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6 months ago

Dragon Age: The Veilguard casual outfits, ranked

We finally have a good look at what the fits will look like for all factions, and as I am very normal, I had to go through all of them and rank them. I'm going to start with the casual looks and underwear, as the armours are going to take MUCH longer. Screenshots come from @kalaelizabeth and Gil Dirthalen's character creator deep dives.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Casual Outfits, Ranked

Underwear (unranked)

I am a noted Dragon Age underwear hater and I have to say, these are not changing my mind. The best I can say is that these are serviceable, lol.

6. Mourn Watch

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Casual Outfits, Ranked

Sorry Mourn Watch, this is not very cool OR goth. I don't even see a single skull! Disappointing and uninspired, imo.

5. Wardens

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Casual Outfits, Ranked

It's totally fine but not my favourite.

4. Shadow Dragons

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Casual Outfits, Ranked

I don't love it OR hate it. It has some interesting details on the sleeves and I enjoy purple but the big red sash is weird. I still plan on playing Shadow Dragon first though.

3. Veil Jumpers

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Casual Outfits, Ranked

I like the detail and the Veil Jumper look has a definite point of view, and I like the texture, but that is a LOT of brown leather. Some might say too much. (Me, I am saying too much). It should also be noted that this is the look that has been spotted as not having shoes in game footage.

2. Antivan Crows

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Casual Outfits, Ranked

Yessss girl slay, quite literally you Antivan Crow!

Lords of Fortune

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Casual Outfits, Ranked

The Lords of Fortune outfit is so miles above the rest it's almost embarrassing - it has texture, it has colour, it has bling. This is the one for the fashionistas.

You can find the mage sets here, rogue and warrior will be coming out over the weekend!

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6 months ago

Dragon Age: The Veilguard mage armour sets, ranked

I've managed to compile the starter and aspirational armour sets for each class, starting with mage. Mage definitely has the least consistent looks across all the factions - the ones I like, I really like, the ones I do not like, I REALLY do not like.

As we like to credit, these screenshots are also courtesy of @kalaelizabeth's character creator deep dive video.

Unranked - Starting armour

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Mage Armour Sets, Ranked

The starting armour sets appear to be the same for all factions and only differ slightly by class. It's not the worst starting armour Dragon Age has ever had (I really hate the one you get in Inquisition that makes it look like the Herald doesn't have a neck), but it's not the best either. There are definitely story reasons for why it looks the way it does, but as I'm keeping this spoiler-free that's all I'm going to say on the matter.

6. Mourn Watch

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Mage Armour Sets, Ranked

Unfortunately Mourn Watch comes in last again, and y'all, I absolutely HATE this. I know what people who want to play Mourn Watch are looking for, and "Victorian mortician at the end of a long shift" is NOT it. The worst part is, I think there is probably something not as bad under there, and I have no idea why on earth they decided to cover it up with a dirty, dingy sheet. I hate this so much I am never going to play this faction and class.

5. Grey Wardens

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Mage Armour Sets, Ranked

Snooze, boring! Past Dragon Ages have had better Warden sets, imo. (I'm thinking 2 and Inquisition here).

4. Veil Jumpers

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Mage Armour Sets, Ranked

I actually don't hate this, and Veil Jumper is pretty consistent across all the classes in terms of having a defined look, but it's still too much brown. How nice would a little pop of green look here? It needs SOMETHING.

3. Shadow Dragons

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Mage Armour Sets, Ranked

I'll be honest - the top three are really tied here. I think they're all really great and establish a defined aesthetic for the faction, class, and are visually interesting. I love the pattern here, and I think these shades of red and blue are unexpected but look great together. And it's just the right level of flash for a Tevinter mage.

2. Antivan Crows

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Mage Armour Sets, Ranked

It's sleek, it's chic, it's deadly. Exactly what I want for an Antivan Crow. I LOVE the feathers and how they have a slight iridescence. It also does what I wish the casual look did and has silver detailing instead of gold. Gold should belong to Lords of Fortune ONLY.

Lords of Fortune

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Mage Armour Sets, Ranked

I expect this look will be EXTREMELY divisive among fans, but personally I think "mage who loves gold and the beach" is an incredible concept for the class. I could even stand MORE stacked bracelets. More is more!

