Tsukiyama Shuu Scenarios - Tumblr Posts

“Father, there is something I have to tell you.”
Mirumo watched his son closely, listening to
every word intently while wearing an unreadable expression. “Shuu…” This is not what he wanted for his child. Hell. He never even imagined something like this happening.
“You do know what this will mean for you both if you choose to keep it, right?” Shuu sighed, “ Yes, I have consulted someone well trusted on the matter and (__) still wishes to go through with this as well.” Shuu took a seat next to his father and was waiting for a reaction. “ If this is what you have decided then I am happy for you. Although I don’t think I have had the pleasure of meeting this lucky lady so we should arrange a day for us to meet.” Mirumo realized that he just wanted his son to be happy after all. It was a warm yet sudden feeling.
Shuu smiled and sighed with relief. “Also I would make it a point to tell the rest of the household too so they will be aware of any humans wandering around.” He nodded and went towards the door pushing it open slightly. “Shuu one more thing.” He turned his head to look over, “i’m happy for you from one father to another.”
“Merci beaucoup, papa.” With a newfound pride shuu fully opened the door and saw almost everyone of his servants outside just listening. This was very unusual to the ghoul, but shuu was acting stranger than usual today so there was room for concern. “Ah. So you heard. Well yes! I am having a child with a human and it is très bien!!!” The servants seemed quite appalled and there were whispers of concern and there were actually some who were quite happy. Matsume was asking questions due to her worry and he gladly answered them all, but something wasn’t right. Kanae was missing, he tried looking for them and found no trace of them in the household. Soon a large wave of panic took over Tsukiyama as he excused himself.

((I tried))
Hi there! I love your writing and Shuu so I was wondering if I can request an imagine for a female stressed out student dealing with severe panic attacks and how shuu would comfort them through all of this hell going on in the world?
Thank you 😊
writing under the cut for length! I made it more of a general comfort as I was not in my best head space, but I do hope you enjoy anyways. sorry for the long wait
Shuu walked around the mansion, biting his lip nervously as he opened door after door shouting their name. His pace came to a slow upon hearing muffled sobs coming from one of the studies. Carefully he approached, opening the door only to be greeted with near darkness, the only light source coming from that of the moon spilling into the sheer curtains.
“Amore? Are you in here? Is everything alright?” He grit his teeth, hand shakily feeling for the light, ready to release his kagune at the first sign of trouble, but relaxed slightly with the feeling of terror leaving his body, but replaced with a sinking feeling in his chest as he stared at y/n in one of the corners of the room curled into a ball, desk long abandoned.
“Shuu.” They looked up, voice meek as tears poured down their face and onto their knees. He shut the door and began making his way to them and sat beside them, not making a move closer. He waited there for a few minutes before they slowly made their way into his arms and lay their head on his chest. He lifted his hand to carefully stroke their hair
“Would you like to talk or would you prefer silence?” He lifted their face so their eyes met, wiping away their tears with a soft smile.
“I don’t know what happened. Just one of those days, you know?” They sniffled, wiping their nose on their sleeve and he pulled them closer.
“Say no more. I will stay as long as you need me to. Say the word and it’s yours. Tu est mon cœur.” He placed a kiss on their forehead and began humming a sweet, calming song. He held them tight and wouldn’t let them go for the world.