U Dont Understand Its Beautiful - Tumblr Posts
i’m speechless-
i read this at night while listening to my 40s bucky playlist and let me tell u, i fell in love 💗
and it made me feel so much i need to highlight my favorite parts so i can read them again and again:
…revealing Bucky dressed in black from head to toe with a large bouquet of white flowers in hand. The dark colour of his suit and short hair framed his face perfectly, accentuating his clear, blue eyes and pink lips so dreamily that you had to fight the urge to reach out to check if he was real.
the way i can perfectly picture him dressed like this got me feeling dizzy 😵💫
"That's my girl," he winked at you, seemingly ignoring your slightly confused face as he held out the bouquet of white tulips. "These are for you."
i love tulips aaaaaa
You had never realised just exactly how high his cheekbones were, the sharpness of his angled jaw, his straight nose. He was without a doubt one of the most handsome men you'd ever laid your eyes on, but it was as if you didn't truly appreciate it until that exact moment.
"Sweetheart," he drawled and licked his lips, looking as if he'd won the lottery. "I'd follow you just about anywhere..."
something i noticed about this fic and that i totally loved is the way you wrote him. i mean i love the emo version of bucky, but this- charming and sweet bucky means everything to me, the way he talks and is always smiling is just beautiful 💖
"I know everything about you, sweetheart," he winked at you with a warm smile. "- and I just thought, since you always order Mexican when you're down, I'd change it around for you; tacos should be a means of celebrating."
now this. i was dying at this part because i’m mexican and of course i loveeee tacos so the fact that he did this for her it’s just brilliant, not even tha fancy drinks can top having comfort tacos for dinner<3
"I don't know," he ran a hand through his short hair while licking his lips, "you never know when the right person's suddenly standing in front of you. I want to be ready for when that finally happens."
"Can't wait for that to happen to me," you sighed.
"Yeah... Can't wait either," he mumbled quietly and softly ran his thumb over your shoulder.

"No," he grabbed your hand and pulled you inside to a dark room covered in heart-shaped balloons and confetti, a loud band in the corner playing peppy swing jazz for the out-of-breath-people on the dance floor. "We're going dancing!" he exclaimed happily and wrapped his arm around your shoulder.
this is gonna sound so depressing lol but u have no idea how bad i wanted to read something that involved dancing with bucky, like, i’ve dreamed about it hundreds of times!!! i read this while “My girl” was playing i was literally sobbing 😭💓
He moved his hand over your hip, dipping his fingers a little lower than he had before as he leaned in close and whispered in your ear, "I could look at you forever..."
the whole dancing scene means everything to me, how they’re just starting and admiring each other, so oblivious about their feelings, the touches and the smiling aaaaaa
"You used to watch the stars with Steve?"
"Yeah," he nodded, "we could sit up here for hours, imagining what our lives would be. I guess neither of us quite hit the target."
"Guess not," you grinned and caressed his leg underneath the blanket to show him that you understood. "Do you miss him?"
"Yeah, every day," Bucky nodded, "I wish you guys had met. He would've liked you."

this. i can’t even explain how bittersweet this was. like i’m happy bucky is okay with it but the fact he’s gone makes me so sad. the little memory of the two of them stargazing back then is gorgeous, i’m taking this with me, forever.
"You should've seen me," he smirked, "two arms and an undeniable boyish charm. And when I put on the uniform, they didn't stand a chance in resisting me."
40s bucky mean the entire world to me, u have no idea <3
the ride back home was so cute, i could feel butterflies on my tummy while reading it, the way he explained to her everything, and just hold her oh my god. the things i would do 😩
i’m telling u… when the key jangle part came and i realized why he told her to lock her door I LITERALLY SCREAMED AAAAAA this man knowssss what he is doing!!!!
His chest was heaving slowly, his eyes darkening as the pupils slowly drowned out the blue in his irises while he looked at you. "No keys," he concluded quietly, trying hard to fight the smile that tugged on the corners of his mouth. "Fuck me," he smiled broadly, and stepped over to you, putting his calloused palm to the side of your face where he stroked his thumb over your jawline while his lips danced enticingly close to yours.
i have no words to describe the way this part made me feel. it’s was so beautiful and powerful i was shaking of excitement, how he just went from being sweet all night to being this feral man oh god
The kiss was short and sweet, but it didn't take Bucky two seconds before he let out a satisfied groan and pulled you closer. "Fuck, sweetheart!" he whispered with a breath heavier than ever before. "You have no idea how long I've waited for this," he growled and put his hand in the back of your neck, his lips urging you to open your mouth so he could slip his tongue past your teeth and into your wet mouth.
this was so sensual and tender and hot and sweet-
He gave out a sensual groan when your tongues finally found each other and happily trailed his metal fingers up your side; touching the exposed skin of your thigh, grazing over the curve of your hip, massaging your waistline through the soft fabric of your red dress.
His hands were snaking around your stomach, his palms pressing you closer to his pelvis, and he leaned in close and whispered in your ear. "Sweetheart, I want to take you out again..." he pulled your earlobe between your teeth.
"Tonight wasn't play-pretend for me..." he whispered, "I want you. All of you. Not just on missions and during training sessions at the gym - all the time."

i know i practically put everything you wrote in here but it’s just amazing. i’m love with every little detail of this fic, again the way you wrote him made me fall even more in love and god, i want a best friend like him so bad!!! thank u for this wonderful story, i love it dearly 💖
hiiii, firts of all i want to say how amazing your stories are, you are honestly one of my favorite writers!! and i don’t know if you take requests but if you ever run out of ideas i’ve thought about a short story where Bucky tries to show the reader how it was like to date in the 1900s (he writes her a letter, invites her to a date with a letter etc.) because the reader asked him one time what it was like back then haha
The Key Jangle (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
Story summary: Sick and tired of your many recent bad dates, you’re dreading yet another Valentine’s Day alone. When Bucky offers to show you what a night out is supposed to look like according to him, you get to experience what it’s like to date your best friend.
Words: 9.3K (it got out of hand, sorry!)
Note: Hi anon! Thank you so much for your sweet words and your lovely request! I hope it's okay that I didn't follow it strictly; I just sort of ran along with your idea of Bucky being old-fashioned and sweet, and took it from there. Anyway, this is my shot at a sweet, fluffy Valentine's Day fic before I enter the spring of breaking Bucky’s heart. Hope you enjoy.
