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Someone please save MC from the Walker Ranch.
Cordonian Royal Airlines
…where we treat every passenger like royalty. The ultimate in air travel. Luxurious private jets for booking to exclusive locales. Small, private, elite.

Welcome to Cordonian Royal Airlines (CRA), a TRR AU in the spirit of Wings and LA to Vegas.
Leo and Liam Rys, two brothers, both pilots, decide to go into business together, operating a small, private, elite airline that flies exclusive clientele to exotic locales in the lap of luxury. A non-chronological series of loosely related one-shots and drabbles around the exploits of the crew of CRA.
This collaborative project is a joint effort of six creators: angelasscribbles, karahalloway, harleybeaumont, aussiegurl1234, nestledonthaveone and alj4890. Updates might not be frequent or often, but we hope they’re hilarious.
Pilots/Owners: Leo Rys, Liam Rys
First Officers: Drake Walker, Bertrand Beaumont
Flight Attendants: Riley Brooks, Maxwell Beaumont, Hana Lee, Kiara Theron
Office Manager: Madeleine Amaranth
World Renown In-Flight Chef: Olivia Nevrakis
Receptionist/Booking: Penelope Ebrim
Security: Bastien Lykel

Turbulence: Riley confronts Drake with unexpected results.
All I Want for Christmas Part 1: The crew is grounded by a blizzard.
All I Want for Christmas Part 2: Drake does something unexpected.
Ball Drop: Drake and Riley end up in the same place on NYE.
Staking a Claim: Riley's ex shows up on a flight. Drake is less than pleased about it.
A Fervid Fixation Chapter 8: From the Ashes
Series: A Fervid Fixation
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings: Riley x Drake
Rating: MA
Warnings for this chapter: Language, threats of violence
Word Count: 4,756
A/N: Well here we are at the last chapter finally lol! All eight chapters plus the epilogue clocked in at 30,463 words, and I wrote it in three weeks!
My other stuff: Master List.

Liam and Riley waved to Hana as her limo pulled away from the palace and headed toward the airport.
“I have to get to the council meeting,” Liam glanced at his watch, “but I have time to walk you back up to your room.”
“Thank you,” she took his arm with a smile, “I was thinking that maybe I should start moving my things into your room.”
“Really?” It was a welcome surprise. He would have had her move in with him weeks ago, but she had wanted to wait.
“The wedding is only two weeks away. I think it’s time,” she told him as they climbed the grand staircase together.
“I think that’s an excellent idea! Shall I cancel my meeting and help you?”
“No need for that. I’ll pack a few things tonight and you can help me with the rest tomorrow. One of the guards can carry things over.”
“Excellent! I’ll have Bruno carry your things and let you into the room. I’ll bring champagne tonight when I return so we can celebrate!” He told her as they stopped in front of her door.
“Can’t wait!” She threw her arms around him and hugged him.
He kissed her goodbye, gave orders to the guards then sauntered off to his meeting humming happily to himself.
Riley slipped into her room and quickly threw a few essentials into a small tote bag. She then pulled out her biggest suitcase and haphazardly threw random items into it until it was full.
She opened her door with a smile, “Hey Bruno. I’m ready. Could you carry the big suitcase for me?”
“Certainly, Your Grace.”
The heavyset guard with the thick jaw and shaved head retrieved the suitcase and escorted the duchess to the king’s room as he’d been ordered. He pressed his keycard to the sensor and opened the door for her.
She smiled at him as she moved past him with her tote bag, “You can just put the suitcase anywhere.”
As soon as Bruno was out of the room, Riley darted into Liam’s walk-in closet and rummaged through it until she found what she’d been looking for.
Drake’s duffle bag. It had been confiscated from the airfield in Auvernall and for some reason, Liam had kept it. Riley had seen it one day when they were having a private lunch in his room and she had spilled tea on herself.
Rather than go back to her room to change, Liam had offered her one of his shirts. When she’d followed him into the closet to retrieve it, she had seen the bag peeking out from behind a dirty laundry hamper.
It was a nondescript black leather duffle bag and she might not have noticed it if not for the fact that it was scuffed up and dusty in a closet, in a room that was otherwise pristinely clean and tidy.
