Tristar - Tumblr Posts
Lockheed when Rolls Royce starts talking about "RB211 issues" and "bankruptcy" (they're cooked)

how it feels tonight
(Tristar : 1982년에 설립한 미국의 영화 제작 겸 배급 회사인 소니 픽처스 모션 픽처스 그룹에 소속되어 있는 영화사이다.)
아마 영화 배급사 이름이랑 트건 시즌 2 제목을 줄인 게 같은 거를 노리고 한 드립인 듯

AX2024 without context
and with a little extra context:

Ok so a summary of the AX highlights I see talked about most:
Trigun Stargaze is gonna be what comes next in the Stampede franchise (I'm guessing it'll be like Maximum to the manga but who knows). No specific date, but I've seen late 2025 floating around and I can't confirm if that was mentioned at the panel or not

New Tristamp illustration from Nightow:

New visuals of the boys:

They showed a lineup with all the GHG and then said...

Also new figures, which are neat

Breaking news!!! (In KR)
In South Korea, Trigun-N.ver will be published! In South Korea, Trimax manga is published in very small quantities, so before this news announced, it was circulating on second-hand trading sites for a loooong time. For me, who waiting trimax manga physical version, this announcement really makes me happy!!!
But, I'm not sure whether this Trimax is only released through crowd-funding (from this insta post⬇️, publisher Daewon(who re-publised trimax manga kr. Ver) said they will progress crowd-funding related trimax)
Anyways... With the boom of Tristamp, I'm so excited that People who wants to re-release of Trimax increased, and As a result, Trimax delux edition(at USA), and Trigun-N(at KR) will be re-relased.
When another notice about it announced, I'll let you know as soon as possible!
(Soooooo..... Will Tristamp be dubbed in Korean version...?)
(스탬 더빙판...내줘야겠지...?)

1998 Zilla and Jr.
In celebration of April Fool's Day, here's 1998 Godzilla and Jr. from Godzilla the Series.
That is all.