Warnings: None. Pure fluff and slight banter.
Bucky Barnes Masterlist

February 13th, noon
You had spent the first part of the morning of February 13th in bed sweating and grieving over the horrible night before. The smell of your latest bad Tinder date hang like a stench over your bed, drenching you in the cheap cologne of the man who online had seemed charming and nice, but in real life best could be described as blatantly obnoxious and terribly self-centred. Exactly where the smell came from, you did not know; you hadn't even brought him home - nor touched him! Hadn't even made it through the main course before his rude behaviour had finally become so much that you had grabbed your coat and left without bidding him goodbye.
It had definitely been one of the worst dates you'd had in a long time, but still, the prospect of yet another Valentine's Day alone hang on the back of your tongue like a thick musk, drowning you in the disappointment of your date not being boyfriend material after all.
Slightly frustrated with yourself and your apparently relentless belief that one day you'd find true love, you buried your head in between the bedsheets and curled up your body, readying yourself for yet another lonely Sunday with nothing to keep you company but your comfort TV show on repeat.
It wasn't until well past noon you were ripped out of your vegetative state by a loud knock on your bedroom door. You heard how the hinges creaked open before you'd even had a chance to reply, but you weren't in the mood to face whoever had decided to disturb you and stayed with your back towards them.
"There you are!" Bucky's voice bounced through the walls as he took in the blob lying underneath a mountain of white bedlinen, a small foot sticking out at the corner. "I've been looking all over the compound for you, have you just been lying in here all day?"
"Yeah," you muttered in a bored tone of voice, your eyes still fixed on the TV screen in front of you.
"Hmm... I guess it's safe to assume that last night's Tinder adventure didn't exactly go as planned then?"
"No, it went perfectly fine, he's actually under here with me," you mumbled and heard how it made Bucky chuckle warmly behind you. "He's just a little shy."
"Well, tell him to come on out!" he chipped in amusement, "I want to meet the man who was finally worthy enough to be invited into your bed."
Slowly, you turned around to face your best friend who was leaning casually up against the doorframe with his big, bulky arms crossed over his chest as his eyes twinkled with amusement.
"Okay, I'm alone in here," you admitted in a small voice and took in the large grin that split his face in two.
"Oh, I never would've guessed," he chuckled and stepped inside your room, closing the door to the hallway behind him, "- what happened?" he sat down next to you on the bed.
"I don't wanna talk about it," you groaned and directed your attention back to your TV, trying to ignore his satisfied smirk and prying eyes.
"Aw come on! You know your Tinder adventure is my favourite serial," he chuckled and searched your face with excited eyes, "how big of a train wreck was it? On a scale from pet-snake Larry to Paul the Magician."
"Barnes..." you sighed again, sending him a stern look as you took in his amused smirk, "I'm happy you find my terrible love life so amusing but I'm really not in the mood to joke about it today, okay?"
He furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head to the side, his face suddenly laced with concern. "Sweetheart, are you okay?" he gently touched his hand to the top of your duvet and let out a low, dark growl, "- he didn't hurt you, did he?"
"No, it's fine," you assured him with a shake of your head and saw how Bucky immediately drew a breath of relief. "He was a douchebag but that's it... I just don't see the appeal in my failing love life when tomorrow is the most romantic day of the year..."
"Since when do you care about Valentine's Day?" he arched an eyebrow at your statement. "Last year you said it was stupid...?"
"I've always cared," you whined and sent him a pained look, "- I've just never had anyone special to celebrate it with."
"That's because you have a way of always ending up with the douchebags..." he shrugged matter-of-factly. "You're setting yourself up for failure time and time again."
"It's hard to be picky," you let out a tired groan, "- there are literally no good men back in the city."
"No good men?" He repeated in mock offence, "oh, I beg to differ! There's a pretty decent guy sitting in front of you right now!" he touched his palm to his heart, pretending he was hurt.
"...What are you saying?" you felt yourself smile for the first time that day as you scanned his curled-up face, "you want to take me out now?"
"Yeah!" his entire face lit up and you let out a laugh at his cute smile. "What's so funny about that?" He poked you in the side with a chuckle, "come on, let me show you what a proper date is supposed to look like! Wouldn't it be nice to actually have a decent night out for once?!"
"Don't be ridiculous..." you rolled your eyes at him, "- what I want is something that might actually advance to more than just a story I tell my teammate to keep him amused."
"Sweetheart, I'm serious," he held up his hands in surrender. "Come on, let me show you a good time tomorrow! My treat!"
You hesitated. A fake date with your best friend wasn't exactly what you had in mind for the most romantic night of the year.
"Oh don't look so excited to go out with me!" He chuckled loudly, his gaze never leaving yours.
"I'm sorry," you smiled, taking in the way his enticing metal hand whirred in front of your eyes as his fingers slightly twitched before falling down in his lap. "It's not that I don't want to do something with you," you fumbled to find the edge of the duvet so you could sneak out your hand to grab the cold vibranium fingers splayed over his muscular thigh. "- it's just not really what I had in mind for tomorrow."
"Hey you're the one who wanted a proper date for Valentine's Day, right?" He smiled softly and gently squeezed your fingers, "I'm offering you one. Come on, what's the harm? We always have fun, right?"
"We do," you nodded, thinking over his proposition, and slowly realising that a night out with him definitely beat another bad Tinder date. "Yeah, alright," you ended up smiling with a hesitant nod, "you have me convinced. It's a date."
"It's a date!" he agreed excitedly and padded your thigh before quickly jumping from the bed, leaving you cold and alone, "you won't regret it!"
"Hey! Where are you going?" You lifted your head from your pillow to take in the significant bounce in his step that he suddenly carried himself with. "Come back!"
"Can't," he spun around and smiled broadly at you, "I have some serious planning to do! I don't want to end up being one of the horrible dates you tell your teammate about!" he winked at you before practically skipping out the room.
February 14th, afternoon
For some reason you couldn't quite place, you'd been nervous about your night out with Bucky all day and it was weirding you out! You'd done plenty of stuff just the two of you before - dinners, movies, drinks - but something about going out with him on a night reserved exclusively for lovers, had you feeling warm and fuzzy as you waited for him to swing by your room to pick you up.
You hadn't seen him since he'd coaxed you into spending Valentine’s together, but he had texted you earlier to 'please wear the red dress' and now you were standing in front of your mirror, eyes hesitantly scanning the tight cocktail dress that was normally reserved for particularly special dates, wondering how Bucky so easily had managed to convince you to put it on for him.
