Ts4 Mods - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago
Make The Bed Mod | SMALL MODS

Make the bed Mod | SMALL MODS

Hey, everyone! I Want to share with You my new mod. This is a small mod that will let your sim make their bed:

Make The Bed Mod | SMALL MODS

How does it work:

You will find the new interaction on any double bed. (This is just a double bed interaction since the animations are made on them.) it will not work on single beds.

Also, this is just a left-side interaction. If your bed is the other way around, it would not work. i know this isn't the best solution but the animation are highly detailed and it won't work if i just flipped them to the other side. I will need to make new ones for that, and i wasn't able to do that with the big gift updates that I am actually working on

Make The Bed Mod | SMALL MODS

Your sim will get some Positive moodlets with a happy buff;

Make The Bed Mod | SMALL MODS

Requirement :

This mod needs the XML injector by Scumbumbo. You can download it here: https://scumbumbomods.com/xml-injector

How to install :

Just put both my mod and the XML injector script into your Sims 4 Mods folder.


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8 months ago
Sequential Art Full Time Semi-Active Career

Sequential Art Full Time Semi-Active Career

As a huge nerd, this had to be one of the first of my old careers that I decided to revamp. And by revamp, I mean recreate the WHOLE thing from scratch. This requires City Living, as it is a Semi-Active career, meaning your Sim can go into work or work from home.

This includes everything I could think of; Daily Tasks, layoffs, a TON of chance cards and fame opportunities (the latter requires Get Famous). I've created lots of custom interactions, work from home assignments and buffs. I've written my own script file to add 2 brand new book genres; Comic Book and Graphic Novel with custom designed Simlish covers. Also, there's a custom uniform using Base Game items, so you can be sure not to have anything missing. I've included all of the icons I've used from other Game Packs, just in case you don't have them.

One of the career rewards is the Slablet (I know, it's useless). Or should I say it WAS! Now you get a bunch of eComics and eGraphic Novels to read. You can complete your Daily Tasks on a computer, or some require one of the other rewards you get.

The first branch where you start out will see your Sim working at a Comic Book store. After 3 levels, you can choose your branch. There are then 7 levels per branch, which I won't spoil for you...

What else? Oh, right; a brand new custom Skill; Digital Art. I've enabled NPC career joining, so if you have Neighborhood Stories turned on, your unplayed Sims could join this career along with EA's!!

Despite just being one career, this was a LOT of work, and I did my best to perfect everything. As a stickler for details though, if you do spot any errors, please send me a report here.

Sequential Art Full Time Semi-Active Career

⚠️Required⚠️💾 Lot51's Core Library 🏙️City Living DLC

OPTIONAL: UniversityJumps (If you have Discover University, this will allow your Sim to get a head start in their dream career if they have a degree in Language & Literature or Art). It will conflict with any other jump files you have, but you can either add mine to any existing files, or ask me and I'll do it for you.

Sequential Art Full Time Semi-Active Career


(Early Access until Monday, July 29, 2024)

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8 months ago

Did you know there's a functional Hickies Mod? Perfect for the upcoming pack if you ask me 😉

Did You Know There's A Functional Hickies Mod? Perfect For The Upcoming Pack If You Ask Me
Did You Know There's A Functional Hickies Mod? Perfect For The Upcoming Pack If You Ask Me
Did You Know There's A Functional Hickies Mod? Perfect For The Upcoming Pack If You Ask Me
Did You Know There's A Functional Hickies Mod? Perfect For The Upcoming Pack If You Ask Me

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6 months ago


Shush, I know it's a basic bitch of a window. This is a test, yea? Baby steps. Once I'm confident that the glass part is stable, you'll get more elaborate designs. Adding cuts is a TSRW exclusive feature and highly experimental so...

I only got the English and German translation for this. No it won't work for EA windows since this is technically two objects pretending to be one.

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6 months ago



Introducing the Doo Doo Save File - Version One!


This save is still very much a work in progress. While most things appear to be complete (such as builds), there's still a lot to be done. So, keep that in mind. Also, I tried my best to playtest everything, but this is a HUGE save. So, it's possible I missed things. If I did, feel free to let me know!


Please don't claim as your own. Don't reupload my builds as your own. Basically, don't be weird and give credit please as this took centuries to do lol.

Special Thanks!

EDIT: Ahhh! Big thank you to @lasabarcassims for helping me set up SimFileShare! Please check out their save as well. It’s amaaaazing.

