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Knitted Christmas Sweaters || modern!Ivar the Boneless x fem!reader
Masterlist ❄

Summary: It appears that Ivar is unhappy with the gift he received from you, but once he learns about your motives, he changes his mind.
Warnings: none
Word count: ~ 570
Author: Fenrir
A/N: today’s prompt: Matching Christmas Sweaters

In Ivar's mind, he knew that his low mood was just that... His. While his brain could come up with a thousand plausible reasons why someone else was at fault, Ivar had to take responsibility for his feelings and the path to getting himself out of feeling so blue. You made things uncomfortable for him, especially during the Christmas/Yule holiday season, by making him do pointless and pathetic tasks such as picking out a Christmas tree, baking gingerbread and decorating your flat.
And now this. When he looked in the mirror for the last time, he uttered an unhappy grunt - he wore a red, woollen sweater with a reindeer motif. This piece of clothing was only nice because the sweater was fluffy and kept Ivar warm. "There is no way in hell I'm going out like this!" Ivar shouted loudly, making sure you would hear him through the closed bathroom door. No way, babe, I look like a fucking idiot!"
You leaned your back against the wall, waiting for Ivar to stop acting like a child. You were standing in the corridor of your shared flat, so sweetly encouraging him, "Oh, honey, you look absolutely cute, I bet! Get out, please!" You knitted him a sweater, but he threw a tantrum when you gave it to him. Again.
After another sigh, Ivar ran his hand through his thick, dark hair and left the bathroom. He opened the door and stepped forward, resting his hands on his hips. "There's a reindeer on it, and I hate them. As a whole, I'm not a fan of sweaters."
Without unnecessary words, you grabbed his palm and led him to the living room. After pushing him into the couch, you told him to stay there while you disappeared into another room. Soon, you returned to him, wearing exactly the same sweeter, but in a smaller size. "Look, I knitted both of them so we'd have a matching thing." When you spoke, your voice became low and he could hear your sadness.
As you explained everything to Ivar, he felt even worse for acting like a wayward child. He got up from his place and slowly limped to you, immediately wrapping his hands around your waist. "Baby, I didn't know. I didn't mean to, though. Don't be mad, please?"
Taking a few long moments to gaze into his blue eyes, you smiled barely. "I'm not mad, but I hoped secretly you'd enjoy the gift. I apologise that it's not as fancy as the PlayStation 5 Ubbe gifted you with."
As Ivar kissed the bridge of your nose, he took your face in his palms. "It's a much better gift, silly. Do you know why? It's the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me, because you made it yourself and put effort and your heart into making it. At least we have matching sweaters now." With his palm firmly gripping yours, he led you into the corridor where a huge mirror hung. As he gazed at your reflections, he leaned his head down and placed his chin on top of your head as he stood in front of the mirror with you. "Just look at us. We're two cuties wearing reindeer sweaters."
Laughing, you turned in his arms, wrapped your arms around his neck, and kissed his cheek. "Despite being a dick most of the time, you are sometimes tooth-rooting cute. I love you, Ivar."