Ubbe X You - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

A Page From a Travelogue - Ubbe x Reader

A Page From A Travelogue - Ubbe X Reader
A Page From A Travelogue - Ubbe X Reader

Summary: The reader is a traveler who explores new lands. Finally, one day, she and her crew arrive in Kattegat, the settlement of great repute. Her time is filled with bonding with the sons of Ragnar. Will love bloom? Or will lust be in the first place?

Warnings: Smut! Don’t interact if you’re a minor!

Words: 6321

Authors: Cass & Rouge

A Page From A Travelogue - Ubbe X Reader

Ubbe stood at a wooden pier at docs, looking forward to the boats that sailed towards the shore.

As soon as he and his brothers heard the horns announcing the newcomers, the oldest brother decided to check firsthand who was about to visit Kattegat.

You smiled seeing a settlement on the horizon.

Traveling was wonderful but everyone needed some rest and supplies needed to be restocked as well.

All you hoped was that people in this settlement weren't some savage maniacs.

As two first ships docked, Ubbe crossed arms behind his back, waiting for some authority to come.

You jumped off the ship and shivered a little, pulling the fur tighter around yourself. "With whom may I speak here?” You asked loudly, looking around.

"With me," Ubbe replied as shortly as it was possible. "Who are you and what's your purpose?"

"Oh, I and my people don't have any bad intentions if this is what you're asking about. My men and I need some rest and we need to restock food and other supplies." You explained shortly with a little shrug of your shoulders. "No need to worry, we do have gold and will pay."

"Good then," Ubbe Ragnarsson replied simply and gave a nod to his men to lower their axes.

You bowed your head a little. "If I man ask... Where are we?”

"Kattegat," Ubbe replied in a tone filled with pity.

You frowned a little. "No need for that kind of tone. Forgive me but I am a traveler. I don't follow any direction, just the will of gods. My apologies if I didn't recognize your settlement sooner, I had more important stuff on my mind."

"What's your purpose in our region then?"

"This is where gods and wind brought me." You shrugged, crossing your arms over your chest.

"So you and your men sail, being led by nothing but the gods and their will?"

"Exactly. This makes traveling much more interesting than just following lines on a map. Everyone can do this but not everyone is ready to let gods guide the ship." You explained with another little shrug. "I heard that Kattegat is famous for its hospitality."

With a short nod of his head, Ubbe let his thralls know it was safe to help the newcomers.

You bowed your head again and followed him into the Great Hall, hoping you wouldn't lose your head for acting thoughtless and inconsiderate.

Little did the newcomers know that a pair of curious eyes observed their every step from a distance.

Ivar, who was returning home after another lonely day spent spying on his brothers, was very surprised once he spotted ships sailing into their bay. He had to check who the hell was brought to his settlement.

Meanwhile, Ubbe introduced the newcomers' leader to his mother, the Queen.

You yet again bowed your head in front of a queen, to pay her the proper respect. So, the man that greeted you was a prince? He didn't look like one for sure.

"Just to make everything clear, I came here from a long trip, and I assure you that all we want is some rest, food and in a few weeks we will leave."

Aslaug, with her legs crossed, sitting on her throne, looked at her eldest son.

"She's speaking the truth, mother. I saw their ships filled with chests and treasures, not warriors. They pose no risk and I sense the honesty in their leader's reasoning," Ubbe claimed.

The Queen got up, walked closer, and offered you a smile. "Be our guest then."

You smiled and nodded. "Thank you so much for your generosity, Queen Aslaug. I promise you to not cause any trouble to you, your children, or the settlement itself."

"Your men will be hosted by our people and our servants will prepare you a room in our house," Queen informed and returned to her previous spot.

You blinked surprised. This was something you weren't expecting in the slightest bit but you weren't going to argue with the Queen. "Thank you so much."

The woman only nodded.

Ubbe looked at you, improving the belt around his hips. "Come. I need to introduce you to a few important people."

"Of course." You said quietly and followed him.

He took you to another room, with a long table standing next to the longest wall. Three young men sat there, drinking and eating, chatting loudly.

More princes, you assumed but smiled at them, giving each of them a polite greeting.

Hvitserk was the one to spot the newcomer - he jolted up from his spot and instantly formed himself next to you. "Who's that?" He asked his older brother.

