Viernes De Dolores - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
Happy Viernes De Dolores!
Happy Viernes De Dolores!
Happy Viernes De Dolores!

Happy Viernes de Dolores!

Prepared for everything

And look at small Mars or War, so cute. It reminds of Ody during the Odyssey,hahahaha (he greek not roman, but my point stand)

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1 year ago


If you don´t wanna see it don´t see it, this post is for letting people who wants to know how Easter is celebrated in a Spanish town! Discretion is asked


I´m not part of the Cofradías, I participate in a informal way, I don´t know everything about Easter and my info may not be correct, if you wanna know I encouraged to research and If possible live it even if you´re not Christian nor religious, Hope you like it and have a great time!

If you wanna read it and acknowledge the warnings, go ahead! I´m not here to stop you :D

The video was made by my mum.


I know this is not related to my usual topics!

But because I love my Holy Week, this is the parade of La Virgen de los Dolores (Virgin of the pains) in Lorca, (Murcia) her big day.

The blue scarfs are called pañuelos and every brotherhood (Paso) has a colour and and symbol. Blues (Azules) have a heart speared by a sword (Christ was speared in crucifixion, and also represents Mary's (María) grief and Whites (Blancos) have Saint John's Eagle.

Tonight, women will accompany the Virgin down the center of Lorca dressed as if lute (Manolas) carrying a candle each one, represnting the hope in Jesus resurrection.

The people with hats are not the KKK, they're dressed as nazarenos (a type of coustume that predates the 18th century).

Also the throne's bar are made of pure silver and not hollow, (also are carried by people not an engine); each manto (cape) is sewed in gold thread and made from silk with a dying technique (Tejedoras de Lorca is the group of women how still do this).

Lorca´s Holy week is really interesting cause is more a parade than a normal Easter procession, being a biblic-passional parade; we have Romans, Egyptians and more.

also the main street becomes sanded for horse´s well being, as they are used alone and in groups around the parade.

I will tell more about this holyday as Easter develops. :D

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