Twilightnightstar - Tumblr Posts
I was tagged by rinithil.
Always post the rules 1. Answer the questions the person who tagged you came up with and write 11 new ones
2.Tag 11 people and link them to the post
3.Actually tell them you tagged them
4. Tell the person who tagged you that you answered the questions
Rinithil's Questions:
Take the personality test! What are your results?
- You have moderate preference of Introversion over Extraversion(56%)
- You have moderate preference of Sensing over Intuition (25%)
- You have slight preference of Feeling over Thinking (12%)
- You have moderate preference of Judging over Perceiving (33%)
2. Put your music player on shuffle. What comes up? Thoughts on the song?
- Daft Punk - Technologic
- Lorde - Royals
- Linkin Park - Breaking the Habit
- Five Finger Death Punch - Far From Home (I love these songs!!!)
3. Got a funny story you like to tell people?
Not that I can think of.
4. What’s your favorite thing to feel nostalgic about?
I don't know.
5. Do you enjoy comic books? Any favorite superheros?
Yes. My favorites are Deadpool, Spiderman, Batman and the Hulk.
6. A quote that’s impacted you in some way? Or just a favorite? None
7. Favorite place to go to eat?
Hibachi Grill.
8. What do you think you’ll be like as an old person?
Hopefully, a version of my grandmother.
9. Any quirky relatives?
Way too many cousins. XD
10. What’s your favorite deep sea creature? (there’s some weird shit out there, it’s amazing)
I'm stuck between dolphins, orcas and whale sharks.
11. Any strange dreams lately? What about?
Does dreaming that Iron Man showing on Spike TV count?
My questions for you guys:
1. How are you feeling right now?
2. Favorite food?
3. Do you watch anime?? If so, do you have a favorite?
4. Favorite cartoon character?
5. Any pet peeves?
6. Do you like my art?
7. Favorite genre of music? Movies?
8. What's you're reaction after you get tagged on something on Tumblr, deviantart, etc.?
9. If you own a laptop/computer, what does your wallpaper look like?
10. Plans for Halloween?
11. Favorite TV shows?
I tag: lazy-matt, dory888, carameja, twilightnightstar, blendover, rjburnttoast, thefingerguy, firestorm152, sixpathsofdicks, 2snowcreature2, tankthoughts