Shout out to @aaliyahnavI @doit4thesims @forever-lbsims @senselesssims for playtesting this monstrosity. I greatly appreciate you all!

Thanks to @simmerapple (gallery: ImpossibleBelle) and @simkuza (Gallery: Mimilagu) for checking out the save and sending some of their amazing sims to use!

Lastly, I want to thank everyone for their continued support and encouragement! When I started this thing, I was just bored and looking for a way to improve my game. I honestly did not expect to finish it, nor did I expect so many of you to care lol. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. It's still very rough around the edges, but I hope it brings you some enjoyment!

Also, don't hesitate to tag me in any posts! I want to see my precious Doo Doo brought to life!

Doo Doo V1 (with rentals): download here!

Doo Doo V1 (without rentals): download here!


Here is an overview of everything:

16 worlds redone (Mt. Komorebi, Sulani, Selvadorada, and Tomarang still need some TLC)

Some updated townies with lore, relationships, jobs, etc. etc.

New townies!

New clubs and holidays

LOTS of packs used, so not BG friendly

For Version 2, I hope to finish this save completely. When will that be? That's a good question lol

What's not included:

All the packs - I don't own (and probably never will lol) HSY, Werewolves, Lovestruck, and MWS. Also missing most of the kits.

Specialty lots (i.e. police station, magic realm) won't be touched until Ver. 2

CC and Tips

I did use one piece of CC, but it is absolutely not required in order to download this save. It's the Modern Family Portrait by RAVASHEEN! Download only if you want some cute portraits of the families.

For this save, I grouped some of the worlds together. You don't have to play this way, it's just a note to consider:

Oasis Springs, Del Sol Valley, and StrangerVille

Newcrest, Willow Creek, and Magnolia Promenade

Windenburg, Forgotten Hallow, Glimmerbrook, and Henford

San Myshuno, Brindleton Bay

San Sequoia and Evergreen Harbor

The other worlds? They're just on their own for now.



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1 year ago

CAS Replacements || Set 01

CAS Replacements || Set 01

An anon was asking about my CAS BG so here it is, with more options plus extra CAS lighting mods. Enjoy!

CAS Replacements || Set 01

DOWNLOAD (pick & choose*)

SimFileShare / Google Drive / Patreon

📌Small update: fixed the mesh so it covers the whole screen for those with 16:9 monitors. No need to re-download if the previous file is working fine 😊

Additional info & TOU

Don't re-upload & claim as yours! Just link back here :)

You can recolor the CAS BG and include the mesh. Tag me if you do ^^

Credit to @littledica & @simplyanjuta for their CAS BG and lighting mod respectively! I'll be using theirs as a base for all of my CAS replacements.

*no reshade previews under cut ✂️

CAS Replacements || Set 01

// CASBG_01 - Reflection

CAS Replacements || Set 01

5 different shades to choose from.

Keep only one CAS BG replacement in your Mods folder.

// CASLight_01 - FrontGlo v1 & v2

CAS Replacements || Set 01

4 lighting setup to choose from.

Keep only one CAS lighting mod in your Mods folder.

v1 & v1_Rim : works well with darker backgrounds.

v2 & v2_Rim : quite versatile with any backgrounds.

All lighting mods are compatible with pets (bonus reflected toe beans 🐾)

CAS Replacements || Set 01

No reshade preview:

CAS Replacements || Set 01

Preview on different sims (w/ reshade on):

CAS Replacements || Set 01
CAS Replacements || Set 01
CAS Replacements || Set 01
CAS Replacements || Set 01
CAS Replacements || Set 01

@maxismatchccworld @sssvitlanz @public-ccfinds @alwaysfreecc

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1 year ago
The Sims 4 Dark Mode - Chalk'd V1 [WIP]

The Sims 4 Dark Mode 🌃 - Chalk'd v1 [WIP]

Hey all 👋 happy to share this TS4's UI overhaul project that I've been working on for the past month or so, just in time before the end of the year! I'd also like to thank you for following along the WIP posts of this project 😊

This mod is still in progress as not all UI elements have been recolored, but you'll find the majority of them do. Enjoy! :]


The Sims 4 Dark Mode - Chalk'd V1 [WIP]
The Sims 4 Dark Mode - Chalk'd V1 [WIP]
The Sims 4 Dark Mode - Chalk'd V1 [WIP]
The Sims 4 Dark Mode - Chalk'd V1 [WIP]
The Sims 4 Dark Mode - Chalk'd V1 [WIP]
The Sims 4 Dark Mode - Chalk'd V1 [WIP]
The Sims 4 Dark Mode - Chalk'd V1 [WIP]
The Sims 4 Dark Mode - Chalk'd V1 [WIP]
The Sims 4 Dark Mode - Chalk'd V1 [WIP]

General Info

Most of the important UIs have been recolored, with some texts still blue.

