Understandable Have A Nice Day - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

I don't know if you've been asked this before, but what makes you like 'There Are Other Ways' so much?


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10 months ago

that’s actually so sweet wtqfdjwgn 👁️👁️ need to ask if ur ok now LMFAO

ask game moment

☕️ 🎵 💪

☕Coffee or tea while you write?

Coffee, especially if I'm writing first thing in the morning. If it's night, sleepy time tea.

🎵Do you make playlists for your fics?

I do, actually. I had a whole post with playlists that I can't find. DALDOM's is here.

💪What motivates you to write?

The desire to tell a story that, even if the premise or the tropes are the same, won't be told in the way I want to tell it. Everyone focuses on something different but the beauty of fandom is, because of that, we take ideas and run with them. I grew up with writing, I always loved to tell stories and to read and see how other people might interpret an idea differently and follow it through to different logical conclusions. So many times I compare plotting to a ball of yarn in the worst way but I genuinely want to untangle it. It's not a compulsion as much as it is something that just yearns to make people feel. I blame my taste in music and being exposed to angsty fandom and having to cook my own food in fandom from a young age. A game getting cancelled and never getting closure will do that to you.

From: fanfic writer emoji ask game part ii

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8 months ago
Did You Know Obey Me Is Oeby Me Tehn Me Obey Me Twhn The Obey Of The Me Of The Obey Me Is Obey Me Obey

did you know obey me is oeby me tehn me obey me twhn the obey of the me of the obey me is obey me obey me of the me obey then afetr the me obey of me you know

— Anon

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3 years ago


This Is How We Can Organize Empires

This is how we can organize empires

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1 year ago

excuses my little brother made when he was younger on why he wouldn't go to bed:

• I can't sleep until 42 hours (?)

• I can only sleep with pokemon on the TV

• 5 more hours until bedtime?

(And my personal favorite)

• I wasn't sleeping, it was just a long blink

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1 year ago

Forbidden experimenting!

Forbidden Experimenting!

(This is based on a fanfic in AO3 called “in my mouth” btw pls go check it out, its mind boggling)

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