Tree Huggers - Tumblr Posts
Clarification after seeing comments on this post about this is good for helping pollution and this might be better than trees themselves. It’s sad that we have cities that don’t have room for trees. We’ve taken up so much that nature can’t have a natural place in our environment. That is sad.

{The plant earth as a walling zombie} Gaia’s
As known, zombies are undead humans. I was one of u. I loved the earth, who knew that I would be fuse with it. I felt her pain, When she was harm. As A human I wasn’t able to feel her pain, I knew she was in agony but I couldn’t help. I try & try, nothing was able to save her, for her timely death. On January the 18, past midnight, night, I went to a nuclear plant. I thought if I would have help her more if I got rid of the nuclear waste. Only to my fate I combined with the earth. I still seek to help her; earth in reaching her wellbeing. In my state. I had choose in a more fitting name for my self Gaia,
[Authors note]

I made this character after seeing the trash mermaid. It a webtoon. I love how cute she look and how it rise awareness for ocean life 
{The plant earth as a walling zombie} Gaia’s
As known, zombies are undead humans. I was one of u. I loved the earth, who knew that I would be fuse with it. I felt her pain, When she was harm. As A human I wasn’t able to feel her pain, I knew she was in agony but I couldn’t help. I try & try, nothing was able to save her, for her timely death. On January the 18, past midnight, night, I went to a nuclear plant. I thought if I would have help her more if I got rid of the nuclear waste. Only to my fate I combined with the earth. I still seek to help her; earth in reaching her wellbeing. In my state. I had choose in a more fitting name for my self Gaia,
[Authors note]

I made this character after seeing the trash mermaid. It a webtoon. I love how cute she look and how it rise awareness for ocean life 

Photo by Idee_Explores
Such a path could only be traveled by one... sensitive to the landmarks of a trackless wilderness. -Thomas Merton The wild Adirondacks in autumn, a riot of warm colors blanket the mountain ledges above this icy-cold lake, which from our stone-perch vantage point, seemed endless.
If beautiful mountains inspire you, I invite you to visit my website's Adirondack Mountains & Collections Portfolio!
Oh! A recent picture of Goran getting his award from Ekran Magazine!! Well, congrats Mr. Visnjic, well deserved!
Credit to:

Credit to: and @battleshipgarcy for this video and the link!
"Good evening everyone, a big greeting from rainy England. Just to let you know that Ruza has arrived, they tried to stop her at the customs, but it didn't work. They couldn't stop her from coming. I would like to thank Večernji list for this wonderful prize, a wonderful statue And I would especially like to thank the audience because this award is still an award from the audience and that's why it has a really special place in my heart. It's the audience that applauds in theaters, fills cinemas, concerts. We are artists without an audience, incomplete and so thank you to the audience, thank you Večernje list. And you, my dear colleagues, have a great time tonight, enjoy yourself. Greetings!" Goran said in the video.