Dialog pop-up windows are still unedited (ones that asks you to input either texts/numbers/ask you for choices).

To install:

Main mod: download and extract the folder within .zip into your Mods folder. Clear any cache files and follow the instructions under Known Conflicts if any is applicable.

Loading screen: download only one loading screen file found in the SFS folder.

Opening screen: file to replace the intro TS4 screen. Choose the file that pertains to your game language.

Mod Compatibility Tracker

Package files with the 00_ prefix are ones that overrides the same resources as other mods. You can read more below to check which mods are compatible/conflicting and what to do with those conflicting files.

// Fully Compatible ✅

UI Cheats Extension by weerbesu - original mod required

Fully compatible w/ UI Cheats Extension v1.39. To avoid any issues, keep the original mod in your mods folder (both .package and .ts4script).

// Compatible 🚧

Mods listed below currently works with my UI override as I have yet to modify the conflicting files present in them. If you happen to come across conflicts, do let me know ^^

Better BuildBuy by TMEX


Remove Sims from Conversation by thepancake1

More Traits in CAS by thepancake1

Color Sliders by thepancake1

More Column in CAS by weerbesu

// Known Conflicts ❌

Dskecht's Dark Mode UI & other color variants

Main menu mods (Minimalist Main Menu, Clean UI, Skip Main Menu, and other similar mods)

Custom loading screens - keep/remove 00_Loading screens.package

Custom wrench icons - remove others

Must remove other custom wrench mods if you wish to keep the dark mode on as the conflicting texture holds other UI elements as well.

No Map Lot Outlines by MizoreYukii - keep/remove mine

Remove 00_World Select - Header text.package if you wish to keep the NoMapLotOutlines mod. Will revert the world header info font color back to blue.

Smarter Pie Menu by TMEX - choose between versions

The Sims 4 Dark Mode - Chalk'd V1 [WIP]

Pie Menu v1: conflicts with Smarter Pie Menu. Dark BG version. Pie Menu v2 - SPM_Compatible : compatible with TMEX's mod. Light BG ver. Both pie menu packages are compatible with mods that only rearrange the pie menu.

Phone icons - keep/remove mine

The Sims 4 Dark Mode - Chalk'd V1 [WIP]

Remove 00_Phone icons.package if you wish to use other phone icon overrides. Mods that only rearrange the phone menu are compatible.


S4Studio, UI Texture Squasher (CmarNYC), Image Viewer (luniversims), JPEXS Flash Decompiler

Loading screen tut, splash/opening screen, UI/world map override tut, UI setup

Base files used from these mods, with permission: UI Cheats Extension (weerbesu), and hopefully more to come!


SimFileShare / Patreon

*all files are currently located in one folder, but they have been named neatly.

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11 months ago
CC Wrench Override | Patch 1.105

CC Wrench Override | Patch 1.105

⠀ ✨ Download (SimFileShare)

Four versions available:

No CC Wrench

Sparkle CC Wrench

Heart CC Wrench

Plumbob CC Wrench

🌙 Installation:

Download your favorite mod version

The mod version must match your game patch, otherwise you'll get UI errors.

Place the package file in your Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 > Mods (up to five subfolders deep).

There can only be one cc wrench replacement in the game. If you previously installed a similar mod, remove it.

♡ vk group ♡ boosty ♡

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9 months ago
[narni] Pose Pack - Skin Care Time

[narni] Pose pack - Skin care time

6 couple poses

You need: Pose Player & Teleport Any Sim

for a girl: cream(hat) for a guy: headband (hat\ you need to remove the masculine tag), cream smearing (Blush), face mask (face paint) all acc and instruction included

download: patreon | boosty

[narni] Pose Pack - Skin Care Time
[narni] Pose Pack - Skin Care Time

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9 months ago
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 56 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 11 / 12/ 13 / 14 / 15

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5  6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15

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9 months ago


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8 months ago



A redesigned version of the mod that many of you liked!