She’d made Liam turn around when she changed shirts so she could get a closer look without him noticing. Sure enough, the tiny bit of gold embossing on the side bore the initials DW.
She had no idea why Liam had kept it, but she knew it had carried everything they had needed to escape the first time. She pulled the bag out and unzipped it, quickly sorting through the contents. A few changes of clothes, a gun, and several stacks of cash.
She carried the bag to the bed and emptied her tote bag into it then zipped it shut. The fewer bags she had to carry out of there, the better.
She opened the door and peeked outside. Bruno was standing guard in the hallway.
“May I help you with something, Your Grace?”
“Yes, I think I twisted my ankle, could you come in here and help me to a chair?”
“Oh, yes and I’ll call for the doctor!”
“Get me to a chair first, please.”
“Yes, Your Grace!”
Bruno lifted her easily and carried her to a chair. He lowered her into it, “Is this okay?”
“Yes, thank you. Could you take a look at it for me?”
She extended her leg, and he took a knee as he rolled her pants leg up, “Tell me if this hurts.”
“You seem like a really nice guy, Bruno. I’m so sorry.”
“For what, Your Grace?”
“This!” Before he had a chance to register what was happening, she produced a stun gun from behind her back and hit him in the side of the neck with it.
His body jerked several times then he fell over.
She quickly stepped over him, grabbed the bag from the bed, and hurried out the door and down the hallway.

Underneath the palace in the detention area, the lights flickered off.
“What the hell?” The duty sergeant tried to look around, but it was pitch dark.
“Is there an outage?” one of the junior guards asked.
“Just wait,” the sergeant told him, “Either it’ll come back on, or the backup generator will kick on. Fifteen seconds, tops!”
Sure enough, thirteen seconds later the lights flickered back on but when he glanced through the glass of the guard station, his blood ran cold, “What the fuck is going on?”
All of the cell doors were open.
“Sarge?” The guard at the monitors called, “The cameras are all down!”
“We have a situation!” The sergeant thundered, “The prisoners are out! Grab your riot gear and let’s go!”
He yanked the door handle, but the door didn’t budge, “What the holy fucking hell is going on here?”
“I don’t know,” the guard at the monitors answered, “But Peterson and Franks are out there!”
“Call for backup!”
“Sir…all the coms are down!”
“Shit! Fuck! Get this goddamn door open, now!”
As the duty sergeant railed fruitlessly at the door, the two guards that had been walking the cell block when the power went out were busy gathering up prisoners. It wasn’t so bad. There were only four of them and they were all unarmed.
They easily corralled three of the prisoners back into their cells and secured the doors.
“Where the fuck did Walker go?” Peterson asked.
“I don’t know,” Franks scanned the hallway then pointed, “Dayroom. Has to be.”
The two men moved carefully down the hall, weapons drawn. They inched toward the dayroom door.
Peterson pushed the door open, “Hey, Walker! You in there?”
No answer.
“Cover me,” he said over his shoulder before stepping into the dayroom.
He found himself in a chokehold with the barrel of a gun digging into the side of his head. His gun skidded across the floor, out of reach even if he could have broken free. His hands dug at the other man’s arm, desperate for air.
“Step the fuck back Franks or I’ll splatter your buddy’s brains all over this fucking room!”
“Shit!” Franks yelped as he leapt backward out of the room, “How the hell did you get a gun?”
The answer was that Jason had taped it to the back of the TV mounted on the dayroom wall, but Drake wasn’t going to tell them that. What he said instead was, “Put your gun down, slowly!”
The guard complied.
“Now step backward, and keep going until you reach the first open cell.”
Franks walked backward while Drake walked forward, pushing Peterson in front of him. He kicked the gun on the floor to the side as he passed it. When they were standing in front of a cell he instructed, “Now go inside.”
Franks backed into the cell, “You’re not going to get away with this you know.”
“I like my chances,” Drake grinned at him, “Now step all the way back to the far wall.”
As soon as Franks was touching the back wall, Drake shoved Peterson into the cell behind him and slammed the door, “Now, Peterson, slide your keys out here.”
He needed them to get off the cellblock. The keycard Riley had sent him worked everywhere in the palace except the door in and out of the cells, and no keycards were allowed on the cellblock. That was on purpose. Security. It made it harder to do exactly what he was about to do.
Once he had the keys he smirked at the guards, “Now your clothes.”
