Tubby Unite - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

Shadoxtubby told me to keep the tubby unite project alive so here's my character in tubby unite (also tubby unite is like a inspired version of Pokemon unite)


Shadoxtubby Told Me To Keep The Tubby Unite Project Alive So Here's My Character In Tubby Unite (also


Passive Ability↓

Slowdown glare: when Mally has low hp he Will recover 50% of the HP that was taken then the ability will shortly coldown and will also lower enemies speed


Shadoxtubby Told Me To Keep The Tubby Unite Project Alive So Here's My Character In Tubby Unite (also

Auto attack: Becomes a boosted attack with every third attack, dealing increased damage.

Damage - Basic:

100% Atk + 0 x (Level - 1) + 0

Move 1


Shadoxtubby Told Me To Keep The Tubby Unite Project Alive So Here's My Character In Tubby Unite (also

Level 1 or 3

Coldown:6.00s | Area

Cover itself in a bubble, granting it a shield for 3s. When the shield’s effect duration ends or if this move is used again, the bubble shield pops, dealing damage to nearby opposing teamate and slowing them by 30% for 2s.


128% SpA + 20 x (Level - 1) + 380


15% Max hp

----------Bubble Upgrade Choices------------

Dragon pulse:

Shadoxtubby Told Me To Keep The Tubby Unite Project Alive So Here's My Character In Tubby Unite (also

Level 5

Coldown:6.00s | Area

Unleashes a shock wave in the designated direction, dealing damage to enemy it hits up to 4 times. If the center of the shock wave hits enemy enemies, it deals increased damage to them and restores the user’s HP. More HP is restored when the center of the pulse deals damage to enemy that have a slowing effect applied to them.

The fourth tick of damage can be animation cancelled by inputs (attack or movement). It is undetermined if this is a bug or not.

Damage (Center - per hit up to 4 hits):

68% SpA + 5 x (Level - 1) + 230

Damage (Side - per hit up to 4 hits):

40.8% SpA + 3 x (Level - 1) + 138

Healing (Per hit up to 4x based on number of Center hits):

10% Missing HP

0% SpA + 8 x (Level - 1) + 30


Shadoxtubby Told Me To Keep The Tubby Unite Project Alive So Here's My Character In Tubby Unite (also

Coldown 8.00s | sure hit

Level 5

Mally becomes unstoppable and starts directing psychic waves at the designated enemy, each hit dealing damage and decreasing their movement speed by 10% for 1s, stacking up to 5 times. While Mewtwo is directing psychic waves, it takes 25% reduced damage. At the end of the move, Mally sends a final hit, dealing damage to the designated enemy and nearby enemies then throws them for 1s.

If Psystrike is intercepted by an enemy that isn't the intended target, there's no explosion and the enemy hit is shoved instead.

Damage (x5):

41% Atk + 3 x (Level - 1) + 100

Damage - Final Hit:

146% Atk + 7 x (Level - 1) + 319


Move 2


Shadoxtubby Told Me To Keep The Tubby Unite Project Alive So Here's My Character In Tubby Unite (also

Level 1 or 3

Coldown 10:00s | Hindrance

Charges at a enemy, dealing damage and throwing it. If this move hits, the user bounces back a short distance.


80% SpA + 8 x (Level - 1) + 270

----Tackle Upgrade Choices----


Shadoxtubby Told Me To Keep The Tubby Unite Project Alive So Here's My Character In Tubby Unite (also

Coldown:5.50s | Recovery

Level 7

Wishes for an ally teammates or Mally. For 2s, that teammate receives 15% reduced damage, then afterward, the wish comes true and heals them. If the targeted Teammate is knocked out before the wish comes true, a different ally Teammate near them takes the wish instead.


300% Atk + 18 x (Level - 1) + 600

Aerial Ace:

Shadoxtubby Told Me To Keep The Tubby Unite Project Alive So Here's My Character In Tubby Unite (also

Coldown: 4.00s | Dash

Level 7

Dash in a direction, dealing damage to enemies hit. The next attack is a boosted attack non-Chlorophyll empowered. A maximum of two uses may be kept in reserve for this move and cannot be used more than once every 0.5s.


132% Atk + 9 x (Level - 1) + 360



Shadoxtubby Told Me To Keep The Tubby Unite Project Alive So Here's My Character In Tubby Unite (also

Unite move

Coldown: 100s | area

Mally throws enemies in the area of effect into the air and suspends them using psychic power. After a delay, an explosion occurs that deals damage to all enemies in the area of effect and shoves them. mally is unstoppable during this move.


87% SpA + 11 x (Level - 1) + 520

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9 months ago

Wizard tubby

Wizard Tubby

Role: Attacker

Passive Ability:Synchronize

Each time Wizard tubby uses a move, Wizard tubby and nearby allies have their movement speed increased by 15% for 2s.

Passive Ability:Move Reset

When Wizard tubby reaches level 5, the Move Reset icon can be used to reset Wizard tubbys moves and learn new moves. This ability goes on a 25s cooldown after it's used. Each time Mew knocks out or makes an assist on an enemy player, or scores a goal, the Move Reset cooldown is reduced (Knockout: 40%, Assist: 20%, Goal: 5%). Using Move Reset adds 5000 Unite Move energy to Mystical Mirage.


