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7 months ago
cheesygarlic - Arceus's favorite vessel of sin (& pasta)
cheesygarlic - Arceus's favorite vessel of sin (& pasta)
cheesygarlic - Arceus's favorite vessel of sin (& pasta)
cheesygarlic - Arceus's favorite vessel of sin (& pasta)
cheesygarlic - Arceus's favorite vessel of sin (& pasta)
cheesygarlic - Arceus's favorite vessel of sin (& pasta)

「地下鉄のトンネルのように暗い洞窟を進むと、彼の中に忘れていた記憶が呼び覚ます。」 洞窟のシーン。来年はこれのアニメーションを作るかもしれません。

-- "Going through a cave as dark as a subway tunnel awakens forgotten memories in him." Cave scene. Maybe I'll make an animation of this next year. Thanks to @miu-rai-li for collaborating with this.

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