New advanced features!

New poses for the fingernails section for all ages!

Сollection of ADD-ONs!

Video about this update: tiktok / youtube / insta !



Any likes and reblogs is honestly appreciated! 🩷

Thank you for supporting the development process!

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8 months ago
Functional Pacifier

functional pacifier

download on patreon (early access) (public release - 08/02/24)

this mod adds a functional pacifier for your infants and toddlers.

the pacifier must be purchased in build mode. you will find it in children's room decor or bathroom decor.

Functional Pacifier

there are two types of pacifiers: one for infants, the other for toddlers.

Functional Pacifier

infant or toddler need to click on the purchased item, then the “use a pacifier” action will appear. you can also remove the pacifier by pressing on the object.

the item can be dragged into the inventory and used from there.

a pacifier will help the baby cope a little with negative emotions, and the following moodlet will appear:

Functional Pacifier

write if you have any problems or questions!

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7 months ago
LEFT Replaced With RIGHT.[BG+] Replacing Odd Animations With Less Odd Animations, Huzzah!
LEFT Replaced With RIGHT.[BG+] Replacing Odd Animations With Less Odd Animations, Huzzah!
LEFT Replaced With RIGHT.[BG+] Replacing Odd Animations With Less Odd Animations, Huzzah!
LEFT Replaced With RIGHT.[BG+] Replacing Odd Animations With Less Odd Animations, Huzzah!

LEFT replaced with RIGHT. [BG+] Replacing odd animations with less odd animations, huzzah!

⚔️ Requires the corresponding content pack. 🚀 Initial Release - 8/5/2024

🎁 SFS Folder - http://simfileshare.net/folder/225436/

🗺️ Release Announcement Post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/109291501

✒️ Some animations just look... bad. There are a few solutions for this but I've chosen the simplest and most versatile - animation overrides! <insert magicky hand gestures here> Are you amazed? Yes, yes you are!

📦 Two overrides are currently available for female sims (and feminine sims if you give AXGW a spin when it releases). They replace two standing idles that suffer from the smile shown below when the sky is awake and the mood is Fine because holy !@#$, does that look bad:

⁺₊⋆ ☾ Serawis
point stands

💬 You can thank @serawis for this releasing now instead of Later™. I had a scroll through a few of your Tumblrs following the positive response I got for the BUGFIX, encountered the above post, inquired if it was still desired, et voila - a mod is born. More are planned, eg. male and masculine sim's stand idles are very bland. If I can find replacements, I will replace one or two of them. I could literally replace everything with the cute new Lovebug animation and have everyone just doing hand hearts for eternity <snickers sinisterly> but alas, maybe for my own game only.

⚡ GIFs added.

🥴 I keep forgetting the darn tags!

⏳ P.S.: Don't expect too many more of these too soon. After AnimXGenWear's initial release, I want to override all of BG CAS. I was supposed to years ago. I intend to do it in stages because BG CAS is the largest. I'll tackle the worst offenders first, including all the things that need their Randomization removed. However, if you've noticed any vanilla animations that look like they deserve the "huzzah" treatment, take a pic and share it with me. I will take a look and see if I can find a replacement.

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2 years ago
Mega Interactions Mods - Romance & Relationships (in Development)
Mega Interactions Mods - Romance & Relationships (in Development)
Mega Interactions Mods - Romance & Relationships (in Development)
Mega Interactions Mods - Romance & Relationships (in Development)
Mega Interactions Mods - Romance & Relationships (in Development)
Mega Interactions Mods - Romance & Relationships (in Development)

Mega Interactions Mods - Romance & Relationships (in development)

Just another sneak peek of something else I’m working on….

This is even earlier in development, but just wanted to give a sneak peak because I can’t wait to finish this mod since I low key want to play it too lol

Planned Features:

Get To Know: Have conversation starters to keep your interactions more interesting. (e.g. “What do you like to do for fun?”, “What would your dream date night be?”, “Tell me about yourself”, etc)

Choose which pick up line or compliment you want to use when flirting with another Sim.

You can talk about Relationship Milestones such as moving in together, saying I love you for the first time, having children, meeting the parents, etc.