"This is Y/N, she's a traveler, she and her men are visiting Kattegat."

You blinked and looked at Hvitserk. He was a quick one.

Nodding you smiled. "Gods and wind brought us here. At the right time since we need to get ready for another adventure."

Younger brother's eyes widened as he heard about your plans. "My name's Hvitserk Ragnarsson, Ubbe here is my older brother. These are Sigurd and Bjørn."

"It's nice to meet you all. I am honored to finally meet the sons of Ragnar," you claimed. "I hope my visit here won't be a problem to any of you."

"No, of course not!," Hvitserk exclaimed instantly, not even letting other brothers introduce themselves. "Would you like to drink and eat?"

You couldn't help but giggle. "I spent many days at the sea. I would love to eat something. Of course, if others don't mind me joining."

"No, they don't. Follow me, please," Hvitserk nodded at you.

Ubbe observed his younger brother with content; it was one of the very rare moments when Hvitserk was interested in something else than eating.

You followed Hvitserk and accepted the seat he picked for you. After adjusting your coat, you sat down and took the full cup Hvitserk offered you.

The rest of them followed, and soon you had been surrounded by men and their curious glances.

"Am I the first woman that ever came here?" You joked, looking at them all.

"It's not so often when a beautiful woman pays us a visit without other purposes than war," the tall, blonde viking replied.

You chuckled and nodded. "Now it explains all the looks. Thank you for the kind words."

"Do you want an apple?" Hvitserk offered.

"Yes, please. I am really hungry. Thank you for your kindness." You smiled at him.

Hvitserk got up from the table and went to another place, to return soon with a huge, beautiful apple.

You accepted the fruit with a polite nod and started to eat.

Ubbe was kind enough to make sure that your men were all fed and taken care of.

You swallowed the piece of the apple you had in your mouth and smiled at them all. "So... Maybe since you all look at me like this... I can tell you some stories. Would you like that?"

Sigurd was the first one to nod. "Do you know some sea shanties?"

"Oh, I actually do. My men love to sing them when we travel. It helps to fill the lonely times and silence of the sea." You said, looking at him. "Would you like me to sing?"

"Wait. I'll get my lute."

* * * * *

Ragnarssons and you spent a very nice afternoon together. You sang with them, taught them a few new shanties, told them some stories about your adventures. Even queen Aslaug joined.

This was what you loved the most. Spending time with new people, just enjoying the shared time. Honestly, you felt more than relieved they accepted you so easily.

You sang so much that your throat started to hurt and your voice became cracky.

Ubbe notified you that all of your men were gifted with safe places to rest.

"Oh, gods. Thank you so much, if I can be honest. I am grateful for your kindness and help." You said with honesty in your voice. "Not everyone is so good for travelers."

"She's right. Harald wouldn't be as kind as we are," Sigurd added.

Ubbe waved his hand at his younger brother to silence him. "Come with me, I'll show you a chamber I've ordered to get prepared for you."

You giggled and nodded. "As much as I love the company, I need to rest. I hope you all will forgive me. I can tell you more stories tomorrow." You promised, getting up.

Ubbe led the way to a cozy room at the back of Great Hall.

The room wasn't too big; it contained a huge bed with freshly put sheets, a little table with a chalice and jug stood nearby, and a single mirror was placed beside the jug.

"If you need anything, just come to us or ask the servants, they'll gladly help you."

"I am sure I won't need anything else," you said with a sweet smile, dancing on your lips. "You already offered me more than I expected. I was sure to spend the night in stables."

The man nodded his head. "Everyone is welcomed in Kattegat, as long as their purposes are right."

"Very well. Thank you once again, for everything." You bowed your head a little.

"Have a calm night," he told her and left the room.

"You too."

When Ubbe was gone, you sighed deeply and flopped on the bed.

It was more than you expected but you weren't going to complain.

Soon, you undressed and took a quick bath.

Some time later, the door leading to the guest room opened but no one appeared in them.

You looked at the door and frowned softly. This was odd. Did they have ghosts there?

Then, there were some noises located on the floor level.

Sitting up, you looked at the ground and frowned. "What in a gods' name..."

All you could see was a man. A man who was crawling so quickly that within the blink of an eye he was right by your bed.

"Who are you? What do you want?" You asked loudly. "How dare you to simply walk... Crawl here as you please!?”