You can also find posts about the casual looks here. Rogue and warrior will be coming out over the weekend!

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6 months ago

Dragon Age: The Veilguard rogue armour sets, ranked

Today it's time for rogue! This class I will say I had the hardest time ranking because out of all the classes, I think it has the most consistent and solid options. I don't really think you can go wrong with any of these.

Images credit: WolfheartFPS on YouTube and Shinobi602 on Twitter.

Unranked - starting armour

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Rogue Armour Sets, Ranked

Not that different from mage, slightly darker colours I think? And of course more belts.

6. Grey Wardens

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Rogue Armour Sets, Ranked

Zzzzzz. What more needs to be said?

5. Antivan Crows

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Rogue Armour Sets, Ranked

I actually quite like this but it loses points because I don't see any crow motifs and I miss the feathers.

4. Shadow Dragons

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Rogue Armour Sets, Ranked

There really isn't much to hate here - it's a solid rogue look and very consistent with the faction's aesthetic.

3. Veil Jumpers

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Rogue Armour Sets, Ranked

By far my favourite Veil Jumpers look. Look at that pop of colour and how good it looks! Why don't the other classes have this!?

2. Lords of Fortune

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Rogue Armour Sets, Ranked

Absolutely love this one - love the colours, love the pattern, love the slightly more understated touches of gold.

Mourn Watch

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Rogue Armour Sets, Ranked

Are you surprised? Now THIS is what I fucking want out of a Mourn Watch look!! Black, tasteful pops of colour, skulls, *chef's kiss. The pauldrons are hilarious. I know what class I will be playing if I do this faction, and it's not the one I expected!

Want more? You can find mage sets here, and casual sets here.

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6 months ago

Dragon Age: The Veilguard warrior armour sets, ranked

The warrior sets are probably about as inconsistent as the mage sets, however, I did find some pleasant surprises here. There are definitely some very unexpected looks here, especially for a class that typically plays it pretty safe.

Image credit: Shinobi602 on Twitter.

Unranked - starting armour

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Warrior Armour Sets, Ranked

CLEARLY warrior Rook does not have a squire.

6. Grey Warden

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Warrior Armour Sets, Ranked

Sorry Warden players you still get the most boring armour sets in the game.

5. Shadow Dragons

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Warrior Armour Sets, Ranked

This should be heavy plate with a dragon on it and it isn't, so I simply cannot rate it any higher. Also this reads way more rogue to me than warrior - rogues need all those pockets, what's a warrior want with them? Update on this: I am 99% sure I saw someone playing rogue (a saboteur even!) wearing this armour so is it a mistake? I AM CONFUSION.

4. Mourn Watch

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Warrior Armour Sets, Ranked

It's solid but across all the classes Mourn Watch is by far the least consistent in terms of having a defined look - they're not even in the same shades of the same colours. If you put them on a runway as a collection it would be called inconsistent because they don't look like they go together. It's disappointing because if we went by Emmrich's fits I would have expected something MUCH different.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Warrior Armour Sets, Ranked

3. Veil Jumpers

I do really like this even if it's giving dwarven made more than Elvhenan made, which is what they're going for with all the Veil Jumpers sets. Could still use some colour though.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Warrior Armour Sets, Ranked

2. Lords of Fortune

I'm not going to lie to you: after my temporary blindness wore off this look filled me with glee. Even looking at it now makes me incredibly happy. It's not because it's good, necessarily, in fact it's one of the most hilarious armour sets I've ever seen, but it does make me happy. But intellectually I cannot rate it number one, no matter how happy it makes me and how much that inexplicable bull head on the crotch makes me laugh.

1. Antivan Crows

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Warrior Armour Sets, Ranked

I am obsessed with this. It has it ALL - impeccable goth vibes, dramah, beautiful feathers, bits of draped fabric for no reason, absolutely dripping with crow motifs. If someone came running at me in this I would be scared but also delighted.

Another armour update: I've been watching a lot of in-game footage of quests and have noticed that being a particular faction does not necessarily seem to lock you into that faction's armour styles - for example I saw a Crow wearing the rogue set for Veil Jumpers. I don't think I was mistaken but definitely take this as a grain of salt if it doesn't turn out to be the case in the release.

If you're interested in the rankings for the casual sets, you can find that here. Mage is here, and rogue can be found here.

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