Completely lost in thought, wondering what it would be like dating Bucky, you were slightly startled when there was a sudden knock on your door.
"Come in," you quickly scurried away from the mirror, trying to look as if you hadn't just been fidgety about your special date-night attire and the prospect of a very romantic night out with your best friend - fake or not.
The door opened slowly, revealing Bucky dressed in black from head to toe with a large bouquet of white flowers in hand. The dark colour of his suit and short hair framed his face perfectly, accentuating his clear, blue eyes and pink lips so dreamily that you had to fight the urge to reach out to check if he was real.
"Jesus," he immediately whistled, his entire body tensing as his eyes travelled between your face and hips. "You look amazing!" he said sincerely and ran a hand through the stubbles on his chin, looking slightly taken aback. "I mean... wow!"
"Stop that," you laughed and stepped aside so he could enter your room, "you've seen me in this dress a million times before."
"Yeah," he chuckled and licked his lips, turning around so he could admire you again, "- and you always look amazing, but it hits a little different to know that you're wearing it for me."
"I'm not wearing it for you," you lifted your eyebrows and shot him a dead-pan look, fighting hard to stop the smile that threatened to spring free on your face. "I only put it on because you told me to. I expect there's a reason for us to be dressed so formally," you gestured to his black attire.
"Aw come on," he took a step closer and sent you a cute little pout, "- just let me have one small, tiny win. Tell me you put it on just for me!"
He was smelling heavenly, and he looked terribly cute as he charmingly grinned at you.
"You're insufferable, Barnes," you couldn't hold back the broad smile any longer, "- alright, I put it on just for you," you slowly drawled out. "There you go - Happy?"
"Mmh," he closed his eyes and threw his head backwards with a groan so sensual you had to pretend you were shifting your weight on purpose and not because a jolt of short-lived desire had woken up every fibre in your entire nervous system. "That's my girl," he winked at you, seemingly ignoring your slightly confused face as he held out the bouquet of white tulips. "These are for you."
"You bought me flowers?" you asked with your eyebrows raised high, ignoring the burning sensation on your face. "- Really? No one's ever bought me flowers before..."
"That's what I've been saying, sweetheart," he smiled, looking oddly proud of himself, "- you're dating the wrong guys!"
"I'd say!" you gave the tulips a brief sniff before turning around to find a vase for them to fit in. "That's really sweet of you, Barnes! And on a fake date nonetheless! ...you know, it's funny, but I always pictured you as a roses man."
"Yeah, back in the forties I probably would've bought any girl roses," he sighed softly behind you, and you could almost hear the smirk in his voice as he slowly continued; "- but let's be honest, doll; you're not just any girl..."
"Is that supposed to flatter me?" you laughed as you arranged the flowers in the vase, your back still turned towards him.
"Depends on whether it's working or not."
"Weirdly enough, it is," you chuckled and turned around to face him again only to see how his eyes immediately snapped upwards to meet yours.
From the intense stare he suddenly gave you and the way he slowly licked his broadly grinning lips, you were sure he'd just had his gaze firmly placed on your ass, but you chose not to comment on it. It wasn't exactly the first time you'd caught him with his hand in the cookie jar, but it was the first time you'd felt an odd sensation of pride flow through your body at the thought.
"Do you - uh - do you want something to drink?" you tilted your head to the side, smiling at him as your eyes wandered over the fitted suit.
He was casually leaning up against the wall with his hands buried in his pockets, the confident smirk still in place. "I'm good," he lightly shook his head and pulled up his sleeve to look at his wristwatch, "actually, we should probably get going - we have reservations," he grabbed your woollen overcoat from the coat rack near the door, holding it out so you could easily slip your arms into the sleeves. "- and as much as I'd hate to cover up that beautiful dress, you should probably put this on or I'll be having dinner with an icicle."
"Yeah? What are we doing?" you laughed and gratefully turned your back towards him so he could pull the jacket up your shoulders.
"I'm not gonna say," he teased behind you, the excited smile evident in his voice. "It's a secret!"
"A fake date complete with secret activities?" you laughed and slowly turned towards him again. "I gotta say; I'm impressed, Barnes!"
By pure instinct, you reached up and adjusted the Windsor knot below the collar of his shirt, accidentally staring directly into his beautiful, blue gaze. His breathing picked up at your touch, the muscles surrounding his big doe eyes completely relaxed as he took you in, his wide-blown pupils darting back and forth between your irises.
"Tonight's all about impressing you, darling," he muttered slowly, his Adam's apple bouncing enticingly in his throat as your fingers gave an involuntary twitch atop his sternum.
"Well..." you carefully took a step backwards and gently removed your hands from his chest under the pretence you were busy brushing a stray strand of hair away from your face. "- You're succeeding."
Bucky seemed to recover from the intimate moment between you a lot quicker than you did and sent you his usual charming smirk with the tongue darting out between his teeth to lick his lips. "You ready to go?"
"Yeah," you muttered, still slightly flustered as you grabbed your purse and keys.
"Remember to lock up," he sent you a wink. “Can’t have you come back home to find your door unlocked.”
"Of course," you nodded and turned the key before dumping the bundle down in your coat pocket. "Alright. Good to go," you smiled at him.
"Great," he put his hand on the small of your back, leading you away from your room and towards the steel elevators at the end of the hallway.
Under normal circumstances, you were pretty sure you'd be blabbering away, trying to guess what he had planned for tonight, but right now, all you could sense were the large fingers moving over your lower back, the touch so affectionate and intimate that you felt your cheeks go warm again as you involuntarily leaned into it. Silently, you prayed that Bucky wouldn't suddenly turn his head to look at you and realise how his foreign touch had made you slightly giddy.
"You're being quiet," he concluded after a few seconds of silence as the elevator zoomed downwards.
"Just excited for tonight," you managed to mumble, your voice weirdly thick as he started stroking his thumb over a small area of your lower spine, sending you a happy sideways glance.
The electronic panel of the elevator announced your arrival at the bottom floor of the building with a loud ding, and Bucky pressed in on your back, excitedly urging you to move through the steel doors. "Right over here," he chipped happily and lead you to a dark corner of the parking lot where his motorcycle was parked.
"We're riding your Harley?" you arched an eyebrow, taking in the large machine in front of you.
"Yep," he grinned and handed you a helmet.