“I said give me your clothes! I can’t walk around the palace looking like a prisoner now can I?”
“I’m not giving you my clothes you sorry piece of-“
Drake cocked the hammer of the gun, “You can give them to me, or I can shoot you both then come in and take them. Your choice. I’m good either way.”
“Fuck!” Peterson’s eyes darted down the hall to the guard station where the sergeant was still yelling and pounding on the door. With a sigh of frustration, he peeled off his clothes.
Once he was dressed in the guard’s uniform, Drake holstered his weapon and hurried to the cellblock door. He gave the guards locked inside the guard station his middle finger as he passed. “It’s been real. Hope you all choke on a bag of dicks and die!”
Using Peterson’s key, he let himself through the door. He hurried to the end of the hallway then slowed and composed himself before stepping through the door at the other end and into the office portion of the detention center.
He stumbled through the door, pointing behind him, his voice laced with panic, his head down, cap pulled low over his face, “We need help! The prisoners are escaping!”
Men scrambled to their feet, grabbing weapons and scurrying down the hallway. The second the last man was through the door, Drake hauled ass across the room and swiped the keycard.
He sprinted up the stairs, making the first floor as he heard guards giving chase behind him. Footsteps pounded behind him and orders to halt rang through the hallways. He stayed far enough ahead of them that no one could get a clear shot off. Barely.
He knew where he was going and they didn’t.
He flew down the corridors and skidded around corners, weaving and twisting his way through the familiar halls until he found the door he was looking for.
He ignored the shouting as he hurtled around one last corner and dove into a small unused office, slamming the door shut behind him. He locked it and slid the desk in front of it.
By the time the guards got through the door, the room was empty.
“Where the fuck did he go?”
Drake was running through the secret passageways, on his way to freedom.

“What do you mean a prisoner has escaped?” Liam was apoplectic, “Which prisoner?”
He already knew.
“Drake Walker, sir.”
“How?” He screamed at the Lieutenant standing in front of him, “What kind of utter incompetence is going on down there?”
“He had a gun, sir, and-
“How in the holy hell did he get a gun inside a jail cell?”
“We don’t know sir, but he obviously had help from the outside.”
“What help from the outside?”
“The power went out, the security cams and coms went down, the cell doors opened on their own and the guard station door locked.”
Liam stared at him in shock, “How is any of that possible?”
“I don’t know sir, he must have help from someone on the inside. Someone with access to all our systems.”
Liam spun to his personal guard, Alec, “Get Mara up here now! We need every person with access to our systems interviewed right now! Starting with Jason Toussaint!”
“Yes, Your Majesty, on it!” Alec talked into his com, but it was dead. With a frown, he pulled out his cell phone and dialed but the call dropped immediately, “Sir? All communications are down.”
“Riley!” Liam pushed away from the conference table. The council meeting was over, they could see themselves out.
“I need to see Riley! He won’t leave without her! He’s going to try and abduct her again!”
Liam stormed through the palace followed by a small contingent of guards. He burst into his room to find Bruno lying on the floor, disoriented and groggy.
“Alec, Wake him up!” Liam ordered, “The rest of you go search the palace! They couldn’t have gotten far! And someone get me Mara and the doctor!”
By the time Mara appeared, Bruno was sitting up holding his head and groaning as the doctor looked him over.
“How the fuck did he get out of the detention area, Mara?”
“He took a set of keys off one of the guards.”
“The guards have physical keys, he got through the other door that required a keycard!”
Mara typed furiously on a tablet, “Let me see if I can access that. I’m sorry sir, we’re locked out of half of our own systems!”
“This is a fucking nightmare! How? How is that possible?”
“I can track keycard access and the keycard that was used to exit the detention area tonight was issued to….” Her eyes flicked up to his, “I’m sorry sir, it was issued to Lady Riley.”
“No…” Liam shook his head, “No, she wasn’t in on this, he took her! Again!”
“Your Majesty?” Bruno spoke up.
Liam whirled around to face him, “What happened to you? Was it Drake Walker? Did he knock you out?”
“No, sir….” Bruno answered slowly, “It was Lady Riley…she had a stun gun…”
Liam stumbled back like he’d been hit, “Shit!”
