Unprompted Asks - Tumblr Posts

@truearchangel asked:

“Lucifer! Look, look!” He was practically shoving himself against Lucifer to show him his phone. “These birds are so cool, aren’t they? They’re called Frillback Pigeons.”


His personal space is being invaded — why is it being invaded, with a look of surprise on his face Lucifer glances over none other than the exuberant archangel, a couple of times. When it registers that the topic is birds that does more for making any sense of the situation than any verbal explaination would as they shared a fondness and hyperfixation of sorts for the avian persuasion, albeit this general interest typically took on different branches for each twin.

The Devil is about to attempt to push away but as he's about to turn, first his eyes drop to the small screen.

"Oh! By-golly, is that — nooo, curly feathers?! Oh hoh hoh! Who was responsible for this one because that is such a creative touch!" Beaming with an enlarged smile, all else has fallen away and only the excitement matters, fascination has overtaken Lucifer just as it had Michael.


He eagerly scoots in closer, gawking like a child lost to wonderment as Michael shows off several more images of the stupendous specimens.


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He’s taking a survey of this answer. “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?”

Hes Taking A Survey Of This Answer. Which Came First, The Chicken Or The Egg?
Hes Taking A Survey Of This Answer. Which Came First, The Chicken Or The Egg?

Met with his brother's sudden appearance yet again, his casual insistance still at play, it causes Lu to arch an eyebrow high. Partial skepticism painted clearly across his face.

Hes Taking A Survey Of This Answer. Which Came First, The Chicken Or The Egg?

"I'll tell ya one thing about the Big G. He's all about cutting corners on a whim. Oh yeah, I know some will always remain in denial but I've seen it for myself. He manifested that particular creature in full, two of them, actually, as he did with most animals. And he left Adam to come up with a name for them."

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@lettherebemonsters asked:

Black wings rustled as someone swooped down to see the Hellish king. It was no secret that the angels in Heaven despised Lucifer. Michael being the most vocal....but Azrael had the most hatred.

After all......it was thanks to her brother that she was forced to witnessed death in the most horrific ways every day for countless millenia.

" Lucifer...or should I call you by your real name instead? Not that you're worthy to grace it....."


That's a familiar voice, one he wasn't prepared to hear so casually making itself known, as though they hadn't avoided one another for centuries. Lucifer is already wincing as his entire body tenses up, but he'll have to think quick, he' can't be the one looking like he was caught unaware, no, he had to make this appear like something else entirely.

And so, he straightens up his posture; ready to deliver something more... in command of this situation.


"Uhp-uhp-uhp-buh, nuh-uh-nope." a hand had pulled away from his cane in order to raise it towards the visitor, a gesture indicating for a halt to anything being said or done. His raised hand soon turned to a finger wagging, almost chiding.

"Nuh uh uh~! Don't…. please." his shoulders had seized yet again, tightening up at the mention of his former named being used. To Azarael it may be viewed a privileged name, to Hell's ruler it was but a discarded echo of some - something he once was, an outer shell he'd shed long ago which he'd outgrown, and which stood as a reminder of what he would never again be. A name he once held so much disdain for, one he preferred never to be referred to as by any lengths. With this the Angel brought a threat whether she was aware of it or not.

"Watch it there, we don't want to get off on the wrong foot after so long now, do we~?" he implored with a biting implication behind polite phrasing and a formal tone.

Of course he was expecting things to only get worse, it always did when any one from up there turned up down here.


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"I just realized that... you remind me of a cockatiel... no, you're literally a cockatiel."


"I Just Realized That... You Remind Me Of A Cockatiel... No, You're Literally A Cockatiel."

"Hm." he gave out a saccharine hum which proceeded to turn into soft laughter, leaving the impression that something was really trying his patience to those who can detect such social cues.

"Is that so, well, aren't you original~!" he chimed.

"I Just Realized That... You Remind Me Of A Cockatiel... No, You're Literally A Cockatiel."

"And who might you be? I can only assume that you're here as part of my daughter Charlie's sinner rehabilitation program. Have we met before, I'm terrible with faces and even worse with names~!"

"I Just Realized That... You Remind Me Of A Cockatiel... No, You're Literally A Cockatiel."

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