Tw Astarion - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago


can go to hell.

To hell with your baby girl.

Your baby girl is a racist prick who rightfully got jumped.

He didn't deserve the abuse, and Cazador should die a brutal tragic and painful death.

But really? After a whole year of being spammed post after post of this dumb vampire, I finally take a look into the game.

The Fandom is ever so keen on highlighting his whole being just as an victim with a bit of a bad boy persona that can be easily melted away with the right tav.

So color me surprised when I went to watch just game play and no commentary to get to take in his story that this guy's isn't just a emo murder hobo.

This guy is viciously racist. The Gur, their basically fantasy Romani.

You have a white man, in a position of power, abuse that power over minorities, with a story that made the abused minorities seem out of line when they fight their oppression, and what? I'm just supposed to be ok with that blanton racism?

And I'm supposed to be ok with a large portion of the Fandom being ok to make excuses for racism?

Because this isn't fantasy racism. We are being presented a story with real racism and having the writers side with the racists. The writers are siding with the racists by using all the awful stereotypes, "jokes", and xenophobic myths as justification as to why their white victim hates them.

I am disgusted with this game. I am rather thankful someone posted their game play so I didn't waste 70+ dollars on this trash.

When I first saw him, he made me feel awfully uncomfortable. Like I needed to crawl out my skin. Now I know why. He would have hated a "gur" like me.

I'm not fantasy. I'm not magic. I'm a person!

I'm sick of everyone praising this character, their story ark, shipping him with their OCs, and anything having to deal with him.

Wheather you like it or not, his story contributes and perpetuates racist justification.

I see it in their posts. In their hatred. All in the love of their poor hurt elf lover.

Media has an effect on it's consumer. You can build empires or tear down walls with a single story. Art is a medium in which reveals and touches the hearts of others.

If in your Fandom you use the same mental gymnastics racists use to justify hate, I think you need to take a moment of reflection.

This is your man. Not Preminger, not Dr. franknfurther, not Prince charming, Stevie Griffin, Goblin king. Frollo. A romanticized Frollo.


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6 months ago


can go to hell.

To hell with your baby girl.

Your baby girl is a racist prick who rightfully got jumped.

He didn't deserve the abuse, and Cazador should die a brutal tragic and painful death.

But really? After a whole year of being spammed post after post of this dumb vampire, I finally take a look into the game.

The Fandom is ever so keen on highlighting his whole being just as an victim with a bit of a bad boy persona that can be easily melted away with the right tav.

So color me surprised when I went to watch just game play and no commentary to get to take in his story that this guy's isn't just a emo murder hobo.

This guy is viciously racist. The Gur, their basically fantasy Romani.

You have a white man, in a position of power, abuse that power over minorities, with a story that made the abused minorities seem out of line when they fight their oppression, and what? I'm just supposed to be ok with that blanton racism?

And I'm supposed to be ok with a large portion of the Fandom being ok to make excuses for racism?

Because this isn't fantasy racism. We are being presented a story with real racism and having the writers side with the racists. The writers are siding with the racists by using all the awful stereotypes, "jokes", and xenophobic myths as justification as to why their white victim hates them.

I am disgusted with this game. I am rather thankful someone posted their game play so I didn't waste 70+ dollars on this trash.

When I first saw him, he made me feel awfully uncomfortable. Like I needed to crawl out my skin. Now I know why. He would have hated a "gur" like me.

I'm not fantasy. I'm not magic. I'm a person!

I'm sick of everyone praising this character, their story ark, shipping him with their OCs, and anything having to deal with him.

Wheather you like it or not, his story contributes and perpetuates racist justification.

I see it in their posts. In their hatred. All in the love of their poor hurt elf lover.

Media has an effect on it's consumer. You can build empires or tear down walls with a single story. Art is a medium in which reveals and touches the hearts of others.

If in your Fandom you use the same mental gymnastics racists use to justify hate, I think you need to take a moment of reflection.

This is your man. Not Preminger, not Dr. franknfurther, not Prince charming, Stevie Griffin, Goblin king. Frollo. A romanticized Frollo.


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