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Teacher Knows Best

; Hoseok x Reader x Jimin
; Genre: Smut
; Word Count: 14k
; Warnings: Gratuitous sex, blowjobs, unprotected sex, threesome, it’s just filth
; Synopsis: Everyone knows that education is important, and the best educators are the most experienced. It’s only fair that they use that knowledge to nurture and teach others. So sit down and pay attention because Mr Jung is going to be giving a hands on lesson. Class is now in session.
; A/N: Be gentle, it’s my first smut. You can all thanks @rbuns @gimmesumsuga and @yminie (thank you for reading!) for encouraging me to write this. I hope it lives up to everyone’s expectations….now I’ma run!
Going into a primary school as an adult is always a strange experience as everything has been designed for kids, which means super tiny furniture and everything on a level that would require you to kneel down. It makes you feel a little like Godzilla running through a city.
Shaking your head to dislodge that bizarre thought, you continue to make your way to your boyfriend’s classroom. Hoseok taught Year 4 kids, which meant he had a class full of rowdy 8 and 9 year olds to wrangle every day. If his stories gushing about the kids and the sweet, fond smile he always got whenever he talked about them were an indication, he adored teaching them.
At 26, he’d been employed at the school now for three years and was onto his third class. You’d like to say that he was getting used to giving up his class when the end of the school year came, the now older children moving on up to Year 5 and becoming Mr Kim Namjoon’s problems while Hoseok inherited Mr Jeon Jungkook’s class.
You’d be lying though, as each year Hoseok had a minor mental breakdown at losing his class, usually resulting in him getting sad and depressive for a few weeks after they’d gone. He remained sad even a week or two after the start of the new year until he fell in love with his new class.
The sheer compassion Hoseok had for his class and his clear love of teaching were just two of the many things you loved about him. Even though you’d been together for six years now, his job had only made new parts of his personality come to life that allowed you to fall in love further.
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Ready (YoonMinJoon)
AO3 Link Here!
Relationships: Jimin x Namjoon x Yoongi
Genre(s): smut, PWP Rating: Explicit
Written for @btspolyshipbingo
Square Filled: First Time
Tags: smut, pwp, first time, dirty talk, bareback, coming untouched, multiple orgasms, oral sex, bottom!Jimin, implied switch!Namjoon, top!Namjoon, top!Yoongi, established relationship
Summary: Jimin is finally ready to give a special part of himself to his boyfriends. They do their best to make it special.
Word Count: ~2.4k
A/N: This was written for Jimin’s birthday, and also fulfills an anonymous request in which someone was hoping for bottom!Jimin with one or more of his hyungs. Hope this is what you were hoping for! Thank you!

“I don’t get it?”
Jimin glanced up from his phone at the pouting Jungkook.
“Get what?”
“You three.”
Jimin smiled patiently. He was used to questions from Jungkook about his relationship with Namjoon and Yoongi. As many years as they’d lived and worked together, Jungkook’s curiosity was never sated. He set his phone aside, giving Jungkook his full attention. “What don’t you get?”
“You’re all together. So why… Are you out here, while they’re in there?” He motioned to the closed bedroom door.
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