TV William Origin Comic Reminders - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

Schedule is back on, but...

ok, so, i am back with access to my digital drawing station, and i want to apologize yet again for something.

If the panels seem like they're missing something, or change scenes a tish abruptly, its because i labeled my own pages wrong in the past, when i saved/named the files, and i dont know if I'm missing anything.

I'm going through my old script pages, and it follows the script i made for it fine... so I'm just as confused as you are.

I am going to continue in my schedule as best as i can, and if i find the fix for it, I'll label it as such and where it should go.

For example: In my saved CSP files, i have pages 1-11, then there's no 12, or 13, and then there's pages 14, and 15. Which is weird to me because I'm usually very good at labeling my stuff... or, at least i think i do.

I would at least think I'm better at labeling than this.

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