"You're a guest in my house and I came to check who the hell you are," a strangely sweet yet husky voice replied from darkness and only a pair of eyes glistened in a dim light cast by a candle standing on the table next to the bed.

"I am a traveler and I was welcomed here by the queen and her sons." You said proudly.

"Well then, good for you," the man replied, completely unbothered and uninterested by your explanation. "How long are you going to stay?"

"Not too long I think... I am leaving as soon as I collect whatever I need, and when my men are ready."

You could hear a loud hum. "Where are you from?"

"From nowhere. I am a traveler, I do not have a home." You summed up.

"Everyone has a home," the voice replied. "I'm curious how it's possible that a woman survived in this world on her own as a traveler."

"What do you mean, how? I simply did and I am not fully alone. I have a crew.” You said, crossing your arms over your chest.

"Crew. Phew! Saw them. They're everything but warriors. Sneaked into your ship. Nothing special as well."

"Just because you saw them doesn't mean you know them. I know them like no one else and I know I can count on them."

He went quiet for a long moment. "What's your name? Even if you don't have a home, you gotta have a name, traveler."

"My name is, Y/N, and yours?"

"I'm Ivar the Boneless, the youngest prince of Kattegat."

"Why weren't you with your brothers when I came here, prince?" You asked, raising your eyebrow.

"You see, me and my brothers, we're walking different paths," he explained, lowering his tone slightly. "They're more social."

"No need to fear. I won't come to you to drink your blood, dear prince. I am not a monster." You said.

"This is what I'll judge," he told you. "Sleep well."

"You too." You said slowly and laid down on your side to get comfortable enough to rest.

* * * * *

The next day came quickly. As always in the morning, the main chamber in the Great Hall was full of people. Thralls and servants were present to help with the breakfast.

You got up early and got ready for the day. After putting on your clothes you braid your hair in a way that it wouldn't bother you during the day. Once ready, you left the room to take a look around

You met five young men at the table, along with the queen sitting on her throne and speaking with some thrall.

"Good morning, Y/N," Ubbe was the first one to greet you.

"Good morning, Ubbe." You greeted him with a sweet smile, sitting down at the free seat. "I hope your night was calm."

He nodded in reply. Hvitserk, he sat next to you, offered you a piece of bread.

You smiled at him, taking the piece of bread. "I have a feeling you truly want to take care of me, Hvitserk."

"I think that every woman needs some support from men and every woman should be taken care of properly."

"You are the sweet one, aren't you? Thank you." You asked and winked at him before improving yourself in the chair so you could eat.

"Can you quit it, you two?" It was the youngest prince, who observed the situation, playing with a chalice in his hand. "I feel sick looking at you."

"Don't mind our little brother, he's a nasty bastard," Hvitserk told you.

"Don't be so hard on your younger brother, Hvitserk," you shook your head. "Ivar, I hope you had a quiet night with me behind the wall. I wasn't too loud, was I?"

The dark-haired, young man observed you. "It was all good. Hope it's going to stay this way. The last thing I need is to hear you get your cunt fucked by some on them," he pointed at his brothers.

"That's enough, Ivar," Ubbe raised his tone.

"It's fine, Ubbe," You gently patted his shoulder. "You can't change the fact your little brother might be a little jealous."

"Ha! You wish, woman," Ivar rolled his head back a little, laughing loudly. "I could have hundreds of women like you."

"Ivar," queen Aslaug stepped into the conversation. "Behave. Y/N is our guest."

"I'm so sorry for my brother," Ubbe told you again.

"It's alright. I met people worse than him so I don't take his words to myself." You assured Ubbe with a warm smile. Then you started to eat.

Ubbe offered an angry glance to his younger brother.

Yet the rest of the breakfast went in a calm atmosphere.

You of course didn't stop yourself from telling some stories that you remembered.

Ubbe could swear he was about to listen about your adventures for the entire day or even days if you'd want to share more with him.

After the breakfast, you again thanked the Queen and her sons for their hospitality. Since you didn't want to bother them any longer because they for sure had their duties, you decided to go and check upon your men. Some of them suffered some injuries during the last trip and you had to make sure they were doing fine.

Little did you know you'd been followed by Ubbe.