"- the exact same Harley you won't even let Sam touch...?"
"Well, you're not Sam are you?" he chuckled and swung his leg over the seat, scooting forwards to make room for you on the back of the bike.
He had his legs spread wide around the stealthy machine, his large hands wrapped tightly across the leather of the handles as he rotated the key in the ignition, making the bike rumble to life beneath him. Grinning broadly, he turned his head to look at you, the dimmed lights from the parking garage making him look dark, mysterious, and annoyingly enticing on top of his black motorcycle.
You were frozen, completely taken aback by how the image in front of you was making your mind hazy, blocking out anything but your best friend sitting wide legged and alluring only two feet away.
"Well, are you coming?" he asked slowly, causing a deep shiver to run down your spine as his voice was even huskier than normal.
"Uh - Yeah..." It woke you from your mind-muffling trance and you quickly strapped the helmet underneath your chin and took the seat behind Bucky so he couldn't see the bafflement evident on your face.
The leather of the seat was soft and pliant against the backside of your thighs, and you easily sank into a comfortable position behind him as you wrapped your arms around his warm waist, lacing your fingers around his stomach.
"You good back there?" he sent you a smile over his shoulder, putting a reassuring hand on top of yours, affectionately stroking his thumb over your wrist.
You could feel his heavy heartbeat in his chest, the hard muscles of his stomach tensing as you wrapped your arms tighter around him, readying yourself for when he turned on the gas. "Yeah," you nodded, wondering if he too could feel the sensation of a foreign heart beating rapidly against his torso.
"Hold on tight, doll," he said huskily as he twisted the right-side handle with a roar of the bike and slowly drove out of the garage and into the night.
For the first few minutes on the road, you were completely overwhelmed by the feeling of absolute freedom that the ride brought you.
Elegantly, Bucky steered the bike through the busy streets of New York, the coloured lights of Manhattan coming closer and closer as you clung tightly to his warm body, your heart beating faster than ever against your ribcage, and you wondered if the high level of adrenaline coursing through your veins was due to the bike-ride, or the way Bucky felt against you as he easily balanced the large machine between his legs.
You rode for about thirty minutes, not stopping until you'd reached an expensive-looking building in Brooklyn Heights.
"We're eating here?" you let him help you off the bike as you looked in awe at the expensive cars parked outside.
"No, sweetheart," he chuckled and put your helmet in the compartment underneath the leather seat before pressing his hand to the small of your back again. "We're doing something far better for dinner. This is just the warm-up. Come on," he softly pushed you forwards and guided you into the lobby and towards the golden elevator at the end where he pressed the button for the top floor.
He was smiling confidently above you, moving his hand over your hips and stepping closer to your body. You were just about to let him know that you liked his touch, that he looked more handsome than ever, but the elevator doors suddenly slid open at the designated floor, taking away your privacy.
"After you, sweetheart," Bucky cleared his throat and let his hand fall to his side, making your body feel weirdly naked without his firm touch.
The place he'd taken you was a prohibition-themed bar complete with gold ornaments, checkerboard tiles and coffered wood ceilings. The atmosphere was warm and romantic, every mahogany table occupied by anticipating lovers holding hands and sipping expensive-looking cocktails.
Bucky made sure to walk close to you as you made your way through the sitting crowd, and you felt a sense of relief wash over you when his fingers occasionally brushed over your dress as he lead you to a table near one of the tall floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the East River.
"Wow Buck," you murmured as you sat down and took in the romantic view before you; how the skyscrapers on the other side of the river rose calmly against the pink evening sky. "This is amazing!"
"Yeah, I was hoping we'd get here in time to catch the sunset," he smiled and confidently leaned back in his chair, his eyes darting between you and the beautiful view outside. "...Would you like a drink?" He asked softly and handed you a heavy leather-inbound cocktail card.
"Thanks," you brushed your fingers over his as you accepted the menu from his hand and had to suppress the urge to let them linger. You only briefly managed to catch the way his chest heaved in anticipation as a breath hitched in your throat, your gaze turned towards the card in your lap.
"Fuck, Bucky!" you let your eyes wander down the list of beverages, "- this is crazy expensive!"
Bucky let out a heart-warming laugh that had your cheeks go so warm that you forced yourself to firmly keep your eyes on the list of drinks in front of you so he wouldn't notice how he kept causing reactions in you. "It's okay, sweetheart," he chuckled, "just pick something you like and don't look at the prices. My treat, remember?"
Slowly, you looked back up at his amused smile, a mild look of shock evident on your face. "What? No! You know I can't let you do that!" You gasped, "It'll be a fortune - and Buck, this isn't even a real date?!"
The words had barely escaped you before the smirk slipped from his face. Trying not to let the disappointment seep through him, he pressed his lips tightly together as he looked at you, his hand immediately going through his hair, slicking it back. "Come on," he sighed briefly and leaned in, forcing out a stiff smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. "Just pretend... please - just for tonight, okay? Let me spoil you," he pleaded quietly, nervously licking his lips.
You almost protested. Almost insisted on paying your own half, but something about the way he was looking at you told you that it wasn't up for discussion - that he had wanted to do this for quite some time.
"Alright," you ended up sighing while taking in his determined face. "Thank you for doing this for me."
"Anything for you," he nodded and sent you a cute smile before turning his gaze back to the menu in front of him. "So... drinks! What are you having?" he smiled softly, his eyes briefly skirting over your face again. "I think I'll go with the Macallan fifteen - How about you?”
"Am I supposed to take a scotch as well?"
"No, sweetheart," Bucky chuckled warmly, "you can have whatever you like!"
"I have sovereignty? Well, this already beats half the dates I’ve been on this year!“ you laughed and danced your eyes over the list of cocktails. "I'll have the Tequila Martini then."
"Tequila Martini for the lady," he winked at you and left for the bar with a certain self-assured swagger in his step you hadn't seen before. He was carrying himself differently than normal, almost as if he was proud to have your eyes on him, and you silently wondered if he was always like this on dates; so confident and enticing that the people he asked out couldn't tear their eyes away from him.
He was standing with his broad back turned towards you, his legs spread confidently apart as he put his weight on his right foot and grabbed the attention of the bartender with a raised hand and a charming smile. After he’d placed your order, he slowly turned around and sent you a blinding smile accompanied by a wink, making your heart immediately picked up its pace.