Discuss Relationship: Have healthy discussions about things that are missing in a relationship. These interactions will strengthen the relationship instead of weakening it. (e.g. “Ask for more communication”, “I need more space”, etc)

Tired of asking nicely? Argue about it! Have a variety of Arguments that will have a negative impact on the relationship. (e.g. “We never have fun anymore”, “Why are you so jealous?”, “Who are you texting?”, “Why am I never a priority for you?”, etc)

Arguing too much? Maybe it’s time for a break up. Different reasons for Break Ups will result in different responses.

I don’t have a release date planned for this one yet since there is a lot to be worked on, but hopefully I can release a beta version of this soon. 

If there is a lot of interest on this, I might prioritize it to try and release it sooner. Let me know with a like or reblog if you like this idea! :)

Click here if you want to make my day and support this mod’s development on Patreon ❤️  

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2 years ago



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7 months ago

The Sims 4 Mod: The Custom Preferences Mod

To support the new Turn Ons and Turn Offs in Lovestruck, patch changed the code for how preferences work, so custom categories must be added to a list and no longer show up automatically in the Likes and Dislikes section. Furthermore, the list uses SimData, so it's not possible to simply inject it with a Python script.

Sadly, this means the only way for custom categories to work at all (at least without some really complex UI modding) is via a global mod that adds them all back.

This mod adds support for custom categories in the following mods:

Preferences Plus by helaene (includes Seasons addon)

All of Vicky Sims (chingyu1023)'s custom preference mods (as of July 24th 2024)

Paws and Claws by ChippedSims (animal preferences)

Secret Occults by JaneSimsten (occult preferences)

Go to School V5 by Zerbu, aka me (school subject preferences)

Road to Wealth by xosdr

Occult Preferences by SpinningPlumbobs

Visible Weather Preferences by Andirz

Pizza Preferences by Kuttoe

RECENTLY ADDED: Lovestruck Attraction Overhaul by MissyHissy


In addition, this adds a whole new Sim Attributes section, for preferences that don't fit the Likes and Dislikes section.

Usage Policy

I claim no ownership over this and give full permission to copy and make your own versions of this mod, as well as distribute those versions. While I intend to update it with preferences from other mods, you can also do that yourself if you're making your own mod or want to use a mod that hasn't been added yet.


Download from Google Drive

NOTE: If you're currently using my Unlimited Likes and Dislikes mod, please remove it, as it will conflict. This mod provides the exact same functionality.

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7 months ago

The Sims 4 Mod: Spawn Refresh

This mod completely overhauls how venue spawning works in The Sims 4, allowing for fully-staffed, multi-purpose lots!

The Sims 4 Mod: Spawn Refresh
The Sims 4 Mod: Spawn Refresh

How it works

With Spawn Refresh, most spawns are no longer tied to the lot type, but are instead based on the objects on the lot. Not only will all bars, stalls, etc. be fully staffed, but the objects also impact the types of visitors that spawn and how many. For example, a lot with gym equipment will attract Sims who like to workout, and a lot with many barstools and a few (but not many) bookshelves will attract a lot of barflies, but only a few readers.

Both staff and visitors will spawn on the following lot types:

Arts Center





Karaoke Bar





Onsen Bathhouse




Retail (not owned by the active household)

Resaurant (not owned by the active household)

Thrift and Bubble Tea Store

Additionally, the following lot types will spawn extra staff, but the visitors will stay the same:

Foxbury Commons

Recreation Center

UBrite Commons

New Lot Type: Rental (Shared)

The Sims 4 Mod: Spawn Refresh

Spawn Refresh also adds a new lot type to the game called Rental (Shared). This is a Rental lot that spawns Sims like a public venue. It can be used to simulate hotels and other accomodations for storytelling.

You will need a venue mod like Venue Changes for this to be available in Build Mode.

Limitations/where lot type still matters

Although this mod blurs the importance of lot types, they still matter in some cases.

Bowling events and spa classes are only available on venues they were available on previously. This may change in the future, but wasn't a focus for the first version.

You cannot combine multiple types of businesses. Although the mod will spawn Sims on businesses not owned by the active household, the "main" type still has to be set to the business type.

Events like bar nights and karaoke contests are still limited by venue type.

To prevent bar nights from breaking, barflies in Bar venues will spawn the same way they would without the mod.

Parks are the only lot type that will spawn bench sleepers.

Beaches and pools are the only lot types that will spawn swimmers, and will do so using the same logic it would without the mod. This doesn't mean Sims on other lots can't swim, it just means they won't spawn Sims specifically for that purpose.

