Uwe Krger - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

FACTS. You're so right about 2005. it's the perfect mix between historical and psychological. i love mate and maya so MUCH. *whispers* i also have fanfiction and i am also accepting prompts....

1992 with Uwe and Pia is fantastical and mesmerizing, the overall tone is like a story where Lucheni is the writer, flipping through each pages. 2005 with Maya and Máté is intense, it’s a constant struggle for power over the narrative and other characters, Elisabeth, Death, Lucheni. They seem to be truly living and occasionally intercepting each other’s stories. So full of drama. It’s the most cathartic for me. And Maya might not be THE Elisabeth like Pia, but her passion and fire is unmatched, like how Máté invented a new Death, she invented a new Elisabeth. I even adore the roughness in her voice.

Also drop the fanfic link, friend 👀

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1 year ago

Ok so after mucking around with DeepL and replaying the scene a hundred times. Through a process I call trial, error, and rephrasing the translation to match the structure of the sentence then choosing from the synonyms to find the closest sounding words to Pia Douwes’ singing. I got what COULD POTENTIALLY be the original German lyrics of the 1992 version of Schwarzer Prinz (or as it was known then, Wie Du reprise). I don’t speak German so if anyone can correct any mistakes they found, that would be much appreciated.

Mama, wenn ich älter werde, such mir keinen Mann Alles, was mich glücklich macht, kann ich allein Träumen und Gedichte schreiben oder reiten mit dem Wind. Ich möchte nie gebunden sein

Elisabeth - Schwarzer Prinz
Pia Douwes & Uwe KrögerFor a complete playlist of Pia in Elisabeth see: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=32B8CF02EBCE8C3F

Does anybody have the transcript of the original German lyrics of the ORIGINAL Schwarzer Prinz? The one in 1992? 🥹 Cuz I can’t seem to find it anywhere. The only one I found is the one used in the Viennese Revival which is already changed …

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1 year ago

I think it's sad that Uwe Kröger never played Herbert, so I drew him as Herbert...I'm not a digital drawing pro, I usually draw on paper, but I tried

I Think It's Sad That Uwe Krger Never Played Herbert, So I Drew Him As Herbert...I'm Not A Digital Drawing

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1 year ago

sometimes i think about how uwe kroger has played two different characters in two different musicals who both torment crown prince rudolf of austria

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1 year ago

UwEnjolras Propaganda

This was supposed to be an artblog 100% but I felt the need to propaganda


Ok so Herr Uwe Kröger—an absolute icon in German (language) musicals—played Feuilly and did understudy Enjolras in a 1991 Dutch production of Les Mis. And his Enjolras is mmhmm chef kiss chef kiss chef kiss for the 5 following reasons

1. His Enj is so mean to Grantaire. So, mean. He shoves Grantaire away all the time.


(After the Death of Eponine: Enjolras watches the other people carry Eponine’s body away and goes to land a hand of comfort upon Marius’s shoulder. Grantaire stumbles behind him like his human pet only to be quickly disowned when Enjolras turns and goes ????)


(Shooing Grantaire away again during the barricades)


(Drink with Me: Seriously, pushing Grantaire away before toasting him is really “Enjolras, the believer, disdained this sceptic; and, a sober man himself, scorned this drunkard. He accorded him a little lofty pity”.)

2. He does this meow meow fall during the barricades. I’m not a LM musical expert maybe all Enjolrases meow meow fall but if there’s a meow meow fall it is by natural right people should be notified.


(Somebody is shot, Enj leaps down the barricade. Jean Valjean saves Enjolras’s ass while the latter lands on his ass in startled meow meow fashion. Javert is tied up and observing.)

3. He hands out money during “Paris”. It’s so sweet, he truly cares.


4. (If you are an Elisabeth das Musical fan you’ll get this, if not you can skip to point 5) He grabs Marius like he’s going to “Greif nach der Macht tu es aus Notwehr” him any second.

UwEnjolras Propaganda

5. Man looks like the embodiment of Enjolras. (Performing his own song and him during Der letzte Tanz from Elisabeth das Musical CHECK IT OUT I HIGHLY SUGGEST YOU TO)


Thank you for coming to my Ted talk on UwEnjolras, thank you, thank you. 

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Just a regular everyday picture of Puwe, nothing strange here

Just A Regular Everyday Picture Of Puwe, Nothing Strange Here

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