The crew greeted you happily, asking if you were doing just fine. Of course, you assured them that you are fine and spent the night in a safe place. After reminding them about proper behavior, you went to check out the local market.

Ubbe of course decided to follow. Just to make sure you were safe. Or maybe just to be able to steal more minutes to look at your pretty face?

You hummed some tune you heard a long time ago as you walked from stand to stand, looking at all the stuff. It was a big surprise to see so many sellers in one place.

Ubbe was stopped by some villagers who wanted to ask about newcomers and their purposes; people were hospitable towards strangers yet still not trusting them fully.

As he told them about you and your people, he realized he lost you from his sight.

"Is it common for one of the Ragnarssons to follow the newcomers around? Do I look so dangerous that I need to be watched?” You asked casually from behind Ubbe's back only to wrap your arm around his.

He tried to stay unshaken by a sudden, unexpected encounter. "Oh. Y/N. I have planned on visiting the market, I did not know I'll meet you here."

"Oh, is that so? Or did you just follow me around, to make sure I will not bring any kind of distress to your people?”

"I just wanted to make sure you don't get lost".

"That's so sweet of you." You said and patted his arm as the two of you started to walk.

"How long are you going to stay with us, Y/N? Don't get me wrong, I don't ask you this question to make you feel unwanted. I would be delighted to know how much time has left for me to be able to hear more about your adventures and new worlds you've visited."

You laughed softly and looked up at him. "Oh, I had the feeling you are the curious one, and well... It's hard to tell. My men are tired, some are sick. They need a good rest on solid ground. We also need good resources to start another journey. I am afraid it may take a month or even longer."

He nodded in acknowledgment. Deep inside he screamed from happiness. He felt relieved that you weren't leaving anytime soon.

"So, I told you many stories. Do you have any interesting stories to share with me?"

"I haven't been to as many places as you. When I was a kid, I went to Paris, along with my brother Hvitserk and our father."

"Oh. Paris, it's beautiful from the inside. People there wear odd clothing though, I didn't like it." You shrugged.

"We had never gotten a chance to get inside the town."

"It's a rich place. Rich and filled with protection. I think they may be afraid of vikings." You joked, gently poking him in the ribs.

"Had you fought? I think I saw a scar on your forearm."

"I had actually," you nodded. "I never wanted to be a warrior. I am a traveler and I want to meet new nations, see lands that none of us have ever seen before but not everyone is as nice as you. Some people are like Ivar. There were too many times I lost a part of my crew."

"Thankfully you're still alive and doing well," he said. "It would be such a loss to lose you."

You looked up, giving him a cocky smile. "Oh? Would it be, Ubbe? And how do you know that? You know me for a day and you already say such stuff?”

"I have a good sense if it comes to reading people," he told you, smiling back.

"Well then, I am really glad to have awakened good feelings in you. Most of the time it's quite the opposite."

"Not here," he assured. "Are you looking for something in particular?"

"I have a feeling you know a bit about traveling. Would you like to help me get ready for my next trip?”

"With a pleasure."

* * * * *

Listening to Ubbe was interesting. No matter what it seemed he liked the idea of traveling himself.

After making a list of things you would need according to Ubbe, the two of you went to one of the empty stables to simply have some quiet place to talk. There, you two found a cozy place to sit.

Ubbe asked you to tell him some more stories and since you had so many of them, you didn't say no.

The two of you just sat there and talked.

"... and people said that the place was visited by ghosts but I had never seen anything there. But who knows." You finished the story with a shrug.

With a piece of hay placed between his lips, he listened, nodding his head from time to time. "Weren't you afraid? Many people say that seeing dead ones in their spiritual form brings bad luck."

"Nah! If I was afraid, I wouldn't ever travel again." You said, shrugging. "This is one of the reasons I travel as well. To feel this something, that particular thrill, and shivers on my spine.'

"Shivers, you say," he smiled softly. "I know the feeling. The excitement that builds slowly within your guts."

"Oh, yes, exactly this. It just builds up to explode and make you feel so good." You sighed deeply, feeling a little dreamy.

He nodded his head, listening to her words.

"It's just like with sex... It's so exciting and the high you reach is the best one." You added with a quiet moan.

He stayed unbothered by your words yet nodded his head in agreement

"You like my stories and I have a feeling you would like to travel as well."