He started pacing as his mind spun furiously. If she had been planning to leave him all along, why ask to move into his room? If she was going to be gone within an hour, why that particular subterfuge? Why had she wanted access to his room?
He stopped pacing and turned toward the closet.
Did she know?
He had thought it odd she’d made him turn around to change that day considering he’d seen her naked plenty of times.
He crossed the room and pulled the closet door open. Shoes and boxes had been moved around. The duffle bag was missing. Now they had two guns and a stack of cash. He had removed the fake IDs and sent them to the cyber division to get him information on the fake identities Drake apparently had. He had been told they were all dead ends. By Lt. Toussaint.
With a disappointed sigh, he shoved the door shut. Turning to Mara he asked tightly, “Do we know where Lieutenant Jason Toussaint is?”
He should have fired him when he’d had the chance, but Mara had assured him that Jason had given out no classified information and he had done his job locking Drake out of their systems and freezing his assets. The man had behaved exactly as a soldier loyal to the crown should have.
Liam should have listened to his gut instinct.
“No, sir,” Mara replied, “But it looks like he last swiped his badge in the garage and one of the sedans is missing. It wasn’t checked out.”
“Do we have access to the GPS transponder?”
Mara typed for a few more seconds, “Yes, sir. It’s at the airport.”
Finally! A fucking break!
“Has Lady Hana’s plane left yet?”
“Our phone system is still down, sir. There’s no way to call and find out.”
“Then we’ll go there. Send every available guard unit, let’s go!”
With sirens blaring, they made it to the airport in record time, but it was too late.
“I’m sorry Your Majesty,” the clerk said, “But that flight took off five minutes ago.”
“Can we force them to land?”
“You’d need to talk to the tower.”
“Well, what are you waiting for? Get me to the tower!”
It took another ten minutes before Liam was standing in the control tower.
“I’m sorry, Your Majesty, the pilot isn’t answering.”
“What do you want to do, sir?” Mara asked.
He hesitated only a moment, “Get the Chinese Premier on the phone and fuel the royal jet!”
They had to be on that plane. Why else would the pilot be ignoring them?
Fifteen hours later Liam stood on the tarmac at the Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport, “What do you mean they’re not on the plane?”
“I mean they’re not on the plane,” the commander of the Chinese forces told him.
“Maybe they’re hiding! Did you search it?”
“Where’s Lady Hana Lee? I want to speak to her!”
“She went home, sir. We had no legal reason to detain her. She’s broken none of our laws, nor yours, and the fugitives you’re seeking were not on her plane.”
Liam stifled the string of obscenities that sprang to his tongue and forced himself to speak civilly as he inquired, “May I please have a word with the pilot?”
“I’m sorry. Once we realized there were no fugitives stowed away, we had no reason to hold him.”
Liam wanted to punch someone but punching a Chinese Colonel would not bode well for future diplomatic relations. “He didn’t answer our communications nor our request to return to the airport in Cordonia.”
“He claims he was getting nothing but static on his radio,” the colonel shrugged, “either way, he still did nothing illegal.”
Liam wanted to push the issue. If he could only speak to the pilot, he might be able to get some sort of answer out of him, but he knew the Premier was granting him a courtesy and he could only push it so far. Instead, he made one final request, “Do you mind if I have my men search it?”
“Be my guest, but there’s no one in there.”
An hour later Liam had to admit that they had never been on the plane. Which meant that he had just wasted sixteen hours on a wild goose chase. It would take another fifteen hours to get back home, giving Riley and Drake a thirty-one-hour head start.
They could be almost anywhere in the world by then.

Sixteen hours earlier….
He could barely breathe by the time he made it to the rendezvous spot. He hadn’t exactly been keeping up with his cardio in prison. He bent down, hands on his knees, sucking in air.
He looked up to find her running toward him, he straightened just in time to get nearly knocked off his feet when her body hit his with the force of a linebacker.
“Riley!” He pulled her tight against him as tears leaked out of the corners of his eyes, “I didn’t think I’d ever get to touch you again!”
“Like I was going to let that happen!” She was laughing and crying at the same time.
“How did you-“
“No time! Let’s go!” She grabbed his hand and pulled him through the passageways.

Jason guided the car right out of the palace’s front gate. The alarm hadn’t been sounded yet; Liam was likely just finding out that Drake was gone.