Wizard Tubby

Auto attack

Each time Wizard tubby uses a move, they gain a boost counter. A maximum of 3 boost counters can be stored. After 3 counters are stored (they have to be consumed within 8s or they disappear), wizard tubby's next basic attack becomes a boosted attack that consumes all counters and launches a ball of psychic energy at an enemy. During the lock-on animation Mew can use moves. The further the ball travels, the more damage it deals (4% more damage per threshold, stacking additively). This ball pierces through newborns, but will stop traveling upon contact with the first enemy player.

Damage - Basic:

100% Atk + 0 x (Level - 1) + 0

Damage - Boosted:

160% SpA + 8 x (Level - 1) + 280


Move 1

Option one

Icicle Spear:

Wizard Tubby

5.00s | Sure hit

Wizard tubby launches all of its stored ice crystals in rapid succession at the designated enemy. If Glaceon has no ice crystals when this move is used, 2 ice crystals are instantly created and are launched. Launched ice crystals can hit enemies on the opposing team that are not the designated target of this move. The crystals shatter when they hit any enemy, dealing damage to all enemies in the area. Ice crystals launched by this move deal 5% increased damage each time they hit the same enemy (capped at 35%). When this move is used, Ice Shard's cooldown is reduced by 2s and Freeze Dry's cooldown is reduced by 2.5s. A maximum of 12 ice crystals may be launched.

Damage - per Ice Crystal:

34% SpA + 4 x (Level - 1) + 90

Option two


Wizard Tubby

11.00s | area

Wizard tubby channels three attacks at the targeted area; damaging enemies. Gardevoir's moves' cooldowns are reduced by 15% each time Psyshock hits an enemy.


85.5% SpA + 10 x (Level - 1) + 409

Option three

Solar Blade:

Wizard Tubby

8.00s | Ranged

Start gathering light and filling a blade with the light's energy. If this move is used again after light has been gathered, Leafeon brings the blade down in the designated direction, dealing damage to the enemy it hits. The longer the blade is filled with light energy, the more damage is dealt. If this move is used when the Chlorophyll gauge is full, the blade is brought down immediately, dealing maximum damage and the cooldown for the next use of this move is reduced by 50%. The cooldown of this move is also reduced by 50% upon the Chlorophyll gauge being filled.

Damage (1st Level Charge):

200% Atk + 14 x (Level - 1) + 550

Damage (2nd Level Charge):

240% Atk + 17 x (Level - 1) + 660

Damage (3rd Level Charge):

280% Atk + 20 x (Level - 1) + 770

Damage (Max Charge):

320% Atk + 22 x (Level - 1) + 880


Move 2

Option one

Play Rough:

Wizard Tubby

9.00s | Dash

Leaps in the designated direction stopping at the first enemy hit. The enemy hit is dealt damage and is stunned for 0.7s. Wizard tubby lands near that enemy it hits and deals damage to nearby enemy stunning them as well. If Play Rough connects, Wizard tubby receives 25% reduced damage from the enemies hit for 3s after landing. When this move is boosted with Aeos energy, Wizard tubby leaps further and through all Enemies hit along the leap’s path. Enemy hit will receive damage and be left stunned for the same amount as the base


146% Atk + 9 x (Level - 1) + 240

Damage (Boosted):

189.8% Atk + 12 x (Level - 1) + 312

Option two

Calm Mind:

Wizard Tubby

10.00s | Buff

Wizard tubby quietly focuses their mind and calms their spirit, increasing movement speed, Sp. Attack by 40% and Sp. Defense by 10% for 3s.

Level 12

For up to 3s after using Calm Mind+ Wizard tubby can block one move (auto attacks will not be blocked), negating the first instance of damage and granting a shield for 3s. Hinderances and status effects will still be applied.


90% SpA + 0 x (Level - 1) + 100

Option three

Mean Look:

Wizard Tubby

9.00s | Hindrance

Pins an enemy with a dark, arresting look, slowing them by 30% for 2s. After a 0.5s delay, the enemy is surrounded by a black zone they cannot leave for 3s. While inside the black zone, Umbreon’s basic attacks become boosted and deal increased damage. The black zone is removed if the target enemy is knocked out.

Mean Look is cleansable if the cleanse is used when the laser connects and before the area appears on the ground.

Damage (Boosted):

196% Atk + 5 x (Level - 1) + 180


Moonlight Prance:

Wizard Tubby

Unite Move

112s | Debuff

Unlocks at level 8

Wizard tubby briefly becomes unstoppable, leaping up and absorbing the shields of enemies in the area around Umbreon, taking them for the user. Wizard tubby then lands, dealing damage to enemies in an area-of-effect, and stuns them for 1s. For 5s, enemy Pokémon in the area around Umbreon are slowed by 30%, and if an enemy in that area is granted a shield, wizard tubby absorbs 50% of the shield for themself. Additionally, after learning this move and while not in combat, wizard tubby continually recovers 1% Max HP every second.


224% Atk + 13 x (Level - 1) + 630

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