"Yes," he said, thinking. "I've always wanted to see new places, to meet new cultures."

"So? Why didn't you? Is the prince forced to stay?"

"I've never had a proper opportunity to leave and travel. There was always some fight that needed to be won."

"But now, you are here, and it doesn't look like you need to fight for anything. You could just gather people and go. See everything your heart desires." You told him.

"I don't want to leave Kattegat and the people behind with these uncouth boys as their leaders," Ubbe replied openly.

"Can't you take them with you?"

"To have a disaster on the boat? To have arguments with no possibility of leaving the place where we are going to be stuck together for days? No, thanks, I am not that desperate. I would take Hvitserk with me though, surely, he's a lot like me."

You laughed, shaking your head. "My dear prince, you have such high standards. I am afraid you might never leave this place."

"Maybe one day," he told you.

"Maybe one day we will meet on different land. Who knows."

He got up from the spot he sat at.

You got up as well, shaking off some of the hay off your pants. "I need to ask. Is there a woman keeping you here? Because I don't believe it's all about your dear brothers."

"I don't have a significant other if this is what your question was about."

"This is sad yet a piece of good news. I was worried for a second there might be another woman around." You said slowly. "I don't need to feel scared anymore."

"To feel scared?" He stopped and looked at you over his shoulder. "Scared of what? Picking on a taken man?"

"Yes. I don't wish to make any enemies here. Women can get angry when a stranger puts their hands on their men." Explaining this, you smirked softly. "Now I can safely pick on you."

He smiled. So you found him handsome enough to mention such a thing.

"I need to say. I was worried that a handsome man like you would be taken, taking the fact you are a prince and son of Ragnar himself, I was sure of it but I think gods decided to be good to me this time."

"Will you join me at tonight's feast? As I heard, my mother wants to celebrate you and your men."

"Since you are a free man and I will be able to have you just for myself, I say yes. I will gladly join you." You agreed.

Ubbe smiled in return.

* * * * *

As Ubbe said, a huge feast was thrown by his mother.

You decided to shine a little since the feast was for you.

What woman wouldn't use such an opportunity?

Among the few things you owned, you found a dress. It wasn't as comfortable as your pants but it didn't matter at the moment.

You put it on, took care of your hair, and even decided to use some makeup just to make things even better.

Once fully ready, you went to find Ubbe.

Prince was outside of the Great Hall, speaking with a few of your men.

His face was lightened up with a smile as soon as he spotted you approaching.

He couldn't lie, you looked better than he imagined.

You gave him a sweet smile. "Be careful, my dear prince or your eyes may pop out of your skull. I hope this outfit will be enough for a feast, what do you think?”

Uber caught himself staring at her revealed arms a little too long. "You're glowing like a star, Y/N. It'll be a pleasure to me to spend more time with you during the feast."

"The pleasure of spending more time with you is all mine if I can be honest. I couldn't wait," you told him sweetly. "Shall we go inside? Or you are too afraid your brothers will see me?"

"I bet Hvitserk will be happy to see you."

"I hope you won't be jealous. I am here and I am only yours for tonight."

"Do you mean it?" He asked, wrapping his arm around your waist.

"I mean it with my whole heart." You nodded.

Of course, their presence was noticed by other brothers.

Hvitserk was the first one to walk to them. "Y/N, look at you, are you a lost goddess?'

"Maybe I am. I may be a goddess from far lands and you boys may not even realize it," you joked and tapped Ubbe's chest. "I simply came here to steal your brother's heart."

A frown appeared on Hvitserk's face. "And what about me? I hope you do remember Ubbe is not the only son of Ragnar."

You looked at Hvitserk and licked your lips. "Your heart will be next."

He smiled and grabbed your hand to pull you behind him to the table where he poured you some ale.

You gladly accepted the cup, thanking him. "So? Shall we make a toast to something?"

"To your luck. May the gods have you in their favor."

"To my travels. May the gods lead me in peace." You added, raising your cup.

Hvitserk joined his older brother and you with his cup filled with ale as well.

"I see we aren't the only ones drinking." You couldn't help and giggled.

Ubbe was getting upset with Hvitserk stepping his way all the time; he counted for some alone time with Y/N and his brother decided to manifest his presence. "Hvitserk, don't you have a girl to keep your attention on?," Ubbe tried to joke, pointing at some blonde sitting at the table, whose eyes were fixed on his younger brother.