As soon as they were out of sight of the palace, he pulled over long enough to let the couple out of the trunk.
“Geeze that was tight!” Riley complained.
“I didn’t mind,” Drake smirked at her.
“Shut up and get in the car, Walker!”
“Oh, she’s bossy,” Jason laughed, “And also right, hurry up!”
They all piled into the car and Jason drove the exact speed limit to the airport where they parked the crown-issue sedan and climbed into an ancient SUV he had left parked at the airport earlier that day.
“This gonna run, Toussaint?” Drake asked skeptically.
“She’ll run and she’s got no GPS and no computer boards in her so she can’t be hacked or tracked!”
The car they left behind could be tracked though. That was the whole point. Liam would assume they were on the plane with Hana. They had learned the hard way that it wasn’t prudent for Liam to know where they were going.
They had to disappear.
“I can’t thank you enough, Jason,” Riley said as they drove.
“I’m just repaying a debt,” he told her as his eyes met Drake’s in the rearview mirror, “He saved my life in Rivala.”
“Nothing you wouldn’t have done for me,” Drake responded, “But how the hell did you pull all of this off?”
“Well, as you know, Riley’s the one that figured out how to send you notes with your lunch.”
“Yeah,” she smiled proudly, “all I had to do was befriend the kitchen staff. Then once I figured out that Jason existed, I found out from the janitorial staff which room was his and slipped a note under his door to meet me in the hedge maze! It’s amazing the shit the people cooking and cleaning know and have access to!”
“And no one from the aristocracy would have a clue,” Drake nodded, “they seem to think rooms clean themselves. I’m impressed!”
“Well, you may remember that I was a waitress,” she tittered, “And I remembered something you said about friends in low places.”
“Ahem,” Jason cleared his throat, “I had a little something to do with it.”
“Oh, yeah,” Drake agreed, “I know all the technical stuff was you, and the gun in the dayroom.”
“Yes. Planning the break for the night Hana was leaving was Riley’s idea and it was inspired! She’s one smart cookie!”
“She is!” Drake kissed the top of her head again. He couldn’t stop touching her. “What’s next? How are we getting the hell out of the country?”
“Boat,” Jason told him as he pulled into a deserted beach.
“Okay, sure…” Drake said carefully, “But we can only go so far in a speedboat…”
“Oh, ye of little faith!” Jason laughed, “Don’t worry, I have a plan! Our ride is waiting out there, come on!”
They transferred what little luggage they had into the boat. There were just two duffle bags, Drake’s and Jason’s. “I still can’t believe you got my bag back!” Drake marveled.
“Liam had it in his closet,” she told him.
“And you were in Liam’s closet why?”
“Are you fucking serious right now, Drake?”
“Ye-okay, no, sorry.” Getting out of the country took priority over what she had or hadn’t done with Liam while he was locked up.
Drake and Jason pushed the boat out into deeper water and then jumped in. Jason started the motor and they zipped away.
“We just have to make it to international waters,” Jason said, “and the majority of the guard should be on its way to Shanghai right now.”
“So no extra patrols or anyone looking for us out here,” Drake surmised.
“That is correct,” Jason grinned at him, “so all we have to do is dodge the regular patrol and I happen to have memorized the schedule.”
“Goddamn, you’re a good friend to have!” Drake grinned back.
“This is just like old times!” Jason laughed.
“Dodging patrols, slipping past borders, completing our mission, and making it back home in time for dinner!” Drake chuckled quietly.
“Were you in the Cordonian Air Force too?” Riley asked.
“No,” Jason answered, “French Navy, but Walker and I were paired up on several special ops.”
“Damn,” Riley said, “I just realized that you gave up your career too, I’m sorry.”
The men exchanged looks.
“What?” She asked.
“Should we tell her?” Jason asked.
Drake shrugged, “It’s your secret. Do what you want.”
“What?” Riley demanded again.
“My name’s not Jason and my career isn’t over. I burned my cover in Cordonia but I did it to save an asset.”
“I don’t understand.”
“My name is Anton Severus and I work for the French government. They’ll simply reassign me should I choose to remain active.”
“Wait…you’re a spy?!”
“Yep. My hair is not even actually blonde.”
She turned to Drake in astonishment, “I thought you recruited him?”
