Tvd Season 7 - Tumblr Posts

9 years ago

Throughout the entire seasons of TVD, I’ve noticed that everyone (except for Klaus) treats her like an object instead of a human being (as one can be for a vampire). But to trample over someone who compels you to be his spy, sex toy, and blood bag mentally, physically, and emotionally abusing a 17 year old girl who wants to be noticed for being herself is one thing and sometimes they’ll brush it “under the rug.”

But disregarding bodily anatomy and a woman’s consent to “possibly” carry your dead wife’s Gemini coven baby twins and having no choice but to do it (since everyone guilt trips Caroline to NOT kill them) is another matter entirely. all everyone see in Caroline is a “blonde barbie doll that needs to be caged.” they don’t take in account about what she wants, they don’t listen to her ideas when it comes to their safety or everyone else’s and always being treated as a pawn and getting kidnapped (or tortured, or both) by someone who sees her as insignificant and useless by her friends.

it’s insulting to females everywhere and shows that a beautiful, strong, intelligent character like Caroline to be subjectified as a surrogate is NOT a good image you want to make towards young women and adolescent girls. Especially towards a popular show as this. For all of our sake, I hope this is just a “rumor” and NOT an actual storyline. Because if it IS a storyline for one of my favorite characters on the show, I’ll just say that I’ve lost complete and total respect on how JP is handling it and just resign to watching The Originals instead. (sorry for my long rant, but I had to say this and get it off my mind).

I didn’t expect JP to do some kind of mystical pregnancy because it would remind me like twilight, but she did it anyway and got hayley pregnant with klaus’ child in season 4 which i love in the originals. now for season 7, she’s considering this again for one of the most beloved characters in a well as NOT having any say in this whatsoever? to be frank, i thought JP would go back to her roots and create a season that people (and herself) can be proud of...but my dreams are crushed because of this.

It’s so weird that people actually give a fuck about Caroline’s pregnancy.

I mean we all know that the show is… bad (lol i’m so gentle).

Does this uproar mean that people still had some expectations?

Its So Weird That People Actually Give A Fuck About Carolines Pregnancy.

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9 years ago


I've been a TVD devoted fan since Day 1 and I was super excited that this show (and at the time my favorite book series) was becoming a TV Series. As the years passed on and the episodes and seasons kept piling on, I grew more and more impressed with the writing and everything this show had to offer. Season 4 was passable and very angst proven, but still brought in the number of viewers to continue a new season. Season 5 was....interesting to way, in my opinion and incredibly great to watch. Really piled on the Travelers trying to rid the world of Spirit magic, Bonnie and Damon going to an alternative universe never to be heard from again. Season 6 was okay to say the least, but that was the season things started to go downhill.

Kai was a perfect villain and reminded me of the Joker from Batman: completely insane and had a thirst for destruction and chaos. Caroline losing her mother was the pivotal point in her life now that she's beginning her immortal life and it terrifies the hell out of her. Turning off her humanity was a game changer and I got a glimpse of the REAL Caroline Forbes: fearless, powerful, completely blunt, a badass bitch and a total, "well-behaved" (for the most part) controlled vampire. The season was exciting and mind blowing towards the finale!!! Especially towards what happened with Elena and the total epic fail of Bonnie’s anger and revenge of leaving Kai in the prison world: Lily and the Heretics

And now with the new season premiering tonight on The CW is a little bit worrisome for a fan. We all knew that because of the ratings, it’s not going to last very long...and now with these new rumors floating around: let me just say this....IF they actually come’s NOT going to end well for ANY fan to say “tvd is awesome.” I really hope I’m proven wrong about these new developments, but scared over what the answer is.

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