Hvitserk followed Ubbe's glance and waved his hand at the girl. She instantly replied the same gesture, smiling at him. "Her? Yeah, I laid with her a week ago. Or two weeks. I guess? She's nothing special. Not as special as our guest, of course, this is what I meant," Hvitserk put his arm around your waist. "So, Y/N, how do you find our settlement?"

You sighed softly. Hvitserk was nice and honestly, you wanted to get to know him better but sharing the attention between two men at once wasn't easy. You preferred to do it separately, it meant less jealousy to deal with. Especially taking the fact they were brothers. "It's a nice place but Hvitserk, I really would like to spend some time with your brother. We have things we want to talk about, so, please. Could you leave us alone for now?”

Hvitserk blinked a few times and grimaced because he didn't expect such a reaction from you. "Well, fine," he said with a shrug. He then turned on the heel and went off, to join the blonde lady by the table.

Ubbe was also surprised by the outcome of the situation.

You turned to the older brother and smiled. "Now, we are alone just like you wanted us to be. Hope he won't be mad, I was as polite as possible."

"I'm just a little shocked you told him no," Ubbe told you.

"Well, I would like to get to know him too but for now I am all yours. Just like I claimed before, Ubbe." You reminded him within the softest tone you could make.

He nodded, raising his cup. "To this night then. To us."

You nodded eagerly, raising your cup. "To us!"

* * * * *

The evening was wonderful. Ubbe danced and talked with you, keeping you busy and away from his brothers who were not that content with the situation; each of them had hoped to have some kind of interaction with you.

You enjoyed your time with Ubbe. There was something in him. Of course, other boys didn't lack it but for then, your full attention was on Ubbe.

"I need to say Ubbe. You have the soul of a traveler. Maybe I should take you with me?"

"I'd gladly come with you if you just ask," he told you, his hand wrapped around your waist.

"Really? When I told you about traveling you whined about your brothers. And now you want to go with me? What has changed since then?" You asked, raising your eyebrow.

"I rethought a few things," he claimed openly.

"That's interesting. Why? Because of me?”

"Maybe," Ubbe said shortly, a little smirk appeared on his lip.

"Is it me or what's between my legs?" You asked openly, forming a cocky smile.

"You. Your womanhood is just a pleasurable addition."

"Would you like to try this pleasurable addition? Before any of your brothers get to it?”

He downed his cup and placed it on the nearest table. "So you want to lay with me? Knew it from the first moment you looked at me."

"Well, look at yourself," you hummed, gently touching his leg. "Big, strong, and want to be a traveler. Just like me. Not to mention you are handsome."

"He's as handsome as an udder," there was a nasty tone coming from the ground level.

You cringed at the comment and turned your head to see Ivar. Of course, he had to interrupt. "Don't you have better things to do?”

"You're my main interest so far so no, I don't have any other things to do," the young prince was on the ground as he crawled towards you.

You frowned and shook your head. "Maybe we should take it somewhere else, Ubbe? Where we won't be bothered by others."

"I think I know the place," he caught your wrist and gently pulled you behind.

"See you soon, lady traveler," Ivar waved his hand at you.

You gladly followed Ubbe, ignoring Ivar's words. For then, you just wanted to focus on Ivar's older brother.

Ubbe took you to the stable you visited earlier that day. "Conditions are not good, I know, but at least here we can talk or do things without the curious eyes of others."

You giggled and flopped on the pile of hay. "You can always join me here."

He instantly laid on top of you, gently spreading her legs with his knee.

"Hello." You hummed as your arms wrapped around his neck.

He instantly crushed his lips on yours. He tasted like the ale he drank earlier.

You hummed into the kiss loudly, enjoying the sweet taste of mead on his lips and tongue.

Ubbe wrapped your leg around his hip, using his other hand to slip under your dress.

"I can see you are a fast one, dear prince." You giggled, trying your best to pull up the annoying skirt of your dress.

"I want that cunt of yours around my dick."

"Oh? You could ask so nicely earlier, my dear price." You chuckled.

He crushed his lips on yours again, easily pulling your panties down your legs. "I hope you don't feel used."

"If I would, you wouldn't get that far, Ubbe." You said, tapping his cheek. "Come on, don't be shy."

