Tw For Mentions Of Past Abuse - Tumblr Posts
7 months ago
scars in fiction: I got this trying to save my lover from an assassin- but tragically, I was too late. now I carry the mark of my failure with me always, and I can never forget~
scars in real life: so I was trying to open macaroni sauce with a paring knife
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uh oh uhm.. well here we go!
tw mention of self harm
tw for mentions of past abuse
tw for trauma
hand was pinned to a table with a pallet knife
stabbed in the back when someone tried to rob me
stepped on the spine and ribcage of a long deceased rabbit and jammed a rib into my foot
surgery on my right foot that left a Y scar
surgery on my knee that left three ÷ looking scars
bitten by a dog on the tush at 7 and needed 21 stitches
self harm scars
my back has various scars from being beat as a kid with hangers and the extension cord
bite scars on both my hands from sticking my hands between my cat and another cat to keep them safe
the scar on my stomach from third degree scalding burns
the scar on my nose and lip from when my mom tried smashing my face in
the.. the scar 'down below' from and ex and a knife...
the scar from being medically mutilated as a baby (intersex and *corrected*)
the scar on my calf from falling through the hayloft as a kid
the scar on the end of my index finger from a pizza cutter that was put into the restaurant I work at tumble sink
*worked at
internal scar from a traumatic thing i will not discuss here...
uhhhh i think thats it