feel like he has a VR headset on : good image quality but too woobly. He would quickly feel sick but it would be worth it, to "see" the world with the eyes of his friend or the person that voluntered. It's a complex and exhausting spell so he doesn't use it often.
Once he goes to Hogwarts, he searches for other ways to see the world. He optimizes his detection spell, tries potions and spells (misuses some), does some weird things in order to get some minutes were he can confront reality with his imagination and complete his "vision" (the color of the commonroom, the shade of hair from Sebastian, the face of his comrades and professors...).
He keeps looking and by the time he's an old cranky man who's lost his best friend to dark magic he has tons of useless knowledge (he doesn't wish to see a world where his friend isn't around anymore).
So he chooses to compile everything in a guide for future blind wizards. The book contains everything he tried, his impressions and tips to get it better. He even puts the spells and potions he invented.
After all, he hopes that the book will be useful for someone and that it will guide them to their strength.