“All part of the cover,” Drake revealed.
“You knew? You helped a foreign government spy on your own country?”
“I traded secrets.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means he’s a double agent,” Jason interjected, “or was.”
“But why?” Riley was still reeling from the revelation.
“I already told you, Brooks. Always have an escape plan.”
She couldn’t argue with his logic because Jason, or rather Anton, the French spy, had indeed been their escape plan. But it still engendered a lot of questions.
“So was Liam right not to trust you?”
“Liam did trust me. I was perfectly placed in both governments, both sides knew I had to trade a few of their secrets to get the information they wanted from the other. And I was making a killing financially from it. I was set for life. That’s what I gave up for you, Riley. Literally everything!”
She drew him toward the side of the boat away from Jason and lowered her voice, “Drake, if we’re going to have a future together, I need to know you’re telling me everything.”
“I literally just told you that I’m a spy, Riley!”
“I know. And I know that Liam lied about almost everything.”
“Almost?” He eyed her, suddenly wary.
“Yeah, almost. Listen. I know there were no security cameras in the airport office, Jason told me.”
“Right. I told you, very low-tech. No way they bothered with security cameras!”
“Yes, well, even so….”
“Just spit it out,” he sat back and stared at her defiantly, “You think I killed Bastien, don’t you?”
“I’m pretty sure you did.”
“Why would you think that?”
“Remember when you made it to the hanger, and you told me that even though he was your godfather his first loyalty had always been to the crown?”
“I remember….”
“You spoke about him in the past tense, Drake! You said was, not is and that was before Liam told us he was dead!”
“Huh,” Drake’s jaw set, “Let me ask you a question….was there ever a funeral?”
“What?” she blinked in confusion.
“A funeral, you know, a body. Did anyone ever see a body? Was there any kind of memorial service? An obituary? Anything?”
“N…no…not that I saw….”
“So how do we know he’s even dead?”
“They locked you up for it!”
“And never scheduled a trial. As eager as Liam was to get rid of me, why didn’t he push for that? He’s king, he could have moved it to the top of the docket. I was never indicted, Riley. A trial was never scheduled. Where’s the body?”
Riley turned away from him slightly as she mulled that over. Her mind spun as she considered the very real possibility that she might never know for sure what had happened in that room.
But did it matter?
She turned back to stare into his eyes as her hands rested on her midriff. There was only one thing that mattered now.

Three hours later the sleek black speedboat pulled up next to a Voyager class cruise ship on its return trip to its home port: France.
A ladder was lowered from the deck by two French Naval officers who had boarded the ship earlier that day under the authority of the French government.
Riley, Drake, and the bags went up first. Jason stayed behind to drill a hole in the bottom of the boat before climbing up the ladder. They couldn’t risk an abandoned boat washing up on shore and tipping off the Cordonian authorities. Let them scour flights, trains, and highways.
The trio was escorted to the helipad where they, along with the two French officers climbed on board.
Two hours later they landed in Marseilles. Riley sat in a small, cramped waiting room while Drake and Jason were debriefed by French authorities.
She was dozing in a chair when they finally came out.
“Hey baby, wake up,” Drake said softly.
“Umm…sorry,” she mumbled as she pulled herself upright and rubbed the sleep from her eyes.
“Nothing to be sorry for,” he murmured as he stroked her hair, “If it wasn’t for you, I’d still be sitting in a Cordonian jail cell.”
“If it wasn’t for me, you’d never have been in one to start with.” She reminded him ruefully.
“It was worth it!”
“Really? Because you could have just let them deport me then come and found me in New York.”
“Hindsight,” he said, “Now come on, we’re staying in a French safe house tonight.”
“And tomorrow?”
“Tomorrow you get to meet Savannah!”
“Mmm, perfect,” she yawned as she stood and stretched. Tomorrow she would meet his sister. Tomorrow they would get new identities. Tomorrow she would tell him about the baby growing inside her.
His baby.
Tomorrow was the beginning of the rest of their lives.
Law's End: Murder at Vista Heights
A prominent businessman is dead.
A homicide detective struggling against his family's ignominy, a photojournalist turned cyberhacker and a reluctant PI are united by one unrelenting reporter determined to find the truth at any cost.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Murder at Vista Heights
Breaking News
The Beat