You had never realised just exactly how high his cheekbones were, the sharpness of his angled jaw, his straight nose. He was without a doubt one of the most handsome men you'd ever laid your eyes on, but it was as if you didn't truly appreciate it until that exact moment.
He sent you a stomach-warming wink before turning back to the bar to pay for your drinks, picking up the two glasses and slowly swaggering back over you.
"Here you go," he slid the tall martini glass over the table and had a sip of his own mahogany-coloured drink.
"Thanks," you sheepishly accepted the drink from him and had a sip as well. "Have you ever been here before? You walk like you own the room."
He let out a laugh, "yeah, funny you should mention it. I actually did live here briefly."
"What?" you raised your eyebrows at him.
"Yeah, the ground floor used to house one of Brooklyn's finest cobblers. I spent a few summers working for him to make a buck or two before I got drafted. Slept in his spare room at night and even snuck out there sometimes," he pointed towards the terrace outside. "- though it wasn't nearly as neat back then."
"Mmh," you twirled the straw of your drink between your fingers, smiling as you imagined a young, starry-eyed Bucky in dirty work rags. "What was Brooklyn like back then?"
Bucky looked away, contemplating his answer for a few seconds before sending you a crooked smile. "Smelly," he nodded, "- but wonderful! You would've loved it!"
"Yeah, I've heard it had a certain charm... I've actually been wondering -" you cocked your head to the side and saw how he leaned in in excitement, "- given the chance, would you go back to Brooklyn in the 40s?"
"...Well, it depends," he drawled, squinting his eyes and looking at you as if you'd just asked him a million dollar question, "- would you be there?"
"Well, no," you shook your head and took a sip of your drink. "I can't go with you since I won't be born until several decades later."
"Then it's a hard pass," he shook his head without taking a time-out to think.
"Really?" you laughed at how resolutely he was looking at you. "I mean that much to you that you'd actually stay here?"
"Sweetheart," he drawled and licked his lips, looking as if he'd won the lottery. "I'd follow you just about anywhere..."
You immediately felt your insides squirm in your belly at his soft-spoken words, his eyes more piercing than ever as he leaned in close with an excited smile on his lips.
"That's really sweet Barnes," you mumbled and tried to hide your flustered face behind your glass as he merely smiled softly at you.
Bucky ended up buying you two more cocktails, the conversation flowing more freely than you'd ever experienced in such a fancy setting before. He told you about his life before the war, stories you'd heard a million times before, but somehow never grew tired of.
Slowly, the night sky outside changed from magenta to lilac as the bar filled up with anticipating lovers, but you and Bucky were far too lost in each other to sense anything else.
It wasn't until the conversation fell on his Ma's cuisine, you realised just how hungry you were, and Bucky suggested grabbing something to eat.
"Aren't we riding the bike again?" You asked curiously when the clear night air of the Brooklyn street hit your lungs and Bucky turned the opposite direction.
"No, dinner's just around the corner," he nodded and waited for you to catch up to him.
"Where are we going?" you asked curiously, happy to see the small smile dancing on the corner of his lips when you interlocked your elbow around his.
"Oh, I have reservations for the finest dinner in all of Brooklyn," he chuckled lowly.
"Another fancy place to impress me?" You arched an eyebrow at him, hoping he was joking.
"Mmmh," he briefly squinted his eyes and tilted his head from side to side, "...something like that..."
He stopped half-way through Brooklyn Bridge Park, a purple food truck blasting mariachi music loudly beside you. He was grinning broadly as he locked eyes with you. "You want veggie or carne?" he asked excitedly.
"What?" You mirrored his laugh, taking in his amused face without understanding what was going on.
"Veggie or carne?" He repeated, this time a bit louder as the smile grew on his lips, "- for your tacos."
"Oh, we're having tacos!" you laughed, looking at the heavenly-smelling truck beside you, your eyes already scanning the different options.
"It's your favourite, isn't it?" He chuckled with an arched eyebrow. "Your ultimate comfort food."
"Yes, but how on earth do you know that?" You grinned.
"I know everything about you, sweetheart," he winked at you with a warm smile. "- and I just thought, since you always order Mexican when you're down, I'd change it around for you; tacos should be a means of celebrating."
"And what are we celebrating today?" You challenged him with an arched eyebrow.
"You finally agreeing to go out with me of course," he nodded and bumped his elbow against yours. "Come on, what are you having?"
"Alright," you grinned, liking his flirty stare. "I'll have two veggie."
"Coming right up, sweetheart," he winked at you and went to get your food while you sat down on a nearby bench, once again looking over at the Manhattan skyline.
"Hope you're hungry," Bucky laughed five minutes later when he sat down next to you, handing you two huge tacos while his other hand was clutching three for himself.
"Like you wouldn't believe," you happily accepted the food and started unwrapping one of them. "So... is this what a normal Bucky Barnes date looks like?" you had a bite of your taco and turned your head to look at him. "Fancy cocktails on top of the world followed by tacos in Brooklyn Bridge Park?"
"No, this is special," Bucky chuckled while looking between you and the Manhattan skyline with a small, knowing smile on his lips. "This is custom-made, just for you."
"Well..." you smiled and bumped your knee against him, "- you did good! This is really, really nice."
"It is," he nodded and slung his arm over the backrest of the bench, finding your body and pressing his fingers into your ribs to pull you a little closer to his comfortable torso.
You couldn't stop the satisfied sigh that left your lips at his welcome touch, and immediately put your head on the top of his shoulder, having a bite of your taco as you looked up at the blinking light atop Empire State Building's lightening rod, trying not to think too much about rhythm of his heavy heartbeat against your spine. "What do you usually do on dates then?"
"Sweetheart," Bucky chuckled above you, the warm sound bouncing in his chest against your backside. "I've known you what - two years now? Have you ever heard me talking about going on a date?"
You furrowed your eyebrows slightly, letting his words sink in. "Hold up..." you turned your head to look up at him. "- you haven't been on a date in over two years?"
"No," he shook his head resolutely and plumped in the last bite of one of his tacos, "- haven't met anyone I want to go out with..."
You blew a raspberry, "that's not true!" you laughed, "what about the girls you bring home from the bar? Don't tell me you haven't invited just a single one of them out afterwards!"
You felt him freeze slightly, his chest suddenly hard and tense underneath the back of your head. "...You - uh - you know about that?" he mumbled quietly as he immediately stopped chewing.