For roles that have variants that normally spawn on multiple venues (for example: bartenders and barflies can normally spawn on Bars, Lounges, Nightclubs and Karaoke Bars), the mod will use the same variant as in the vanilla game, although it can still spawn multiple of them.

Only Museums and Arts Centers spawn visitors specifically to view art, since you probably don't want a bunch of random Sims showing up just to look at decorations on other lots.


This mod will conflict with any mod that modifies the "Zone Director" files for venue spawns. It should work fine with mods that limit Sims to their home world, since those don't edit the Zone Directors.


Download Spawn Refresh

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7 months ago
 !I've Whipped Up 6 Cool Font Replacement Mods To Give Your Sims World A Fresh Look. Pick Your Favorite

𝑯𝒆𝒚 𝑺𝒊𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒔! I've whipped up 6 cool Font Replacement Mods to give your Sims world a fresh look. Pick your favorite style and grab the downloads now! In-game previews & credits under cut.

[𝐷𝑜𝑤𝑛𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒] sfs, free

♡𝙒𝙖𝙩𝙘𝙝 𝙑𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙤 觀看完整影片 𝙃𝙀𝙍𝙀 .ᐟ.ᐟ.ᐟ

 !I've Whipped Up 6 Cool Font Replacement Mods To Give Your Sims World A Fresh Look. Pick Your Favorite
 !I've Whipped Up 6 Cool Font Replacement Mods To Give Your Sims World A Fresh Look. Pick Your Favorite
 !I've Whipped Up 6 Cool Font Replacement Mods To Give Your Sims World A Fresh Look. Pick Your Favorite
 !I've Whipped Up 6 Cool Font Replacement Mods To Give Your Sims World A Fresh Look. Pick Your Favorite
 !I've Whipped Up 6 Cool Font Replacement Mods To Give Your Sims World A Fresh Look. Pick Your Favorite
 !I've Whipped Up 6 Cool Font Replacement Mods To Give Your Sims World A Fresh Look. Pick Your Favorite

Language Support: English/Traditional Chinese This mod is an override file that replaces all the fonts in the original game. Install only one font replacement at a time. If you have similar mods, choose only one to use.

[𝐷𝑜𝑤𝑛𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒] sfs, free

Special thanks to the resources provided by vyxated, and all credit goes to S4Studio, JPEXS, and SIL Open Font License. Also, gratitude to @meow-notes, CA, Yutri, and @tako-sims for their early mod testing assistance. A heartfelt appreciation to Viennia for generously assisting with in-game screenshot materials for the mod development.

𝑬𝒏𝒋𝒐𝒚 & 𝑯𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒚 𝑺𝒊𝒎𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒈(。•ᴗ-).ᐟ.ᐟ

 !I've Whipped Up 6 Cool Font Replacement Mods To Give Your Sims World A Fresh Look. Pick Your Favorite

✴︎ sɪᴍᴛᴜʙᴇ|sɪᴍʙʟʀ|sɪᴍᴛᴇʀᴇsᴛ|sɪᴍᴛʀᴇᴏɴ ✴︎

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6 months ago
Wearable Maxis Feet For Necrodogs HD Feet
Wearable Maxis Feet For Necrodogs HD Feet
Wearable Maxis Feet For Necrodogs HD Feet
Wearable Maxis Feet For Necrodogs HD Feet

Wearable Maxis feet for Necrodog’s HD Feet

     – Greetings, everyone! I’m back with another lil’ download for you!

     Ever since The Sims 2 I have always appreciated the Maxis Match style, but I never disregarded the small details that would bring that slight hint of realism within the game – defined feet, anatomy bits, etc.      Which is why Necrodog’s HD Feet have been a lifesavior, and just like Bloom’s Sexy Feet for TS3 and TS2, his feet are a MUST in my game.

     However, there has always been something that bugged me about realistic feet in each version of the game, and it’s how – for obvious reasons – feet kept their modified shape even when wearing socks.

     Therefore, I’ve decided to solve the issue myself. 


     I present you a set of WEARABLE MAXIS FEET that you can use whenever you want your sim to wear socks only.      You will find them in the Shoes » Slippers section.

– Merged .package DOWNLOAD: Mediafire // Box // SimFileShare // Google Drive

– Separated files DOWNLOAD: Mediafire // Box // SimFileShare // Google Drive

     Enjoy~! ッ


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