Traces Of Two Pasts - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago
Somebody Needs To Take Advantage Of This Scene From Totp Novel And Draw It! Tifa Having A Nibelheim Flashback

Somebody needs to take advantage of this scene from Totp novel and draw it! 👏 Tifa having a Nibelheim flashback but then calming down, looking into Barret's eyes, such a shoujo moment. ✨ Like...

Somebody Needs To Take Advantage Of This Scene From Totp Novel And Draw It! Tifa Having A Nibelheim Flashback
Somebody Needs To Take Advantage Of This Scene From Totp Novel And Draw It! Tifa Having A Nibelheim Flashback

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2 years ago

🎺We finally have Barret and Tifa's first meeting and people can stop peddling Barret "being Tifa's dad" 🎺

We Finally Have Barret And Tifa's First Meeting And People Can Stop Peddling Barret "being Tifa's Dad"
We Finally Have Barret And Tifa's First Meeting And People Can Stop Peddling Barret "being Tifa's Dad"

In Remake, Tifa says she's been approximately 5 years in Midgar, Marlene's 4, so they met when Tifa's 18. And she's the one who provided for them! She wants to buy 7th heaven just so Marlene and Barret can have a home. That's sweet.

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11 months ago

Current Read 2: Traces of Two Pasts

Current Read 2: Traces Of Two Pasts

This is a book that takes place between Final Fantasy 7 remake to the new game focusing on the backstories of Aerith and Tifa.

I have been trying to read one book at a time but I didn't realize this book existed so now I'm trying to finish reading it before the new game comes out!!

On page 46/373

(Thoughts on story below, no spoilers, but don't click if you'd rather not know anything at all. ^^)

So far I've been reading about Tifa's backstory. It's a bit slow for my taste (that doesn't mean it's bad though) but still interesting to read about what she got up to and how she started training.

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11 months ago

Reading update - Traces of Two Pasts

96/373 pages

Thoughts Below - (no spoilers)

So far, the book is very detailed and feels almost akin to a lore book or... slice of life-ish? I've been enjoying it more now that I realize that because while I knew the book was backstory driven, I'd been anticipating a more traditional story arc.

I tend to enjoy fast paced books, so it's quite different than my usual tastes. I am still looking forward to learning more about the world of Final Fantasy 7 however!

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