"Yeah, well, we share a wall, Buck" you nodded and looked up at his cringing face. "And it's not exactly as if neither you nor your dates are playing the quiet game in there," you shrugged, trying to push away the small, weird pang of sudden jealousy at the late night memories from your lonely room.
"Yeah, sorry," he mumbled awkwardly and balled up the wax paper from one of his tacos, throwing it in the bin to hide his embarrassment.
"Don't feel bad," you looked up at his guilty expression. "- it's okay... I'm sure you've heard me have sex plenty of times as well."
"Yeah... yeah I have," he breathed and shifted awkwardly behind you, his gaze firmly fixed on the dark horizon, his breathing rhythmless and laboured.
"- I'm just surprised you haven't asked anyone out, is all," you continued, still fighting the envious fire in your stomach. "I've seen how they're all lining up for you. You could have anyone you want!"
"...you'd be surprised," he mumbled, his cheeks dusted a faint shade of pink. "I - uhm - I don't know," he shrugged with a small sigh, "- I guess I just haven't met anyone I find interesting enough to spend an evening with outside the bedroom..."
"…apart from me!" you chuckled, sending him what you hoped was an amused glance.
"Yeah, apart from you, doll", he smiled softly, his body finally letting go of some of the tension it held although he was still sounding wary behind you, "- you're special."
"Likewise," you nodded slowly as the fire in the pit of your stomach finally doused. "...Okay I gotta ask you; when was the last time you had a date?"
"I don't know," he shrugged, "I tried some dating apps a few years ago. Wasn't really my thing. I guess I'm too old-fashioned for the whole online thing. I want a real meet cute."
"Yeah, well you're never gonna have a meet cute if you never leave the compound's gym," you chuckled.
"Hey, I left the gym tonight, didn't I?" he chuckled sincerely, and you were happy to finally feel his chest bounce in amusement against you again.
"Yeah, but do you really believe you're going to meet someone while you're dragging me along?" You laughed, hoping to dear God that he wouldn't.
"I don't know," he ran a hand through his short hair while licking his lips, "you never know when the right person's suddenly standing in front of you. I want to be ready for when that finally happens."
"Can't wait for that to happen to me," you sighed.
"Yeah... Can't wait either," he mumbled quietly and softly ran his thumb over your shoulder.
"Well, we can keep dreaming, the two of us," you looked up at him and softly patted his thigh. "The forever singles."
"Yeah," he nodded before he went quiet, fixing his gaze on the horizon again, taking in the dusk. "You ready for the next part of the date?" he asked after a few seconds.
"There's more?"
"Yeah, of course there's more, come on," he chuckled and wrapped his arm around your shoulders, leading you back through the park to a building opposite the fancy bar where you'd had drinks.
"The Pelican Club?" you read the large neon sign above the brass double doors. "What's this? Are we going for more drinks?"
"No," he grabbed your hand and pulled you inside to a dark room covered in heart-shaped balloons and confetti, a loud band in the corner playing peppy swing jazz for the out-of-breath-people on the dance floor. "We're going dancing!" he exclaimed happily and wrapped his arm around your shoulder.
"Barnes!" You squealed desperately and leaned in close to outshout the loud music, "I can't dance!"
"Neither can I," he shouted back with a laugh, "I haven't danced since before the war!" He grabbed a coat hanger and held out his hand to take your jacket. "...What?" He laughed when you hesitated, "- you'd trust me with your life in the field but not when it comes to something as harmless as dancing?"
You bit your lower lip, taking in how the people on the dance floor moved effortlessly with their partners, sure that you were going to make a fool of both yourself and Bucky.
"- Come on," he interrupted your train of thought with a charming smile, "- you're gonna love it, I swear!"
"Oh God..." you rolled your eyes and shook the woollen coat from off your shoulders, sending him a nervous look. "Alright! But just so you're prepared; everybody's gonna look at us!"
"Oh I hope so," he grinned, "it would be a crime not to acknowledge such a beautiful woman in such a beautiful dress," he drawled and once more put his hand on the small of your back, the pillowy words along with his somewhat craving touch so blinding and desirable, that you briefly forgot he was leading you to a dance floor.
He stopped in the middle of the room, turning around to face you. "You ready?"
"I guess," you nodded, slightly anxious about what was going to happen, but calming down almost immediately when Bucky's right hand found yours. Carefully, his metal fingers grabbed your hip and he pulled you flush against his chest.
You were looking up at him, the expression on his face soft and longing as he slowly moved his fingers over your hipbone, his chest heaving steadily before you. "Just let me lead, sweetheart," he leaned in close and whispered in your ear, his voice laced with thick syrup that melted into your ear canals and made your knees weak.
"O-okay," you nodded and followed him as he took a step to the side, his eyes never leaving yours.
You'd never seen him like this before; so tender and so up close you could take in every small detail of his angled face; the almost invisible small, brown freckles cute and innocently splashed over his straight nose, the fullness of his heavy lower lip and the curve of his cupid's bow contrasting the sharp jaw with the rough stubbles, the splash of dark blue in his otherwise clear, cerulean eyes that were dancing happily across your face.
Why had you never realised how handsome, and masculine, and dreamy he was before he’d coaxed you for a date? All this time you'd just thought of him as your sweet friend Bucky Barnes, never really seeing him for what he truly was; a fucking tease! And as you swayed on the dance floor under his full, undeniable attention, everything inside of you was screaming it at you, reminding you how blind you'd been all this time! A large megaphone ringing in your head; your best friend is the most desirable man in the world!
You saw how the small happy wrinkles around his eyes crinkled as he pulled the corners of his enticing lips upwards, his beautiful irises darting back and forth between your eyes, desperate to take in everything so he wouldn't miss out on the way you were looking at him.
"You're staring, doll," he smirked.
"Sorry," you mumbled and quickly fixed your gaze on the fingers you had placed on top of his shoulder, not wanting him to get scared at the sudden realisation you felt within.
"Don't apologise," he smiled and tilted his head closer to yours to search your face again. "I'm not complaining. I like when you look at me."
Slightly embarrassed by the audible gulp that his words activated in your throat, you carefully found his eyes, savouring the way he breathed in your arms when your gazes finally met again.
"My God," he whispered quietly, "you are beautiful."
"Barnes," you whimpered slightly, looking at his deep blue eyes, your entire body tense as he slowly swung you around.
He moved his hand over your hip, dipping his fingers a little lower than he had before as he leaned in close and whispered in your ear, "I could look at you forever..."