He started undoing his belt, gently spreading your legs with his knee some more. Soon, he lined his cock with your entrance and easily pushed inside.

You let out a soft moan and gripped his shirt tightly. Well, well, well you expected a lot from the prince but the size of him was a surprise. Honestly, you felt ashamed of how good it felt to be filled by him.

His one arm was wrapped around your waist as he held you close against his broad chest. "You feel so good around me," he praised, nibbling on your earlobe. "So slick, just for me, little one."

You placed one of your legs on his waist, smiling at him. "Of course, I have since the day I laid my eyes on you."

His thrusts got a little erratic; your pussy felt so good around his dick. Ubbe buried his head in your neck.

You moaned and wrapped one arm around his neck and the other around him. "Oh... So good. Oh, gods.."

With his face nuzzled to your neck, he kept on thrusting in you, pinning you to the hay with his weight.

Little did the two of you know that a pair of curious eyes watched everything from the distance

You moaned Ubbe's name, grabbing on his hair tightly and pulling them.

It felt so good that you didn't pay any attention to the surroundings.

He increased his pace. Several thrusts later, he pulled out of you and gently rolled behind you on his side, picking one of your legs up, pushing his dick into your pussy from behind.

You whimpered and soon smiled as your hand moved between your legs to play with your clit. "I can see you know how to take care of a woman. I am impressed." You teased, rolling your head back.

Ubbe's hand cupped your breast, gently rubbing the hard nipple through your dress as his teeth lightly caught your neck.

You changed into a moaning mess under his touch. Your climax was approaching and you could feel it in your lower belly.

His hand slipped from your boob to land on the top of your palm placed between your legs. He took it and brought it to his lips to lick and suck on your fingers, pushing your hand back into its previous spot as he did.

Soon you reached your climax, screaming his name as loud as you could.

Thank gods, the party was still going on outside so probably no one heard you.

Ubbe pulled his dick out, jerked himself a few more times, and cum directly on your belly, with a loud grunt that roamed within his chest.

"You like to mark your territory, huh?” You giggled, trying to catch your breath.

He didn't reply but attacked her neck with soft kisses.

You smiled getting comfortable on the hay. "Will we return at the feast? Or you prefer to stay here a little?"

"Let's get back to the feast." Ubbe groaned, getting up and pulling his pants up as well.

"You aren't the one that likes to cuddle afterward." You giggled and then got up as well, improving your dress. The last thing you wanted was to look like you just had sex in the pile of hay.

"I prefer the act itself to cuddling," he told you, wrapping his arm around your waist tightly.

"Shame. I love a good hug." You shrugged, nuzzling to his side. "Can I have an odd question?”


"When we were having fun in the hay... Didn't you feel watched?” You asked, looking up at him with your eyebrow raised. "I swear to gods, I had that odd feeling when you were watching but you have no idea by who or from where."

He nodded. "I felt it too for a brief moment," Ubbe nodded. "Wait, I'll check the surroundings."

You nodded letting go of him.

Ubbe walked around the barn but found no one. He smiled after noticing some characteristic marks on the ground.

After returning to you, he rubbed your shoulder. "I think you were right. Probably my youngest brother was around."

You shivered, pulling on your dress nervously. The last thing you expected was to hear such a piece of news. The cripple watched you and Ubbe.

"He must be very lonely."

"Indeed," Ubbe replied openly. "He's a cripple after all. Viking life is hard itself, just try to imagine how hard it must be for someone so different."

"Poor man, that explains this bitterness and venom leaving his mouth with every word he speaks." You nodded your head, thinking. Maybe since you were there, you could do a good deed.

Ubbe was nodding his head, listening to you. "Ivar gains on closer acquaintance."

"The day I arrived here, he crept his way into my room. Checking by himself who arrived. Can't say he gained much." You muttered, entering The Great Hall with Ubbe.

"He was just curious, don't mind him doing so. It's rare for new people to visit our settlement."

"Or is it rare for a woman to visit your settlement?"

"Let's say is it rare for a woman as beautiful as a goddess to visit us."

"You are a sweet talker, as I can see." You improved your hair and sat down with him to enjoy the rest of the feast.

Of course, you could feel Hvitserk's eyes on you still.

A Page From A Travelogue - Ubbe X Reader

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