Under Watering - Tumblr Posts
BOY DO I HAVE THE PLANT FOR YOU!!! I also absolutely suck at taking care of plants, but I wanted one anyway. I told my friend, who gave me a pothos, other known as devils ivy. These things are damn near impossible to kill, they thrive off neglect. Forget to water it? That’s ok, they only need water like once a month if that. A leaf starts dying? Snap it off, it’ll come back. Don’t have much sunlight? These fuckers can grow in the dark. Not much space? You can get small ones, if you take a snippet off of one the rest of it will only grow to be that size. Want something bigger? They can vine pretty long. Literally all you have to do is give it a pot and some soil and it’ll do the rest. (Note: while not necessary, lack of sunlight makes it harder for these things to stay healthy. They can go without but it’s just way easier with) I have a small one and almost killed it twice but. Every. Single. Fucking. Time. It’s come back. It just WILL NOT die.

This is mine. Her name is Jina, and she just revived herself AGAIN.
I wanna get plants so baddd but I suck at caring for any living thing. My cactus would be dead if not for my mum