You could feel his breath on your skin, how the words wrapped themselves around you and made your knees feel weaker than ever. Bucky's metal fingers were placed firmly on the lower part of your hip, but you could feel how they slowly started moving up to caress your waist sensually. His aromatic cologne was invading all your senses, filling up your nostrils while his flesh hand slowly caressed your fingers, his dark eyes never leaving you.
You swayed in silence for a while, looking at each other with small, love-drunk smiles playing on your lips, the up-tempo music in the background far too fast for the type of dance you'd engaged in. The megaphone inside your head came in louder and louder the longer you stared at him; kiss him! Kiss him! But you weren't sure if you were putting too much into your dancing, and thus kept your lips at a distance, not wanting to scare him away.
"You - uh," he eventually grinned when the jazz band behind you started playing an even peppier song. "- you wanna get out of here? There's something I'd like to show you."
You merely nodded, completely lost for words as his entire presence had engulfed you.
"Alright," he removed his fingers from your hip and instead grabbed your hand, slowly pulling you to the other side of the dance floor with your fingers carefully intertwined.
Eager for the next part of his plan, you were back in the Brooklyn night air in no time, this time walking towards his motorcycle.
"What do you want to show me?" You locked your palms around his elbow and pressed your hip against his.
"When are you gonna learn that I'm not gonna tell you anything?" he laughed as he flipped open the leather seat of the bike and pulled out a blanket from the compartment underneath. "Have I not given you your money's worth up until now?"
"Oh, you've given me so much more," you chuckled and followed him back up the street.
"Alright -" he shot you a sideways glance and wrapped his arm around your shoulder again, "because you've been so well-behaved and haven't called it a fake date for hours, I'll give you a hint; what we're about to do is my favourite past-time."
"Your favourite past-time? Are we going to the gym?" You laughed, "Or are we annoying Sam? I can't decide what you like the best."
He blew a raspberry and laughed loudly, opening the door to an abandoned warehouse. "You'll see," he chuckled and led you up several flights of stairs, not stopping until you'd reached the roof of the building.
"Is your favourite past time murdering young women on top of creepy old buildings? " You laughed and sat down on a tattered bench leaning up against an old chimney. "Why are there even seats up here?"
"Because this is the prime spot in the city for stargazing," he pointed upwards.
"Stargazing?" You mumbled, your eyes following his. Your mind was immediately taken aback by the sight that met you: the sky had long ago turned from lilac to a deep blue, but now it was lit up by thousands of tiny stars twinkling competitively with the man next to you. "Wow," you breathed quietly, keeping your gaze on the many lights although Bucky's enticing scent was screaming at you to direct your attention towards him instead.
"I know," his deep voice brought you back down to earth as he unfolded the fuzzy blanket halfway and wrapped it around your shoulders before taking the seat next to you.
"As if I'm letting you freeze," you chuckled and unwrapped the other half, draping it over both your shoulders, scooting a little closer to him on the bench so the plaid could reach around both of you. You felt how his fingers hesitantly found your hips, but when you didn't move away as he pressed his fingertips to your hipbone, he snuggled a little closer.
"It's really beautiful out here tonight," you breathed as you gazed upwards. "It's not often we get to see stars this clearly in New York."
"Yeah, we're quite lucky," he scooted even closer to you, his gaze briefly skirting over your awed face.
"Yeah," you breathed, trying to ignore how close his lips were as you took in the beauty of Cassiopeia above you, "I used to sit like this with my best friend when I was a kid..."
Bucky slowly turned his face away from you, letting out an inaudible gulp as he furrowed his eyebrows, the look on his face tender and anticipating as he too looked upwards. "Me too," he mumbled after a few seconds, "- although the sky was even clearer back then."
"You used to watch the stars with Steve?"
"Yeah," he nodded, "we could sit up here for hours, imagining what our lives would be. I guess neither of us quite hit the target."
"Guess not," you grinned and caressed his leg underneath the blanket to show him that you understood. "Do you miss him?"
"Yeah, every day," Bucky nodded, "I wish you guys had met. He would've liked you."
"Me too," you softly stroked your little finger over his kneecap to console him. "He seems like a good man."
"The best," Bucky concluded with a nod, "- but I guess it all turned out how it was supposed to anyway. He's with Peggy, the love of his life, and I'm here with you..." he smiled softly, tilting his head from side to side. "Well - and Sam of course."
"Ah yes!" You laughed, "- let's not forget about the love of your life!"
"Don't tell him I mentioned him," he sent you a crooked smile, "I'd never hear the end of it!"
"I'll try not to," you chuckled and moved your hand over the tense muscles of his thigh. "Did you and Steve take all your dates dancing back then?"
"Of course," he nodded, "I wasn't stupid. Perfect opportunity for prolonged eye contact and a few strategically placed hands."
"Oh my God," rolled your eyes with a laugh.
"You should've seen me," he smirked, "two arms and an undeniable boyish charm. And when I put on the uniform, they didn't stand a chance in resisting me."
"Oh, I bet!" you chuckled, "Did you take them up here afterwards then?"
"Sometimes," he smirked, and you could feel how he his breathing was coming in nervous. "If they were particularly special," he held you a little tighter.
You sat in silence for a while, both of you smiling up at the stars above you, taking in the beauty of the night sky while Bucky's hand softly caressed your shoulder and upper arm.
"Alright," he said suddenly, looking at his wristwatch, "I'm afraid that's it for tonight. A gentleman always has his girl home before midnight," he winked at you and stood up from the bench, offering you his hand.
"Scared that your coach might turn into a pumpkin?" You laughed and let him help you to your feet.
"It's just proper dating etiquette. And I'm showing you what a proper date looks like, remember?" he winked at you.
"Yeah," you nodded, happy that he had decided to take you out even though you'd been hesitant to accept at first. "Of course," you smiled up at him and laced your fingers between his, feeling his pulse in the tips as he lead you back down the flight of stairs and over to his motorcycle.
"Hey, you wanna steer?" he asked suddenly while watching you strap your helmet.
"Steer? The bike?"
"Come on, it's easy," he grinned and swung his leg over the seat, scooting backwards to make room for you in front of him. "Come here," he said quietly as you slowly approached him and swung your leg over the seat as well. Bucky put his hands on your hips to keep you in place and pressed you against his warm chest, a deep flutter shooting through your limbs, fogging up your brain.
"So what you want to do," he leaned in close and almost whispered in your ear, "- is to keep one hand on the throttle at all times," he wrapped his large hand around yours on top of the right handle. "Roll it towards yourself to speed up, the other way to slow down, okay?" He waited for your confirmation before he continued, "- up here, you squeeze the lever to brake the front wheel," he stretched your right-hand fingers and pressed in on them before moving his large hand to your leg, brushing his fingers over the exposed skin at your thigh before pointing towards a pedal by your foot. "- and this one to break the back wheel," he whispered and sent shivers down your spine as he put his other hand low on the left side of your hip. "You shift gears on the clutch up here - and by using the pedal down there, but don't worry about that, I'll do that, you just concentrate on speed and steering... Okay, doll?" He whispered sensually and slowly moved both hands over your thighs, his fingers warm on your skin against the cold February air.
The words were stuck in your throat, and you couldn't move. You wanted to feel his hands on your entire body, not just on the strip of exposed skin below the hem of your dress. "Mmm-hmm," you mumbled, a flush of sensuality settling in your stomach as you took in the way his fingers felt on you.
"Alright, sweetheart," he whispered, his lips dangerously close to your ear, "when you're ready, push the ignition and slowly roll the throttle towards yourself."
You did as he said, feeling how the machine rumbled and spluttered as it came to life between your legs. Bucky had his arm draped casually across your waist and he scooted a little closer to you, making himself comfortable on the leather seat underneath the two of you as you slowly turned the right handlebar and felt how the bike immediately reacted to it and started rolling down the street.
The miles sped away underneath the black tires as you steered through Brooklyn and upstate to the Avenger's compound you both called home. The lights of the city were a blur around you, Bucky's warm breath pleasant against your neck, his lips buzzing right next to the sensitive skin.
"You're doing so well, sweetheart," he mumbled in your ear while gently running his fingers over the soft fabric of your red dress, grinning against your ear every time you gave an unconscious squeeze to the throttle, coaxing more power from the rumbling machine beneath you.
Before you'd really had a chance to savour the ride back from Manhattan and Bucky's warm praises against your skin, you had parked the motorcycle in the garage, had giggled innocently in the short elevator ride to your floor, and were suddenly standing outside your bedroom door, saying good night.
"Thanks for doing this, Barnes, I had a really great time with you.”
"Me too, sweetheart," he muttered and put his head on the wall while looking at you with a soft expression, the air between you more charged than ever. "I hope it was worth sacrificing your Valentine's Day over."
You took a step closer to him and touched the hem of his jacket sleeve, "this is the best Valentine's Day I've ever had, thank you."
Bucky's eyes scanned your face briefly as a proud smile emerged on his lips. "Me too, sweetheart..." he nodded, looking as if he was having a hard time holding himself back from touching you.
"So... how does the Bucky Barnes experience usually end?" you asked quietly, looking up at his piercing eyes.
"Well," he drawled, "...there are a couple of outcomes. And they all depend on the key jangle."
"The key jangle?" you asked hesitantly and furrowed your eyebrows, suddenly nervous you were failing some sort of weird test.
"Yeah," Bucky nodded his head with a chuckle, "- you see; when you follow a woman to her door, and you stand like this," he took a step closer and pointed between the two of you, "she will always either fiddle with her keys or not depending on how eager she is to open the door. A key jangle without an invitation to come inside, means you should just thank her for tonight, turn around and go home. Key jangle and an invitation means she really wants you to come up for a nightcap. And no key jangle at all usually means she wants you to kiss her at her door."
"You can tell all that just from the keys?" you threw back your head with a laugh, taking in how he shifted his weight on his feet and ran a hand through his hair.
"Yeah, usually..." he licked his lips hesitantly, his eyes travelling down to your hands that you had buried in the pockets of your coat.
You knew what he was requesting; he wanted to see if you were fiddling your keys or not.
Slowly, you pulled both hands up from your pockets, laying them flat in front of him and turning them around, showing him your empty palms.
His eyes snapped from your hands and up to your face.
His chest was heaving slowly, his eyes darkening as the pupils slowly drowned out the blue in his irises while he looked at you. "No keys," he concluded quietly, trying hard to fight the smile that tugged on the corners of his mouth. "Fuck me," he smiled broadly, and stepped over to you, putting his calloused palm to the side of your face where he stroked his thumb over your jawline while his lips danced enticingly close to yours.
You let out a small whimper at the soft touch, reached up, and pressed your pillowy lips to his broad smile.
The kiss was short and sweet, but it didn't take Bucky two seconds before he let out a satisfied groan and pulled you closer. "Fuck, sweetheart!" he whispered with a breath heavier than ever before. "You have no idea how long I've waited for this," he growled and put his hand in the back of your neck, his lips urging you to open your mouth so he could slip his tongue past your teeth and into your wet mouth.
He gave out a sensual groan when your tongues finally found each other and happily trailed his metal fingers up your side; touching the exposed skin of your thigh, grazing over the curve of your hip, massaging your waistline through the soft fabric of your red dress.
You pulled your head slightly backwards, just enough to free your lips from his, but the quiet whimper that escaped Bucky's throat when he chased your mouth wasn't lost on you.
"You wanna..." you breathed, taking in his blushed face, his hooded eyelids, his unruly hair, "- you wanna come inside?"
He smirked proudly and leaned closer, pressing a series of soft, wet kisses to your throat that were so sensual and full of lust that this time, it was you who whimpered.
"Yeah, sweetheart," he breathed against the wet spots on your neck, "fuck I wanna come inside!" He growled and resumed his kisses to the thin skin below your ear as you desperately tried to fit your key in the lock.
His hands were snaking around your stomach, his palms pressing you closer to his pelvis, and he leaned in close and whispered in your ear. "Sweetheart, I want to take you out again..." he pulled your earlobe between your teeth.
"Buck!" You gasped when you felt his fingers graze over the skin of your inner thighs.
"Tonight wasn't play-pretend for me..." he whispered, "I want you. All of you. Not just on missions and during training sessions at the gym - all the time."
You fiddled with your keys in the lock, desperate to rip off his clothes, and finally managed to open the door to your room.
You quickly spun around in his arms and felt his large palms dip lower on your hips while he was looking at you with a slightly nervous and anticipating look.
"Okay you got me," you whispered and hooked a finger in his collar as you took a step backwards and hauled him into your room.
Tag-list: @elemenhoepe @summerofsnowflakes @theselilwonders @cency @selmachoukri @fictional-l0v3r @siesala